AutoTest OutputΒΆ

pbarker@bluebottle:~/rc/ardupilot(master)$ ./Tools/autotest/ build.ArduCopter fly.ArduCopter
Running: ("git rev-parse HEAD") in (/home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot)
>>>> RUNNING STEP: build.ArduCopter at Mon Mar 18 15:08:34 2019
Running: ("/bin/rm -f logs/*.BIN logs/LASTLOG.TXT") in (.)
Running: ("./modules/waf/waf-light" "configure" "--board" "sitl") in (/home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot)
Setting top to                           : /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot
Setting out to                           : /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/build
Autoconfiguration                        : enabled
GCOV code coverage analysis              : no
Setting board to                         : sitl
Using toolchain                          : native
Checking for 'g++' (C++ compiler)        : /usr/lib/ccache/g++
Checking for 'gcc' (C compiler)          : /usr/lib/ccache/gcc
Checking for c flags '-MMD'              : yes
Checking for cxx flags '-MMD'            : yes
Checking for need to link with librt     : not necessary
Checking for HAVE_CMATH_ISFINITE         : yes
Checking for HAVE_CMATH_ISINF            : yes
Checking for HAVE_CMATH_ISNAN            : yes
Checking for header endian.h                   : yes
Checking for header byteswap.h                 : yes
Checking for HAVE_MEMRCHR                      : yes
Checking for program 'python'                  : /home/pbarker/bin/python
Checking for python version >= 2.7.0           : 2.7.15
Checking for program 'python'                  : /home/pbarker/bin/python
Checking for python version >= 2.7.0           : 2.7.15
Source is git repository                       : yes
Update submodules                              : yes
Checking for program 'git'                     : /usr/bin/git
Checking for program 'size'                    : /usr/bin/size
Benchmarks                                     : disabled
Unit tests                                     : enabled
Scripting                                      : disabled
Scripting runtime checks                       : enabled
Checking for program 'rsync'                   : /usr/bin/rsync
'configure' finished successfully (1.152s)
Running: ("./modules/waf/waf-light" "clean") in (/home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot)
'clean' finished successfully (1.016s)
Running: ("./modules/waf/waf-light" "build" "--target" "bin/arducopter") in (/home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot)
Waf: Entering directory `/home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/build/sitl'
[3/4] Processing modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml
[4/4] Creating build/sitl/ap_version.h
Validation skipped for /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml.
Parsing /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml
Note: message DATA64 is longer than 64 bytes long (74 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message DATA96 is longer than 64 bytes long (106 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message REMOTE_LOG_DATA_BLOCK is longer than 64 bytes long (214 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message DEVICE_OP_READ_REPLY is longer than 64 bytes long (143 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message DEVICE_OP_WRITE is longer than 64 bytes long (187 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Validation skipped for /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/common.xml.
Parsing /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/common.xml
Note: message GPS_STATUS is longer than 64 bytes long (109 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message ATTITUDE_QUATERNION_COV is longer than 64 bytes long (80 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message GLOBAL_POSITION_INT_COV is longer than 64 bytes long (189 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message LOCAL_POSITION_NED_COV is longer than 64 bytes long (233 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message HIL_ACTUATOR_CONTROLS is longer than 64 bytes long (89 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message GLOBAL_VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE is longer than 64 bytes long (124 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE is longer than 64 bytes long (124 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message VICON_POSITION_ESTIMATE is longer than 64 bytes long (124 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message HIGHRES_IMU is longer than 64 bytes long (70 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message HIL_SENSOR is longer than 64 bytes long (72 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message SIM_STATE is longer than 64 bytes long (92 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message FILE_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL is longer than 64 bytes long (262 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message HIL_STATE_QUATERNION is longer than 64 bytes long (72 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message LOG_DATA is longer than 64 bytes long (105 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message GPS_INJECT_DATA is longer than 64 bytes long (121 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message SERIAL_CONTROL is longer than 64 bytes long (87 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message ENCAPSULATED_DATA is longer than 64 bytes long (263 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message ATT_POS_MOCAP is longer than 64 bytes long (128 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message RESOURCE_REQUEST is longer than 64 bytes long (251 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message FOLLOW_TARGET is longer than 64 bytes long (101 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message CONTROL_SYSTEM_STATE is longer than 64 bytes long (108 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message AUTOPILOT_VERSION is longer than 64 bytes long (86 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message LANDING_TARGET is longer than 64 bytes long (68 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message GPS_INPUT is longer than 64 bytes long (71 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message GPS_RTCM_DATA is longer than 64 bytes long (190 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message HOME_POSITION is longer than 64 bytes long (68 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message SET_HOME_POSITION is longer than 64 bytes long (69 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message V2_EXTENSION is longer than 64 bytes long (262 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message PLAY_TUNE is longer than 64 bytes long (240 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message CAMERA_INFORMATION is longer than 64 bytes long (243 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message CAMERA_IMAGE_CAPTURED is longer than 64 bytes long (263 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message LOGGING_DATA is longer than 64 bytes long (263 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message LOGGING_DATA_ACKED is longer than 64 bytes long (263 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message WIFI_CONFIG_AP is longer than 64 bytes long (104 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message UAVCAN_NODE_INFO is longer than 64 bytes long (124 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message OBSTACLE_DISTANCE is longer than 64 bytes long (166 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message ODOMETRY is longer than 64 bytes long (238 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message DEBUG_FLOAT_ARRAY is longer than 64 bytes long (260 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message STATUSTEXT_LONG is longer than 64 bytes long (263 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Note: message WHEEL_DISTANCE is longer than 64 bytes long (145 bytes), which can cause fragmentation since many radio modems use 64 bytes as maximum air transfer unit.
Validation skipped for /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/uAvionix.xml.
Parsing /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/uAvionix.xml
Validation skipped for /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/icarous.xml.
Parsing /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/icarous.xml
Merged enum MAV_CMD
Found 222 MAVLink message types in 4 XML files
Generating C implementation in directory /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/build/sitl/libraries/GCS_MAVLink/include/mavlink/v2.0/ardupilotmega
Generating C implementation in directory /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/build/sitl/libraries/GCS_MAVLink/include/mavlink/v2.0/common
Generating C implementation in directory /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/build/sitl/libraries/GCS_MAVLink/include/mavlink/v2.0/uAvionix
Generating C implementation in directory /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/build/sitl/libraries/GCS_MAVLink/include/mavlink/v2.0/icarous
Copying fixed headers for protocol 2.0 to /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/build/sitl/libraries/GCS_MAVLink/include/mavlink/v2.0
[  5/535] Compiling libraries/AC_AttitudeControl/AC_AttitudeControl_Sub.cpp
[  6/535] Compiling libraries/AC_AttitudeControl/AC_AttitudeControl_Heli.cpp
[  7/535] Compiling libraries/AC_AttitudeControl/ControlMonitor.cpp
[  8/535] Compiling libraries/AC_AttitudeControl/AC_AttitudeControl_Multi.cpp
[  9/535] Compiling libraries/AC_AttitudeControl/AC_PosControl_Sub.cpp
[ 10/535] Compiling libraries/AC_AutoTune/AC_AutoTune.cpp
[ 11/535] Compiling libraries/AC_Fence/AC_PolyFence_loader.cpp
[ 12/535] Compiling libraries/AC_InputManager/AC_InputManager.cpp
[ 13/535] Compiling libraries/AC_InputManager/AC_InputManager_Heli.cpp
[ 14/535] Compiling libraries/AC_PID/AC_PID_2D.cpp
[ 15/535] Compiling libraries/AC_PID/AC_PI_2D.cpp
[ 16/535] Compiling libraries/AC_PID/AC_HELI_PID.cpp
[ 17/535] Compiling libraries/AC_PID/AC_P.cpp
[ 18/535] Compiling libraries/AC_PID/AC_PID.cpp
[ 19/535] Compiling libraries/AC_PrecLand/AC_PrecLand_Companion.cpp
[ 20/535] Compiling libraries/AC_PrecLand/AC_PrecLand_SITL.cpp
[ 21/535] Compiling libraries/AC_PrecLand/AC_PrecLand_SITL_Gazebo.cpp
[ 22/535] Compiling libraries/AC_PrecLand/PosVelEKF.cpp
[ 23/535] Compiling libraries/AC_PrecLand/AC_PrecLand.cpp
[ 24/535] Compiling libraries/AC_PrecLand/AC_PrecLand_IRLock.cpp
[ 25/535] Compiling libraries/AC_Sprayer/AC_Sprayer.cpp
[ 26/535] Compiling libraries/AC_WPNav/AC_WPNav.cpp
[ 27/535] Compiling libraries/AC_WPNav/AC_Circle.cpp
[ 28/535] Compiling libraries/AC_WPNav/AC_Loiter.cpp
[ 29/535] Compiling libraries/AP_ADC/AP_ADC_ADS1115.cpp
[ 30/535] Compiling libraries/AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS_NavEKF.cpp
[ 31/535] Compiling libraries/AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS_View.cpp
[ 32/535] Compiling libraries/AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS_DCM.cpp
[ 33/535] Compiling libraries/AP_AccelCal/AccelCalibrator.cpp
[ 34/535] Compiling libraries/AP_AdvancedFailsafe/AP_AdvancedFailsafe.cpp
[ 35/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed_analog.cpp
[ 36/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed_Health.cpp
[ 37/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Airspeed/Airspeed_Calibration.cpp
[ 38/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed_MS5525.cpp
[ 39/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed_Backend.cpp
[ 40/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed_UAVCAN.cpp
[ 41/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed_SDP3X.cpp
