“ArduPilot” is a registered trademark in the United States.
As mentioned on the License page we greatly appreciate those companies and individuals who have incorporated the ArduPilot software into their products for sale. A significant number have already done this and we expect many more to follow.
In general, the development team encourages the use of “ArduPilot” on products and services which incorporate the ArduPilot software but we request the following:
The company has thoroughly tested the product with ArduPilot and provides after sales support to the buyer
An official stable release of ArduPilot is used or a release sanctioned by one of the members of the ArduPilot development team
The ArduPilot license is followed including allowing the owner of the product to upload custom or newer versions of ArduPilot to the flight controller (these custom versions do not actually need to work but it should be possible to upload them)
The product is not intended to cause harm to people or property
Please consider becoming an ArduPilot partner to support the ongoing development and support of ArduPilot
If you have any further questions about using ArduPilot on your product, please get in touch with Andrew Tridgell or Randy Mackay through one of the methods listed on our Contact Us page.
Below is the logo we use. Other file types are available here.