Waterproof JSN-SR04T Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

The JSN-SR04T is an ultrasonic distance sensor. There are two versions v2.0 and v3.0. They differ in the range of action. v2.0 with a range of 25 to 450 cm. v3.0 with a range of 20 to 600 cm. Also more stable. The very short range makes it of limited use.

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Connection to the autopilot

To setup as the first rangefinder. Reboot after setting parameters:

  • RNGFND1_MAX = “4.5” (i.e. 4.5m max range for v2.0 ver)

  • RNGFND1_MIN = “0.25” (i.e. 0.25m min range for v2.0 ver)

  • RNGFND1_STOP_PIN = Enter GPIO number for pin attached to JSN-SR04T “Trigger” pin. See GPIOs.

  • RNGFND1_PIN = Enter GPIO number for pin attached to JSN-SR04T “Echo” pin.

  • RNGFND1_TYPE = “30” (HC-SR04 sonar)

  • RNGFND1_ORIENT = “25” (Downward facing) if used for altitude control.