[ 42/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed_MS4525.cpp
[ 43/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed_DLVR.cpp
[ 44/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro_UAVCAN.cpp
[ 45/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro_FBM320.cpp
[ 46/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro_BMP085.cpp
[ 47/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro_HIL.cpp
[ 48/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro_DPS280.cpp
[ 49/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro_BMP280.cpp
[ 50/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro_Backend.cpp
[ 51/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro_KellerLD.cpp
[ 52/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro_ICM20789.cpp
[ 53/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro_LPS2XH.cpp
[ 54/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro_MS5611.cpp
[ 55/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor_SMBus.cpp
[ 56/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor_Backend.cpp
[ 57/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor_Bebop.cpp
[ 58/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor_BLHeliESC.cpp
[ 59/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor_Analog.cpp
[ 60/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor_UAVCAN.cpp
[ 61/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor_SMBus_Maxell.cpp
[ 62/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor_SMBus_Solo.cpp
[ 63/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor_Sum.cpp
[ 64/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Beacon/AP_Beacon_Marvelmind.cpp
[ 65/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Beacon/AP_Beacon_Pozyx.cpp
[ 66/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Beacon/AP_Beacon_Backend.cpp
[ 67/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Beacon/AP_Beacon.cpp
[ 68/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Beacon/AP_Beacon_SITL.cpp
[ 69/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BoardConfig/board_drivers.cpp
[ 70/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BoardConfig/canbus_interface.cpp
[ 71/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BoardConfig/canbus_slcan.cpp
[ 72/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Button/AP_Button.cpp
[ 73/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Camera/AP_Camera.cpp
[ 74/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Common/c++.cpp
[ 75/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Common/Location.cpp
[ 76/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Common/AP_Common.cpp
[ 77/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Common/AP_FWVersion.cpp
[ 78/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Common/Bitmask.cpp
[ 79/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_RM3100.cpp
[ 80/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_LSM9DS1.cpp
[ 81/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_LSM303D.cpp
[ 82/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_HIL.cpp
[ 83/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_Calibration.cpp
[ 84/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_Backend.cpp
[ 85/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_BMM150.cpp
[ 86/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_AK8963.cpp
[ 87/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_AK09916.cpp
[ 88/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/Compass_PerMotor.cpp
[ 89/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_QMC5883L.cpp
[ 90/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_MAG3110.cpp
[ 91/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/Compass_learn.cpp
[ 92/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_IST8310.cpp
[ 93/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_SITL.cpp
[ 94/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_LIS3MDL.cpp
[ 95/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_HMC5843.cpp
[ 96/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_MMC3416.cpp
[ 97/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_UAVCAN.cpp
[ 98/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_IST8308.cpp
[ 99/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/CompassCalibrator.cpp
[100/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Declination/tables.cpp
[101/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Declination/AP_Declination.cpp
[102/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Devo_Telem/AP_Devo_Telem.cpp
[103/535] Compiling libraries/AP_FlashStorage/AP_FlashStorage.cpp
[104/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Follow/AP_Follow.cpp
[105/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Frsky_Telem/AP_Frsky_Telem.cpp
[106/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS_MTK19.cpp
[107/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS_MTK.cpp
[108/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS.cpp
[109/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS_UBLOX.cpp
[110/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS_NOVA.cpp
[111/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/GPS_Backend.cpp
[112/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS_GSOF.cpp
[113/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS_MAV.cpp
[114/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS_UAVCAN.cpp
[115/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS_SBP2.cpp
[116/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS_ERB.cpp
[117/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS_SIRF.cpp
[118/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS_SBP.cpp
[119/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS_NMEA.cpp
[120/535] Compiling libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS_SBF.cpp
[121/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Gripper/AP_Gripper_Servo.cpp
[122/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Gripper/AP_Gripper.cpp
[123/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Gripper/AP_Gripper_Backend.cpp
[124/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Gripper/AP_Gripper_EPM.cpp
[125/535] Compiling libraries/AP_ICEngine/AP_ICEngine.cpp
[126/535] Compiling libraries/AP_IOMCU/fw_uploader.cpp
[127/535] Compiling libraries/AP_IOMCU/AP_IOMCU.cpp
[128/535] Compiling libraries/AP_IRLock/IRLock.cpp
[129/535] Compiling libraries/AP_IRLock/AP_IRLock_SITL_Gazebo.cpp
[130/535] Compiling libraries/AP_IRLock/AP_IRLock_I2C.cpp
[131/535] Compiling libraries/AP_IRLock/AP_IRLock_SITL.cpp
[132/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialNav/AP_InertialNav_NavEKF.cpp
[133/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_LSM9DS1.cpp
[134/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_Invensense.cpp
[135/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_Backend.cpp
[136/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_RST.cpp
[137/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_LSM9DS0.cpp
[138/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2.cpp
[139/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_L3G4200D.cpp
[140/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_HIL.cpp
[141/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_BMI088.cpp
[142/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_BMI160.cpp
[143/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_SITL.cpp
[144/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_BMI055.cpp
[145/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/BatchSampler.cpp
[146/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AuxiliaryBus.cpp
[147/535] Compiling libraries/AP_KDECAN/AP_KDECAN.cpp
[148/535] Compiling libraries/AP_LandingGear/AP_LandingGear.cpp
[149/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Logger/LogFile.cpp
[150/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Logger/AP_Logger_DataFlash.cpp
[151/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Logger/LoggerMessageWriter.cpp
[152/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Logger/AP_Logger_SITL.cpp
[153/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Logger/AP_Logger_MAVLink.cpp
[154/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Logger/AP_Logger_MAVLinkLogTransfer.cpp
[155/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Logger/AP_Logger.cpp
[156/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Logger/AP_Logger_Block.cpp
[157/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Math/matrixN.cpp
[158/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Math/location_double.cpp
[159/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Math/AP_Math.cpp
[160/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Math/matrix3.cpp
[161/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Math/location.cpp
[162/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Math/crc.cpp
[163/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Math/edc.cpp
[164/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Math/polygon.cpp
[165/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Math/matrix_alg.cpp
[166/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Math/AP_GeodesicGrid.cpp
[167/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Math/vector3.cpp
[168/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Math/quaternion.cpp
[169/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Math/spline5.cpp
[170/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Math/vector2.cpp
[171/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Mission/AP_Mission_Commands.cpp
[172/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Module/AP_Module.cpp
[173/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsTri.cpp
[174/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsMatrixTS.cpp
[175/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Motors/AP_Motors_Class.cpp
[176/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsSingle.cpp
[177/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsTailsitter.cpp
[178/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsMulticopter.cpp
[179/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsHeli_Single.cpp
[180/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsCoax.cpp
[181/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Motors/AP_Motors6DOF.cpp
[182/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsMatrix.cpp
[183/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsHeli_RSC.cpp
[184/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsHeli.cpp
[185/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsHeli_Quad.cpp
[186/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsHeli_Dual.cpp
[187/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Mount/SoloGimbalEKF.cpp
[188/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Mount/AP_Mount_SoloGimbal.cpp
[189/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Mount/AP_Mount_SToRM32.cpp
[190/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Mount/SoloGimbal_Parameters.cpp
[191/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Mount/SoloGimbal.cpp
[192/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Mount/AP_Mount_SToRM32_serial.cpp
[193/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Mount/AP_Mount_Servo.cpp
[194/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Mount/AP_Mount_Backend.cpp
[195/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Mount/AP_Mount.cpp
[196/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Mount/AP_Mount_Alexmos.cpp
[197/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF2_Outputs.cpp
[198/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF2_VehicleStatus.cpp
[199/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF2_OptFlowFusion.cpp
[200/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF2_MagFusion.cpp
[201/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF2_AirDataFusion.cpp
[202/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF2_Control.cpp
[203/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF2_PosVelFusion.cpp
[204/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF_GyroBias.cpp
[205/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF2_RngBcnFusion.cpp
[206/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF2_core.cpp
[207/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF2_Measurements.cpp
[208/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3_core.cpp
[209/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3_OptFlowFusion.cpp
[210/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3_Control.cpp
[211/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3_Outputs.cpp
[212/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3_Measurements.cpp
[213/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3_GyroBias.cpp
[214/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3_MagFusion.cpp
[215/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3_RngBcnFusion.cpp
[216/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3_PosVelFusion.cpp
[217/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3_VehicleStatus.cpp
[218/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3_AirDataFusion.cpp
[219/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/RGBLed.cpp
[220/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/PixRacerLED.cpp
[221/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/MMLPlayer.cpp
[222/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/Display.cpp
[223/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/DiscreteRGBLed.cpp
[224/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/DiscoLED.cpp
[225/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/Buzzer.cpp
[226/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/AP_Notify.cpp
[227/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/AP_BoardLED2.cpp
[228/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/AP_BoardLED.cpp
[229/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/RCOutputRGBLed.cpp
[230/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/PCA9685LED_I2C.cpp
[231/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/NCP5623.cpp
[232/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/OreoLED_I2C.cpp
[233/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/ToneAlarm.cpp
[234/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/ExternalLED.cpp
[235/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/Display_SH1106_I2C.cpp
[236/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/Led_Sysfs.cpp
[237/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/ToshibaLED_I2C.cpp
[238/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/Display_SSD1306_I2C.cpp
[239/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/VRBoard_LED.cpp
[240/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/UAVCAN_RGB_LED.cpp
[241/535] Compiling libraries/AP_OSD/AP_OSD_Setting.cpp
[242/535] Compiling libraries/AP_OSD/AP_OSD_SITL.cpp
[243/535] Compiling libraries/AP_OSD/AP_OSD_Screen.cpp
[244/535] Compiling libraries/AP_OSD/AP_OSD_MAX7456.cpp
[245/535] Compiling libraries/AP_OSD/AP_OSD.cpp
[246/535] Compiling libraries/AP_OSD/AP_OSD_Backend.cpp
[247/535] Compiling libraries/AP_OpticalFlow/OpticalFlow_backend.cpp
[248/535] Compiling libraries/AP_OpticalFlow/OpticalFlow.cpp
[249/535] Compiling libraries/AP_OpticalFlow/AP_OpticalFlow_Pixart.cpp
[250/535] Compiling libraries/AP_OpticalFlow/AP_OpticalFlow_SITL.cpp
[251/535] Compiling libraries/AP_OpticalFlow/AP_OpticalFlow_PX4Flow.cpp
[252/535] Compiling libraries/AP_OpticalFlow/AP_OpticalFlow_Onboard.cpp
[253/535] Compiling libraries/AP_OpticalFlow/AP_OpticalFlow_CXOF.cpp
[254/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Parachute/AP_Parachute.cpp
[255/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Param/AP_Param.cpp
[256/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity_LightWareSF40C.cpp
[257/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity_TeraRangerTower.cpp
[258/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity_SITL.cpp
[259/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity_MAV.cpp
[260/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity_Backend.cpp
[261/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity_TeraRangerTowerEvo.cpp
[262/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity.cpp
[263/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity_RPLidarA2.cpp
[264/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity_RangeFinder.cpp
[265/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity_MorseSITL.cpp
[266/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RAMTRON/AP_RAMTRON.cpp
[267/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RCMapper/AP_RCMapper.cpp
[268/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RCProtocol/AP_RCProtocol_SRXL.cpp
[269/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RCProtocol/AP_RCProtocol_PPMSum.cpp
[270/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RCProtocol/AP_RCProtocol_SBUS.cpp
[271/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RCProtocol/AP_RCProtocol_DSM.cpp
[272/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RCProtocol/AP_RCProtocol.cpp
[273/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RCProtocol/AP_RCProtocol_SUMD.cpp
[274/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RCProtocol/SoftSerial.cpp
[275/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RCProtocol/AP_RCProtocol_ST24.cpp
[276/535] Compiling libraries/AP_ROMFS/tinfgzip.cpp
[277/535] Compiling libraries/AP_ROMFS/tinflate.cpp
[278/535] Compiling libraries/AP_ROMFS/AP_ROMFS.cpp
[279/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RPM/AP_RPM.cpp
[280/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RPM/RPM_SITL.cpp
[281/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RPM/RPM_Pin.cpp
[282/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RPM/RPM_Backend.cpp
[283/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RSSI/AP_RSSI.cpp
[284/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RTC/JitterCorrection.cpp
[285/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RTC/AP_RTC.cpp
[286/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Radio/AP_Radio_cc2500.cpp
[287/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Radio/AP_Radio.cpp
[288/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Radio/driver_cc2500.cpp
[289/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Radio/AP_Radio_backend.cpp
[290/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Radio/AP_Radio_cypress.cpp
[291/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_Bebop.cpp
[292/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_TeraRangerI2C.cpp
[293/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_Params.cpp
[294/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_MAVLink.cpp
[295/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_VL53L0X.cpp
[296/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_LeddarOne.cpp
[297/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_Benewake.cpp
[298/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_BBB_PRU.cpp
[299/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_VL53L1X.cpp
[300/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C.cpp
[301/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/RangeFinder_Backend.cpp
[302/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_PulsedLightLRF.cpp
[303/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_LightWareSerial.cpp
[304/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_NMEA.cpp
[305/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_PWM.cpp
[306/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_MaxsonarI2CXL.cpp
[307/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_Wasp.cpp
[308/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_uLanding.cpp
[309/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_MaxsonarSerialLV.cpp
[310/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_analog.cpp
[311/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Relay/AP_Relay.cpp
[312/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RobotisServo/AP_RobotisServo.cpp
[313/535] Compiling libraries/AP_SBusOut/AP_SBusOut.cpp
[314/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Scheduler/PerfInfo.cpp
[315/535] Compiling libraries/AP_SerialManager/AP_SerialManager.cpp
[316/535] Compiling libraries/AP_ServoRelayEvents/AP_ServoRelayEvents.cpp
[317/535] Compiling libraries/AP_SmartRTL/AP_SmartRTL.cpp
[318/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Stats/AP_Stats.cpp
[319/535] Compiling libraries/AP_TempCalibration/AP_TempCalibration.cpp
[320/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Terrain/TerrainUtil.cpp
[321/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Terrain/AP_Terrain.cpp
[322/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Terrain/TerrainMission.cpp
[323/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Terrain/TerrainIO.cpp
[324/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Terrain/TerrainGCS.cpp
[325/535] Compiling libraries/AP_ToshibaCAN/AP_ToshibaCAN.cpp
[326/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Tuning/AP_Tuning.cpp
[327/535] Compiling libraries/AP_VisualOdom/AP_VisualOdom_Backend.cpp
[328/535] Compiling libraries/AP_VisualOdom/AP_VisualOdom_MAV.cpp
[329/535] Compiling libraries/AP_VisualOdom/AP_VisualOdom.cpp
[330/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Volz_Protocol/AP_Volz_Protocol.cpp
[331/535] Compiling libraries/AP_WheelEncoder/AP_WheelEncoder.cpp
[332/535] Compiling libraries/AP_WheelEncoder/WheelEncoder_Backend.cpp
[333/535] Compiling libraries/AP_WheelEncoder/WheelEncoder_Quadrature.cpp
[334/535] Compiling libraries/AP_WheelEncoder/AP_WheelRateControl.cpp
[335/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Winch/AP_Winch_Servo.cpp
[336/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Winch/AP_Winch.cpp
[337/535] Compiling libraries/Filter/DerivativeFilter.cpp
[338/535] Compiling libraries/Filter/LowPassFilter2p.cpp
[339/535] Compiling libraries/Filter/NotchFilter.cpp
[340/535] Compiling libraries/Filter/LowPassFilter.cpp
[341/535] Compiling libraries/GCS_MAVLink/GCS_Param.cpp
[342/535] Compiling libraries/GCS_MAVLink/GCS_MAVLink.cpp
[343/535] Compiling libraries/GCS_MAVLink/GCS_Rally.cpp
[344/535] Compiling libraries/GCS_MAVLink/GCS_serial_control.cpp
[345/535] Compiling libraries/GCS_MAVLink/GCS_Signing.cpp
[346/535] Compiling libraries/GCS_MAVLink/MAVLink_routing.cpp
[347/535] Compiling libraries/GCS_MAVLink/GCS_Dummy.cpp
[348/535] Compiling libraries/GCS_MAVLink/GCS_Fence.cpp
[349/535] Compiling libraries/GCS_MAVLink/GCS_DeviceOp.cpp
[350/535] Compiling libraries/GCS_MAVLink/GCS.cpp
[351/535] Compiling libraries/GCS_MAVLink/GCS_ServoRelay.cpp
[352/535] Compiling libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channels.cpp
[353/535] Compiling libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp
[354/535] Compiling libraries/SRV_Channel/SRV_Channel_aux.cpp
[355/535] Compiling libraries/SRV_Channel/SRV_Channel.cpp
[356/535] Compiling libraries/StorageManager/StorageManager.cpp
[357/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/replace.cpp
[358/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/getopt_cpp.cpp
[359/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/BetterStream.cpp
[360/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/Scheduler.cpp
[361/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/Util.cpp
[362/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/st24.cpp
[363/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/Socket.cpp
[364/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/packetise.cpp
[365/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/Device.cpp
[366/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/HAL.cpp
[367/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/ftoa_engine.cpp
[368/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/system.cpp
[369/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/RCOutput_Tap_Linux.cpp
[370/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/print_vprintf.cpp
[371/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/RCOutput_Tap.cpp
[372/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/utoa_invert.cpp
[373/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/RingBuffer.cpp
[374/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/dsm.cpp
[375/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/sumd.cpp
[376/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL/utility/srxl.cpp
[377/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_Empty/RCInput.cpp
[378/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_Empty/AnalogIn.cpp
[379/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_Empty/HAL_Empty_Class.cpp
[380/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_Empty/Scheduler.cpp
[381/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_Empty/UARTDriver.cpp
[382/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_Empty/Semaphores.cpp
[383/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_Empty/Storage.cpp
[384/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_Empty/RCOutput.cpp
[385/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_Empty/GPIO.cpp
[386/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/Semaphores.cpp
[387/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/RCInput.cpp
[388/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/UART_utils.cpp
[389/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/sitl_airspeed.cpp
[390/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/SITL_State.cpp
[391/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/UARTDriver.cpp
[392/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/GPIO.cpp
[393/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/RCOutput.cpp
[394/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/AnalogIn.cpp
[395/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/Util.cpp
[396/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/Storage.cpp
[397/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/Scheduler.cpp
[398/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/sitl_rangefinder.cpp
[399/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/HAL_SITL_Class.cpp
[400/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/sitl_gps.cpp
[401/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/system.cpp
[402/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Helicopter.cpp
[403/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Gripper_Servo.cpp
[404/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Motor.cpp
[405/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Multicopter.cpp
[406/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_ICEngine.cpp
[407/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Gimbal.cpp
[408/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Calibration.cpp
[409/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Aircraft.cpp
[410/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Balloon.cpp
[411/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Gazebo.cpp
[412/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_CRRCSim.cpp
[413/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Morse.cpp
[414/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Frame.cpp
[415/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_SingleCopter.cpp
[416/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Sailboat.cpp
[417/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_BalanceBot.cpp
[418/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_FlightAxis.cpp
[419/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Plane.cpp
[420/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_ADSB.cpp
[421/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Parachute.cpp
[422/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Gripper_EPM.cpp
[423/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Sprayer.cpp
[424/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_JSBSim.cpp
[425/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Precland.cpp
[426/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Vicon.cpp
[427/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Submarine.cpp
[428/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SITL.cpp
[429/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_QuadPlane.cpp
[430/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Tracker.cpp
[431/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_XPlane.cpp
[432/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Rover.cpp
[433/535] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_last_letter.cpp
[434/535] Compiling libraries/AP_AccelCal/AP_AccelCal.cpp
[435/535] Compiling libraries/AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.cpp
[436/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed.cpp
[437/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro.cpp
[438/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro_SITL.cpp
[439/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor.cpp
[440/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor_Params.cpp
[441/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BoardConfig/AP_BoardConfig_CAN.cpp
[442/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BoardConfig/canbus_driver.cpp
[443/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BoardConfig/AP_BoardConfig.cpp
[444/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass.cpp
[445/535] Compiling libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor.cpp
[446/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Mission/AP_Mission.cpp
[447/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF2.cpp
[448/535] Compiling libraries/AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3.cpp
[449/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Rally/AP_Rally.cpp
[450/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RangeFinder/RangeFinder.cpp
[451/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Scheduler/AP_Scheduler.cpp
[452/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Logger/AP_Logger_Backend.cpp
[453/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Logger/AP_Logger_File.cpp
[454/535] Compiling libraries/GCS_MAVLink/GCS_Common.cpp
[455/535] Compiling libraries/SRV_Channel/SRV_Channels.cpp
[456/535] Compiling libraries/AP_RCProtocol/AP_RCProtocol_Backend.cpp
[457/535] Compiling libraries/AP_BLHeli/AP_BLHeli.cpp
[458/535] Compiling libraries/AC_Fence/AC_Fence.cpp
[459/535] Compiling libraries/AC_Avoidance/AC_Avoid.cpp
[460/535] Compiling libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB.cpp
[461/535] Compiling libraries/AC_AttitudeControl/AC_AttitudeControl.cpp
[462/535] Compiling libraries/AC_AttitudeControl/AC_PosControl.cpp
[463/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Avoidance/AP_Avoidance.cpp
[464/535] Compiling libraries/AP_Arming/AP_Arming.cpp
[465/535] Compiling libraries/AP_HAL_SITL/SITL_cmdline.cpp
[466/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_flowhold.cpp
[467/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_acro_heli.cpp
[468/535] Compiling ArduCopter/Log.cpp
[469/535] Compiling ArduCopter/Attitude.cpp
[470/535] Compiling ArduCopter/Parameters.cpp
[471/535] Linking build/sitl/lib/libArduCopter_libs.a
[472/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_zigzag.cpp
[473/535] Compiling ArduCopter/leds.cpp
[474/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_avoid_adsb.cpp
[475/535] Compiling ArduCopter/system.cpp
[476/535] Compiling ArduCopter/baro_ground_effect.cpp
[477/535] Compiling ArduCopter/autoyaw.cpp
[478/535] Compiling ArduCopter/fence.cpp
[479/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_guided.cpp
[480/535] Compiling ArduCopter/UserParameters.cpp
[481/535] Compiling ArduCopter/AP_Rally.cpp
[482/535] Compiling ArduCopter/land_detector.cpp
[483/535] Compiling ArduCopter/precision_landing.cpp
[484/535] Compiling ArduCopter/RC_Channel.cpp
[485/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode.cpp
[486/535] Compiling ArduCopter/ekf_check.cpp
[487/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_auto.cpp
[488/535] Compiling ArduCopter/events.cpp
[489/535] Compiling ArduCopter/AP_Arming.cpp
[490/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_sport.cpp
[491/535] Compiling ArduCopter/Copter.cpp
[492/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_land.cpp
[493/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_drift.cpp
[494/535] Compiling ArduCopter/radio.cpp
[495/535] Compiling ArduCopter/UserCode.cpp
[496/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_althold.cpp
[497/535] Compiling ArduCopter/motors.cpp
[498/535] Compiling ArduCopter/GCS_Mavlink.cpp
[499/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_loiter.cpp
[500/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_throw.cpp
[501/535] Compiling ArduCopter/landing_gear.cpp
[502/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_autotune.cpp
[503/535] Compiling ArduCopter/avoidance_adsb.cpp
[504/535] Compiling ArduCopter/toy_mode.cpp
[505/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_brake.cpp
[506/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_stabilize.cpp
[507/535] Compiling ArduCopter/afs_copter.cpp
[508/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_smart_rtl.cpp
[509/535] Compiling ArduCopter/sensors.cpp
[510/535] Compiling ArduCopter/AP_State.cpp
[511/535] Compiling ArduCopter/GCS_Copter.cpp
[512/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_flip.cpp
[513/535] Compiling ArduCopter/terrain.cpp
[514/535] Compiling ArduCopter/version.cpp
[515/535] Compiling ArduCopter/commands.cpp
[516/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_rtl.cpp
[517/535] Compiling ArduCopter/inertia.cpp
[518/535] Compiling ArduCopter/ArduCopter.cpp
[519/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_circle.cpp
[520/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_follow.cpp
[521/535] Compiling ArduCopter/navigation.cpp
[522/535] Compiling ArduCopter/failsafe.cpp
[523/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_acro.cpp
[524/535] Compiling ArduCopter/setup.cpp
[525/535] Compiling ArduCopter/motor_test.cpp
[526/535] Compiling ArduCopter/takeoff.cpp
[527/535] Compiling ArduCopter/compassmot.cpp
[528/535] Compiling ArduCopter/esc_calibration.cpp
[529/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_stabilize_heli.cpp
[530/535] Compiling ArduCopter/heli.cpp
[531/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_poshold.cpp
[532/535] Compiling ArduCopter/mode_guided_nogps.cpp
[533/535] Compiling ArduCopter/tuning.cpp
[534/535] Compiling ArduCopter/crash_check.cpp
[535/535] Linking build/sitl/bin/arducopter
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/build/sitl'

Build directory: /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/build/sitl
Target          Text     Data   BSS    Total
bin/arducopter  1883261  82926  66208  2032395

Submodule MAVLink not updated: non-fastforward
Build commands will be stored in build/sitl/compile_commands.json
'build' finished successfully (45.254s)
>>>> PASSED STEP: build.ArduCopter at Mon Mar 18 15:09:22 2019
check step:  build.ArduCopter
>>>> RUNNING STEP: fly.ArduCopter at Mon Mar 18 15:09:22 2019
Running: ("/bin/rm -f logs/*.BIN logs/LASTLOG.TXT") in (.)
AUTOTEST: ##### Parachute is skipped: See
AUTOTEST: ########## Check for syntax mistake in autotest lambda  ##########
AUTOTEST: PASSED: Check for syntax mistake in autotest lambda
AUTOTEST: Starting simulator
Running: "/home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/build/sitl/bin/arducopter" "-w" "-S" "--home" "-35.362938,149.165085,584,270" "--model" "+" "--speedup" "8" "--serial5=sim:vicon:"
Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
AUTOTEST: Starting MAVProxy
Connect tcp: source_system=255
Running script (/home/pbarker/.mavinit.scr)
Running script /home/pbarker/.mavinit.scr
-> module load graph
Loaded module graph
-> set moddebug 3
-> module load msg
Loaded module msg
-> alias add fence-dalby fence load /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/ArduPlane-Missions/Dalby-OBC2016-fence.txt
-> alias add wp-dalby wp load /home/pbarker/rc/cuav/script/OBC2016/mission-plane.txt
-> alias add wp-dalby-heli wp load /home/pbarker/rc/cuav/script/OBC2016/mission-heli.txt
-> alias add grcall graph RC_CHANNELS.chan1_raw RC_CHANNELS.chan2_raw RC_CHANNELS.chan3_raw RC_CHANNELS.chan4_raw RC_CHANNELS.chan5_raw RC_CHANNELS.chan6_raw RC_CHANNELS.chan7_raw RC_CHANNELS.chan8_raw RC_CHANNELS.chan9_raw RC_CHANNELS.chan10_raw RC_CHANNELS.chan11_raw RC_CHANNELS.chan12_raw
-> alias add grchigh graph SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW.servo7_raw SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW.servo8_raw SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW.servo9_raw SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW.servo10_raw SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW.servo11_raw SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW.servo12_raw
-> module load nsh
Loaded module nsh
-> alias add s mode stabilize
-> alias add a arm throttle
-> alias add u rc 3 1600
-> alias add d rc 3 1000
-> alias add l mode land
-> alias add ab log filter add CAM,ATT
-> module load devop
Loaded module devop
-> alias add old devop read i2c bob 0 0x52 0xc0 1
-> alias add newx devop i2c read 0 0x55 0 16
-> alias add new devop i2c read 1 0x1e 0x00 1
-> alias add i2cscan devop i2c scan 1
-> alias add spiread devop spi read mpu6000 0xf5 1
-> module load message
Loaded module message
-> alias add chase mode 22
-> alias add m message GLOBAL_POSITION_INT 0 -353633519 1491652464 586000 2000 0 0 0 0
-> alias add m2 message GLOBAL_POSITION_INT 0 -353633519 1491652464 586000 15000 0 0 0 0
-> alias add m3 message GLOBAL_POSITION_INT 0 -353633519 1491655464 586000 15000 0 0 0 0
-> alias add bob long set_message_interval
-> alias add x param help SERIAL1_PROTOCOL
-> alias add y param help SERIAL1_BAUD
-> output add udpin:
Adding output udpin:
-> alias add flash_bootloader long FLASH_BOOTLOADER 0 0 0 0 290876
-> alias add pulse relay repeat 1 60 0.1
-> alias add j graph PL.pX PL.pY MSG.Message RFND.Dist1:2
-> alias add getwp_south wp load /home/pbarker/rc/cuav/cuav/script/2018/Dalby-mission-Porter-south-takeoff.txt
-> alias add getwp_north wp load /home/pbarker/rc/cuav/cuav/script/2018/Dalby-mission-Porter-north-takeoff.txt
-> alias add f1 long DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE 2 0 0 0
-> alias add f2 message MOUNT_CONFIGURE 1 1 2 0 0 0
-> alias add fast long SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL 22 20000
-> alias add slow long SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL 22 1000000
-> map set showdirection 1
Unknown command 'map set showdirection 1'
-> alias add fnoo wp load /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/ArduPlane-Missions/Dalby-OBC2016.txt
no script test.ArduCopter/mavinit.scr
Log Directory: test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1
Telemetry log: test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/flight.tlog
AUTOTEST: LOGFILE test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/flight.tlog
AUTOTEST: buildlog=/home/pbarker/rc/buildlogs/ArduCopter-test.tlog
AUTOTEST: Waiting for Parameters
Waiting for heartbeat from tcp:
MAV> online system 1
Init Gyro***Ready to FLY fence breach
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
Received 1112 parameters
AUTOTEST: Starting MAVLink connection
AUTOTEST: Applying default parameters file
param load /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/default_params/copter.parm
parmm load /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/default_params/copter.p
STABILIZE> Saved 1112 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
APM: EKF2 IMU0 Origin set to GPS
APM: EKF2 IMU1 Origin set to GPS
changed FRAME_TYPE from 1.000000 to 0.000000
changed BATT_MONITOR from 0.000000 to 4.000000
changed FENCE_RADIUS from 300.000000 to 150.000000
changed FRAME_CLASS from 0.000000 to 1.000000
Flight battery warning
changed RC1_MAX from 1900.000000 to 2000.000000
changed RC1_MIN from 1100.000000 to 1000.000000
changed RC2_MAX from 1900.000000 to 2000.000000
changed RC2_MIN from 1100.000000 to 1000.000000
changed RC3_MAX from 1900.000000 to 2000.000000
changed RC3_MIN from 1100.000000 to 1000.000000
changed RC4_MAX from 1900.000000 to 2000.000000
changed RC4_MIN from 1100.000000 to 1000.000000
changed RC5_MAX from 1900.000000 to 2000.000000
changed RC5_MIN from 1100.000000 to 1000.000000
changed RC6_MAX from 1900.000000 to 2000.000000
changed RC6_MIN from 1100.000000 to 1000.000000
changed RC7_MAX from 1900.000000 to 2000.000000
changed RC7_MIN from 1100.000000 to 1000.000000
APM: PreArm: 3D Accel calibration needed
changed RC7_OPTION from 0.000000 to 7.000000
changed RC8_MAX from 1900.000000 to 2000.000000
changed RC8_MIN from 1100.000000 to 1000.000000
changed FLTMODE1 from 0.000000 to 7.000000
changed FLTMODE2 from 0.000000 to 9.000000
changed FLTMODE3 from 0.000000 to 6.000000
changed FLTMODE4 from 0.000000 to 3.000000
changed FLTMODE5 from 0.000000 to 5.000000
changed SIM_BARO_RND from 0.200000 to 0.000000
changed INS_ACCOFFS_X from 0.000000 to 0.001000
changed INS_ACCOFFS_Y from 0.000000 to 0.001000
changed INS_ACCOFFS_Z from 0.000000 to 0.001000
changed INS_ACCSCAL_X from 1.000000 to 1.001000
changed INS_ACCSCAL_Y from 1.000000 to 1.001000
changed INS_ACCSCAL_Z from 1.000000 to 1.001000
changed INS_ACC2OFFS_X from 0.000000 to 0.001000
changed INS_ACC2OFFS_Y from 0.000000 to 0.001000
changed INS_ACC2OFFS_Z from 0.000000 to 0.001000
changed INS_ACC2SCAL_X from 1.000000 to 1.001000
changed INS_ACC2SCAL_Y from 1.000000 to 1.001000
changed INS_ACC2SCAL_Z from 1.000000 to 1.001000
changed INS_ACC3SCAL_X from 0.000000 to 1.000000
changed INS_ACC3SCAL_Y from 0.000000 to 1.000000
changed INS_ACC3SCAL_Z from 0.000000 to 1.000000
changed MOT_THST_EXPO from 0.650000 to 0.500000
changed MOT_THST_HOVER from 0.350000 to 0.360000
Loaded 79 parameters from /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/default_params/copter.parm (changed 44)
param load /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/default_params/copter.parm
opter.parm /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/default_params/co
STABILIZE> Loaded 79 parameters from /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/default_params/copter.parm (changed 0)
AUTOTEST: Setting LOG_REPLAY to 1.000000
param fetch LOG_REPLAY
param fetch LOG_REPLAY
STABILIZE> Requested parameter LOG_REPLAY
LOG_REPLAY = 0.0000000
param set LOG_REPLAY 1
param fetch LOG_REPLAY
param set LOG_REPLAY 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter LOG_REPLAY
LOG_REPLAY = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting LOG_DISARMED to 1.000000
param fetch LOG_DISARMED
param fetch LOG_DISARMED
STABILIZE> Requested parameter LOG_DISARMED
LOG_DISARMED = 0.0000000
param set LOG_DISARMED 1
param fetch LOG_DISARMED
param set LOG_DISARMED 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter LOG_DISARMED
LOG_DISARMED = 1.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 1.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
APM: Initialising APM
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
EOF on TCP socket
Attempting reconnect
Init ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)Free RAM: 131072FW Ver: 120----------------------------------------load_all took 0us0 0 0 validate_structures:390: Validating structuresAP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384Init Gyro***Ready to FLY param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 293 messages from mav (6477.843226/s)
set streamrate 6
set streamrate
set streamrate 6
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE> rate: 6
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882180559988, time_boot_ms : 10996})
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
          streamrate 6
rate: 6
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
set streamrate 5
STABILIZE> set streamrate
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
STABILIZE> rate: 5
AUTOTEST: Drained 4 messages from mav (4854.518519/s)
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882180827381, time_boot_ms : 11263})
AUTOTEST: Drained 5 messages from mav (8605.465737/s)
AUTOTEST: Reboot complete
param fetch
set streamrate 5
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE>           streamrate 5
          streamrate 5
param fetch
STABILIZE> Requested parameter list
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
STAT_BOOTCNT = 2.0000000
Received 1129 parameters
AUTOTEST: Ready to start testing!
AUTOTEST: Waiting for a heartbeat with MAVLink protocol 2.0
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
Unable to fetch Log File Size: No such file or directory
Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
Saved 1129 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
APM: EKF2 IMU0 Origin set to GPS
APM: EKF2 IMU1 Origin set to GPS
AUTOTEST: Drained 1343 messages from mav (6616.056584/s)
AUTOTEST: Waiting for initial mode STABILIZE
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode STABILIZE
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Setting up RC parameters
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 1 1500
rc 1 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.040253162384 st=0.0 r=None): ch=1 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (3322.220990/s)
rc 2 1500
rc 2 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0459740161896 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2565.323547/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0418720245361 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 15 messages from mav (2662.937442/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0407450199127 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3030.566474/s)
rc 5 1800
rc 5 1800
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0473260879517 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1800 got=1800
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2381.773992/s)
rc 6 1500
rc 6 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0414111614227 st=0.0 r=None): ch=6 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3323.537242/s)
rc 7 1500
rc 7 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0466449260712 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (1288.572657/s)
rc 8 1500
rc 8 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0393199920654 st=0.0 r=None): ch=8 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (3584.875214/s)
rc 9 1500
rc 9 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0439968109131 st=0.0 r=None): ch=9 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2126.929006/s)
rc 10 1500
rc 10 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0419719219208 st=0.0 r=None): ch=10 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2857.155313/s)
rc 11 1500
rc 11 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.043231010437 st=0.0 r=None): ch=11 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (3334.104928/s)
rc 12 1500
rc 12 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0464239120483 st=0.0 r=None): ch=12 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (1723.922729/s)
rc 13 1500
rc 13 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0450060367584 st=0.0 r=None): ch=13 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 13 messages from mav (2818.752688/s)
rc 14 1500
rc 14 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0435099601746 st=0.0 r=None): ch=14 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 4 messages from mav (1901.100963/s)
rc 15 1500
rc 15 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0430009365082 st=0.0 r=None): ch=15 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 8 messages from mav (3155.984951/s)
rc 16 1500
rc 16 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0400879383087 st=0.0 r=None): ch=16 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode-switch mode STABILIZE
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode STABILIZE
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: ########## PIDTuning (Test PID Tuning)  ##########
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 9 messages from mav (3519.695664/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 12 messages from mav (1629.752550/s)
AUTOTEST: making sure we're not getting PID_TUNING messages
AUTOTEST: Setting GCS_PID_MASK to 1.000000
param fetch GCS_PID_MASK
param fetch GCS_PID_MASK
STABILIZE> Requested parameter GCS_PID_MASK
GCS_PID_MASK = 0.0000000
param set GCS_PID_MASK 1
param fetch GCS_PID_MASK
param set GCS_PID_MASK 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter GCS_PID_MASK
GCS_PID_MASK = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: making sure we are now getting PID_TUNING messages
AUTOTEST: Setting GCS_PID_MASK to 0.000000
param fetch GCS_PID_MASK
param fetch GCS_PID_MASK
STABILIZE> Requested parameter GCS_PID_MASK
GCS_PID_MASK = 1.0000000
param set GCS_PID_MASK 0.0
param fetch GCS_PID_MASK
param set GCS_PID_MASK 0.0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter GCS_PID_MASK
GCS_PID_MASK = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "PIDTuning (Test PID Tuning)"
AUTOTEST: ########## ArmFeatures (Arm features)  ##########
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
STABILIZE> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 170 messages from mav (5646.702251/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Ensure we can't enter LOITER without position
AUTOTEST: Setting GPS_TYPE to 0.000000
param fetch GPS_TYPE
param fetch GPS_TYPE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter GPS_TYPE
GPS_TYPE = 1.0000000
param set GPS_TYPE 0
param fetch GPS_TYPE
param set GPS_TYPE 0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter GPS_TYPE
GPS_TYPE = 0.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 2.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
APM: Initialising APM
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
EOF on TCP socket
Attempting reconnect
[Errno 111] Connection refused sleeping
Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
Timed out looking for STAT_BOOTCNT = ([-0-9.]*)

param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Init ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)Free RAM: 131072FW Ver: 120----------------------------------------load_all took 0us0 0 0 validate_structures:390: Validating structuresAP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384Init Gyro***Ready to FLY STAT_BOOTCNT = 3.0000000
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
APM: EKF2 IMU0 initial yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 initial yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Drained 91 messages from mav (4870.749394/s)
set streamrate 6
set streamrate
set streamrate 6
STABILIZE> set streamraterate: 6
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)

STABILIZE>           streamrate 6
Time has wrapped
('Time has wrapped', 4893, 51063)
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 0, time_boot_ms : 4893})
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (2864.961749/s)
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
set streamrate 5
STABILIZE> rate: 5
set streamrate
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (3040.085045/s)
          streamrate 5
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 0, time_boot_ms : 5058})
AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (3671.698862/s)
AUTOTEST: Reboot complete
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
STABILIZE> APM: EKF2 IMU0 tilt alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 tilt alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (3300.003147/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0} (0.000000s)
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
STABILIZE> APM: Mode change failed: LOITER requires position
AUTOTEST: Disarm motors with MAVLink cmd
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 3}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 3} (0.000000s)
APM: Disarming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.200000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Setting GPS_TYPE to 1.000000
param fetch GPS_TYPE
param fetch GPS_TYPE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter GPS_TYPE
GPS_TYPE = 0.0000000
param set GPS_TYPE 1.0
param fetch GPS_TYPE
param set GPS_TYPE 1.0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter GPS_TYPE
APM: GPS 1: detected as u-blox at 115200 baud
GPS_TYPE = 1.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 3.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
APM: Initialising APM
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
EOF on TCP socket
Attempting reconnect
Init ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)Free RAM: 131072FW Ver: 120----------------------------------------load_all took 0us0 0 0 validate_structures:390: Validating structuresAP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384Init Gyro***Ready to FLY Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
Timed out looking for STAT_BOOTCNT = ([-0-9.]*)

param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 4.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 264 messages from mav (6396.415361/s)
set streamrate 6
set streamrate
set streamrate 6
rate: 6
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 5 messages from mav (3518.711409/s)
          streamrate 6
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882190860028, time_boot_ms : 10896})
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
set streamrate 5
rate: 5
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (2390.825005/s)
          streamrate 5
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882191127421, time_boot_ms : 11163})
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Reboot complete
AUTOTEST: Setting ARMING_RUDDER to 2.000000
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 2.0000000
param set ARMING_RUDDER 2
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param set ARMING_RUDDER 2
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RC9_OPTION to 32.000000
param fetch RC9_OPTION
param fetch RC9_OPTION
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC9_OPTION
RC9_OPTION = 0.0000000
param set RC9_OPTION 32
param fetch RC9_OPTION
param set RC9_OPTION 32
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC9_OPTION
RC9_OPTION = 32.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 193 messages from mav (5487.135724/s)
rc 9 1000
rc 9 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0457699298859 st=0.0 r=None): ch=9 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2732.445603/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.05029296875 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Setting DISARM_DELAY to 0.000000
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
STABILIZE> Requested parameter DISARM_DELAY
DISARM_DELAY = 10.0000000
param set DISARM_DELAY 0
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
param set DISARM_DELAY 0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter DISARM_DELAY
APM: EKF2 IMU0 Origin set to GPS
APM: EKF2 IMU1 Origin set to GPS
DISARM_DELAY = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: ---------- Test normal arm and disarm features  ----------
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
APM: EKF2 IMU0 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: default arm_vehicle() call
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: default disarm_vehicle() call
AUTOTEST: Disarm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Disarming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 7 messages from mav (3898.052045/s)
APM: EKF2 IMU1 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: arm with mavproxy
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MavProxy
arm throttle
arm throttle
STABILIZE> APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: disarm with mavproxy
AUTOTEST: Disarm motors with MavProxy
STABILIZE> APM: Disarming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: arm with rc input
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with radio
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RCMAP_YAW
RCMAP_YAW = 4.0000000
param fetch RC4_REVERSED
param fetch RC4_REVERSED
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_REVERSED
RC4_REVERSED = 0.0000000
param fetch RC4_MAX
param fetch RC4_MAX
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_MAX
RC4_MAX = 2000.0000000
param fetch RC4_MIN
param fetch RC4_MIN
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_MIN
RC4_MIN = 1000.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 109 messages from mav (4467.737748/s)
rc 4 2000
rc 4 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.00851392745972 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=2000 got=1500
rc 4 2000
rc 4 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0502030849457 st=0.2 r=0.251015424728): ch=4 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2746.760969/s)
Not armed after 0.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2951.656580/s)
APM: Arming motors
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RCMAP_YAW
RCMAP_YAW = 4.0000000
param fetch RC4_TRIM
param fetch RC4_TRIM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_TRIM
RC4_TRIM = 1500.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 35 messages from mav (3223.695375/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0113408565521 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=2000
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0520207881927 st=0.2 r=0.260103940964): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Arm in 1.6s
AUTOTEST: disarm with rc input
AUTOTEST: Disarm motors with radio
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RCMAP_YAW
RCMAP_YAW = 4.0000000
param fetch RC4_REVERSED
param fetch RC4_REVERSED
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_REVERSED
RC4_REVERSED = 0.0000000
param fetch RC4_MAX
param fetch RC4_MAX
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_MAX
RC4_MAX = 2000.0000000
param fetch RC4_MIN
param fetch RC4_MIN
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_MIN
RC4_MIN = 1000.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 73 messages from mav (5278.400745/s)
rc 4 1000
rc 4 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0237600803375 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (4709.173653/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
APM: Disarming motors
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RCMAP_YAW
RCMAP_YAW = 4.0000000
param fetch RC4_TRIM
param fetch RC4_TRIM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_TRIM
RC4_TRIM = 1500.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 29 messages from mav (3611.914004/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0438721179962 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Disarm in 2.4s
AUTOTEST: ---------- Test arm and disarm with switch  ----------
AUTOTEST: Setting RC7_OPTION to 41.000000
param fetch RC7_OPTION
param fetch RC7_OPTION
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC7_OPTION
RC7_OPTION = 7.0000000
param set RC7_OPTION 41
param fetch RC7_OPTION
param set RC7_OPTION 41
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC7_OPTION
RC7_OPTION = 41.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 81 messages from mav (4217.683505/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0436730384827 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with switch 7
AUTOTEST: Drained 5 messages from mav (5687.963114/s)
rc 7 2000
rc 7 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.00706005096436 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=2000 got=1000
rc 7 2000
rc 7 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0483620166779 st=0.2 r=0.241810083389): ch=7 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
APM: Arming motors
AUTOTEST: Disarm motors with switch 7
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0100948810577 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=2000
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0300369262695 st=0.2 r=0.150184631348): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2202.890756/s)
APM: Disarming motors
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0463008880615 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: ---------- Test arming failure with throttle too high  ----------
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2832.075625/s)
rc 3 1800
rc 3 1800
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0383169651031 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1800 got=1800
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: PreArm: Throttle too high
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with radio
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RCMAP_YAW
RCMAP_YAW = 4.0000000
param fetch RC4_REVERSED
param fetch RC4_REVERSED
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_REVERSED
RC4_REVERSED = 0.0000000
param fetch RC4_MAX
param fetch RC4_MAX
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_MAX
RC4_MAX = 2000.0000000
param fetch RC4_MIN
param fetch RC4_MIN
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_MIN
RC4_MIN = 1000.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 74 messages from mav (3129.225564/s)
rc 4 2000
rc 4 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0370280742645 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 0.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 1.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 2.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 3.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 4.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 5.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 6.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 7.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 8.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 9.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 10.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 11.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 12.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 13.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 14.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 15.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 16.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 17.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 18.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 19.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 20.200000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Failed to ARM with radio
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RCMAP_YAW
RCMAP_YAW = 4.0000000
param fetch RC4_TRIM
param fetch RC4_TRIM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_TRIM
RC4_TRIM = 1500.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 29 messages from mav (5052.328806/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.038810968399 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with switch 7
AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (2156.824134/s)
rc 7 2000
rc 7 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.00850319862366 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=2000 got=1000
rc 7 2000
rc 7 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0219180583954 st=0.2 r=0.109590291977): ch=7 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
APM: PreArm: Throttle too high
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2236.962133/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Failed to ARM with switch
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0411620140076 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 16 messages from mav (2932.567034/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0375490188599 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: ---------- Test arming failure with ARMING_RUDDER=0  ----------
AUTOTEST: Setting ARMING_RUDDER to 0.000000
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 2.0000000
param set ARMING_RUDDER 0
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param set ARMING_RUDDER 0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with radio
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RCMAP_YAW
RCMAP_YAW = 4.0000000
param fetch RC4_REVERSED
param fetch RC4_REVERSED
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_REVERSED
RC4_REVERSED = 0.0000000
param fetch RC4_MAX
param fetch RC4_MAX
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_MAX
RC4_MAX = 2000.0000000
param fetch RC4_MIN
param fetch RC4_MIN
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_MIN
RC4_MIN = 1000.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 181 messages from mav (6160.036222/s)
rc 4 2000
rc 4 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0194170475006 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 0.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 1.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 2.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 3.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 4.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 5.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 6.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 7.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 8.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 9.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 10.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 11.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 12.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 13.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 14.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 15.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 16.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 17.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 18.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 19.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 20.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Failed to ARM with radio
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RCMAP_YAW
RCMAP_YAW = 4.0000000
param fetch RC4_TRIM
param fetch RC4_TRIM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_TRIM
RC4_TRIM = 1500.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 40 messages from mav (4106.828552/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0123519897461 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=2000
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.052225112915 st=0.2 r=0.261125564575): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: ---------- Test disarming failure with ARMING_RUDDER=0  ----------
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4096.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Disarm motors with radio
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RCMAP_YAW
RCMAP_YAW = 4.0000000
param fetch RC4_REVERSED
param fetch RC4_REVERSED
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_REVERSED
RC4_REVERSED = 0.0000000
param fetch RC4_MAX
param fetch RC4_MAX
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_MAX
RC4_MAX = 2000.0000000
param fetch RC4_MIN
param fetch RC4_MIN
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_MIN
RC4_MIN = 1000.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 108 messages from mav (4320.848861/s)
rc 4 1000
rc 4 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0393369197845 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 12 messages from mav (2849.552624/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Failed to DISARM with radio
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RCMAP_YAW
RCMAP_YAW = 4.0000000
param fetch RC4_TRIM
param fetch RC4_TRIM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_TRIM
RC4_TRIM = 1500.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 64 messages from mav (5492.060806/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.042377948761 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Disarm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Disarming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 9 messages from mav (2408.366467/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: ---------- Test disarming failure with ARMING_RUDDER=1  ----------
AUTOTEST: Setting ARMING_RUDDER to 1.000000
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 0.0000000
param set ARMING_RUDDER 1
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param set ARMING_RUDDER 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 36 messages from mav (5640.875075/s)
AUTOTEST: Disarm motors with radio
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RCMAP_YAW
RCMAP_YAW = 4.0000000
param fetch RC4_REVERSED
param fetch RC4_REVERSED
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_REVERSED
RC4_REVERSED = 0.0000000
param fetch RC4_MAX
param fetch RC4_MAX
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_MAX
RC4_MAX = 2000.0000000
param fetch RC4_MIN
param fetch RC4_MIN
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_MIN
RC4_MIN = 1000.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 161 messages from mav (4203.546581/s)
rc 4 1000
rc 4 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0430128574371 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (2836.864390/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 6 messages from mav (2803.679144/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Failed to DISARM with radio
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RCMAP_YAW
RCMAP_YAW = 4.0000000
param fetch RC4_TRIM
param fetch RC4_TRIM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_TRIM
RC4_TRIM = 1500.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 54 messages from mav (6683.952547/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0432360172272 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Disarm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Disarming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 5 messages from mav (3692.819158/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Setting ARMING_RUDDER to 2.000000
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 1.0000000
param set ARMING_RUDDER 2
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param set ARMING_RUDDER 2
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: ---------- Test arming failure with interlock enabled  ----------
AUTOTEST: Drained 161 messages from mav (5159.912769/s)
rc 9 2000
rc 9 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.041631937027 st=0.0 r=None): ch=9 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with radio
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RCMAP_YAW
RCMAP_YAW = 4.0000000
param fetch RC4_REVERSED
param fetch RC4_REVERSED
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_REVERSED
RC4_REVERSED = 0.0000000
param fetch RC4_MAX
param fetch RC4_MAX
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_MAX
RC4_MAX = 2000.0000000
param fetch RC4_MIN
param fetch RC4_MIN
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_MIN
RC4_MIN = 1000.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 69 messages from mav (3707.683919/s)
rc 4 2000
rc 4 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0446648597717 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (4152.776238/s)
Not armed after 0.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 1.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
APM: PreArm: Motor Interlock Enabled
Not armed after 2.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 3.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 4.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 5.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 6.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 7.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 8.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 9.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 10.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 11.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 12.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 13.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
APM: PreArm: Motor Interlock Enabled
Not armed after 14.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 15.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 16.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 17.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 29 messages from mav (2471.649516/s)
Not armed after 18.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 19.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Not armed after 20.600000 seconds
AUTOTEST: Failed to ARM with radio
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
param fetch RCMAP_YAW
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RCMAP_YAW
RCMAP_YAW = 4.0000000
param fetch RC4_TRIM
param fetch RC4_TRIM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC4_TRIM
RC4_TRIM = 1500.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 54 messages from mav (7133.394728/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0445849895477 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with switch 7
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 7 2000
rc 7 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0411410331726 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: Drained 7 messages from mav (4717.244216/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2493.640904/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
APM: PreArm: Motor Interlock Enabled
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Failed to ARM with switch
AUTOTEST: Disarm motors with MAVLink cmd
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2075.360713/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0446560382843 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2000.144969/s)
rc 9 1000
rc 9 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0404620170593 st=0.0 r=None): ch=9 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (4007.935022/s)
rc 9 1000
rc 9 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0472791194916 st=0.0 r=None): ch=9 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Setting ARMING_RUDDER to 1.000000
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 2.0000000
param set ARMING_RUDDER 1.0
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param set ARMING_RUDDER 1.0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
Flight battery 100 percent
ARMING_RUDDER = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting ARMING_RUDDER to 0.000000
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 1.0000000
param set ARMING_RUDDER 0.0
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param set ARMING_RUDDER 0.0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting ARMING_RUDDER to 2.000000
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 0.0000000
param set ARMING_RUDDER 2.0
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param set ARMING_RUDDER 2.0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RC7_OPTION to 7.000000
param fetch RC7_OPTION
param fetch RC7_OPTION
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC7_OPTION
RC7_OPTION = 41.0000000
param set RC7_OPTION 7.0
param fetch RC7_OPTION
param set RC7_OPTION 7.0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC7_OPTION
RC7_OPTION = 7.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting DISARM_DELAY to 10.000000
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
STABILIZE> Requested parameter DISARM_DELAY
DISARM_DELAY = 0.0000000
param set DISARM_DELAY 10.0
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
param set DISARM_DELAY 10.0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter DISARM_DELAY
DISARM_DELAY = 10.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RC9_OPTION to 0.000000
param fetch RC9_OPTION
param fetch RC9_OPTION
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC9_OPTION
RC9_OPTION = 32.0000000
param set RC9_OPTION 0.0
param fetch RC9_OPTION
param set RC9_OPTION 0.0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC9_OPTION
RC9_OPTION = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting ARMING_RUDDER to 2.000000
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 2.0000000
param set ARMING_RUDDER 2.0
param fetch ARMING_RUDDER
param set ARMING_RUDDER 2.0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter ARMING_RUDDER
ARMING_RUDDER = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "ArmFeatures (Arm features)"
AUTOTEST: ########## SetHome (Test Set Home)  ##########
AUTOTEST: chan=7 needs resetting is=1000 want=1500
AUTOTEST: chan=9 needs resetting is=1000 want=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 878 messages from mav (5633.986463/s)
rc 9 1500
rc 9 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.040696144104 st=0.0 r=None): ch=9 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 6 messages from mav (4601.540318/s)
rc 7 1500
rc 7 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0419728755951 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3184.741078/s)
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 4.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
APM: Initialising APM
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
EOF on TCP socket
Attempting reconnect
[Errno 111] Connection refused sleeping
Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
Timed out looking for STAT_BOOTCNT = ([-0-9.]*)

param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Init ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)Free RAM: 131072FW Ver: 120----------------------------------------load_all took 0us0 0 0 validate_structures:390: Validating structuresAP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384Init Gyro***Ready to FLY STAT_BOOTCNT = 5.0000000
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
APM: EKF2 IMU0 initial yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 initial yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Drained 65 messages from mav (3232.546746/s)
set streamrate 6
set streamrate
set streamrate 6
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE> rate: 6
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
          streamrate 6
Time has wrapped
('Time has wrapped', 4808, 273763)
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882234772464, time_boot_ms : 4808})
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
set streamrate 5
rate: 5
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 5 messages from mav (1347.264551/s)
          streamrate 5
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882234937398, time_boot_ms : 4973})
APM: EKF2 IMU0 tilt alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 tilt alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Drained 38 messages from mav (2233.075798/s)
AUTOTEST: Reboot complete
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 4} (0.000000s)
APM: EKF2 IMU0 Origin set to GPS
APM: EKF2 IMU1 Origin set to GPS
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Original home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353629380, longitude : 1491650850, altitude : 584080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 13628713}
AUTOTEST: SITL start loc: lat=-35.362938,lon=149.165085,alt=584.0
new home: -353628380 1491652850 884080
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 179, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 179, result : 0} (0.000000s)
height -300
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 13793647}
AUTOTEST: monitoring home to ensure it doesn't drift at all
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 14195986}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 14395906}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 14595826}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 14795746}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 14995666}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 15193920}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 15393840}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 15593760}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 15813672}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 15993600}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 16193520}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 16393440}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 16593360}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 16793280}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 17063172}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 17761226}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 18735836}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 18993233}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 19193986}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 19393906}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 19593826}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 19793746}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 19993666}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 20193586}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 20393506}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 20578432}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 20780851}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 20993266}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 21193186}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 21391440}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 21576366}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 21791280}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 21991200}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 22825866}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 22990800}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 23190720}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 23391473}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 23591393}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 23791313}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353628380, longitude : 1491652850, altitude : 884080, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 23993732}
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 5.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
APM: Initialising APM
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
EOF on TCP socket
Attempting reconnect
[Errno 111] Connection refused sleeping
Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
Timed out looking for STAT_BOOTCNT = ([-0-9.]*)

param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Init ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)Free RAM: 131072FW Ver: 120----------------------------------------load_all took 0us0 0 0 validate_structures:390: Validating structuresAP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384Init Gyro***Ready to FLY STAT_BOOTCNT = 6.0000000
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
APM: EKF2 IMU0 initial yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 initial yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Drained 38 messages from mav (3534.551970/s)
set streamrate 6
set streamrate
set streamrate 6
rate: 6
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE>           streamrate 6
height 0
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882239734979, time_boot_ms : 4771})
AUTOTEST: Drained 9 messages from mav (2017.893623/s)
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
set streamrate 5
STABILIZE> set streamrate
rate: 5
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 9 messages from mav (2822.124402/s)
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882239899913, time_boot_ms : 4936})
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Reboot complete
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "SetHome (Test Set Home)"
AUTOTEST: ########## NavDelayTakeoffAbsTime (Fly Nav Delay (takeoff))  ##########
          streamrate 5
APM: EKF2 IMU0 tilt alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 tilt alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (1964.851968/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2319.858407/s)
AUTOTEST: Loading mission (copter_nav_delay_takeoff.txt)
wp load /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_nav_delay_takeoff.txt
STABILIZE> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
Loaded 5 waypoints from /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_nav_delay_takeoff.txt
Got MAVLink msg: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 0, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 0 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 0, frame : 0, command : 16, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.363262, y : 149.165237, z : 584.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 1 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 1, frame : 0, command : 178, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 1.0, param2 : 10.0, param3 : -1.0, param4 : 0.0, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 2 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 2, frame : 0, command : 93, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 60.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 3 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 3, frame : 3, command : 22, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.362968, y : 149.165146, z : 20.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 4 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 4, frame : 0, command : 20, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent all 5 waypoints
Got MAVLink msg: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 0, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
APM: Flight plan received
wp list
wp list
STABILIZE> Requesting 5 waypoints t=Mon Mar 18 15:10:35 2019 now=Mon Mar 18 15:10:35 2019
16 0 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
178 0 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.000000 p1=1.0 p2=10.0 p3=-1.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
93 0 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.000000 p1=60.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
22 3 -35.3629684448 149.1651458740 20.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
20 0 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
Saved 5 waypoints to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txt
Saved waypoints to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txt
AUTOTEST: Comparing (/home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_nav_delay_takeoff.txt) and (test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txt)
AUTOTEST: Files same
wp status
wp status
STABILIZE> Have 5 of 5 waypoints
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LOITER
STABILIZE> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
validate_structure:380:   PSC[1] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[2] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[3] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[4] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[5] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[6] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:3AUTOTEST: Drained 183 messages from mav (4401.461302/s)
80:   PSC[7] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[8] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[9] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[10] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[11] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[12] float with non-zero multiplier=BLOITER> Mode LOITER
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
APM: EKF2 IMU0 Origin set to GPS
APM: EKF2 IMU1 Origin set to GPS
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
APM: PreArm: Need 3D Fix
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
APM: PreArm: Need 3D Fix
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
APM: PreArm: Need 3D Fix
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
APM: EKF2 IMU0 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Requesting request for seq 2
AUTOTEST: Requesting item
Item: MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 255, target_component : 250, seq : 2, frame : 0, command : 93, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 60.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, mission_type : 0}
AUTOTEST: Mission mismatch
AUTOTEST: Sending absolute-time mission item
AUTOTEST: Now is 4h 12m 2s
AUTOTEST: Delay until 4h 13m 19s
Got MAVLink msg: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 250, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
AUTOTEST: Received ack: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 250, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
AUTOTEST: Requesting item
APM: Flight plan received
Item: MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 255, target_component : 250, seq : 2, frame : 0, command : 93, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 4.0, param3 : 13.0, param4 : 19.0, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, mission_type : 0}
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (1142.862125/s)
APM: EKF2 IMU1 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to AUTO
mode AUTO
mode AUTO
LOITER> AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (3544.881677/s)
APM: Delaying 75 sec
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
waypoint 2
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1600
rc 3 1600
AUTO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0445890426636 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1600 got=1600
waypoint 3
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
height 10
waypoint 4
Hit ground at 0.475490 m/s
APM: Disarming motors
height 0
waypoint 0
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "NavDelayTakeoffAbsTime (Fly Nav Delay (takeoff))"
AUTOTEST: ########## NavDelayAbsTime (Fly Nav Delay (AbsTime))  ##########
AUTOTEST: chan=3 needs resetting is=1600 want=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (5714.310627/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
AUTO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0367369651794 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
AUTO> AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (2313.205383/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Loading mission (copter_nav_delay.txt)
wp load /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_nav_delay.txt
wp load /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_nav_delay.txt
STABILIZE> Loaded 5 waypoints from /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_nav_delay.txt
Got MAVLink msg: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 0, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 0 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 0, frame : 0, command : 16, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.363262, y : 149.165237, z : 584.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 1 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 1, frame : 3, command : 22, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.362968, y : 149.165146, z : 20.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 2 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 2, frame : 3, command : 16, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.362881, y : 149.165222, z : 20.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 3 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 3, frame : 0, command : 93, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 60.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 4 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 4, frame : 0, command : 20, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent all 5 waypoints
Got MAVLink msg: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 0, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
APM: Flight plan received
wp list
wp list
STABILIZE> Requesting 5 waypoints t=Mon Mar 18 15:11:12 2019 now=Mon Mar 18 15:11:12 2019
16 0 -35.3629379272 149.1650848389 584.010010 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
22 3 -35.3629684448 149.1651458740 20.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
16 3 -35.3628807068 149.1652221680 20.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
93 0 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.000000 p1=60.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
20 0 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
Saved 5 waypoints to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txtAUTOTEST: Comparing (/home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_nav_delay.txt) and (test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txt)
AUTOTEST: Files same
wp status

Saved waypoints to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txt
wp status
STABILIZE> Have 5 of 5 waypoints
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LOITER
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 17 messages from mav (5391.543894/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Requesting request for seq 3
AUTOTEST: Requesting item
Item: MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 255, target_component : 250, seq : 3, frame : 0, command : 93, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 60.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, mission_type : 0}
AUTOTEST: Mission mismatch
AUTOTEST: Sending absolute-time mission item
AUTOTEST: Now is 4h 14m 8s
AUTOTEST: Delay until 4h 15m 25s
Got MAVLink msg: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 250, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
AUTOTEST: Received ack: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 250, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
AUTOTEST: Requesting item
Item: MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 255, target_component : 250, seq : 3, frame : 0, command : 93, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 4.0, param3 : 15.0, param4 : 25.0, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, mission_type : 0}
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4346.429016/s)
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to AUTO
mode AUTO
mode AUTO
LOITER> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
waypoint 1
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (2809.312793/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (4960.738025/s)
rc 3 1600
rc 3 1600
AUTO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0465161800385 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1600 got=1600
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
height 10
waypoint 2
APM: Reached command #2
APM: Delaying 57 sec
waypoint 3
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
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AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
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AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
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AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 (delay item)
waypoint 4
Flight battery 80 percent
height 0
Hit ground at 0.475343 m/s
APM: Disarming motors
waypoint 0
AUTOTEST: Stopped for 77 seconds (want >=77 seconds)
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "NavDelayAbsTime (Fly Nav Delay (AbsTime))"
AUTOTEST: ########## NavDelay (Fly Nav Delay)  ##########
AUTOTEST: chan=3 needs resetting is=1600 want=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 16 messages from mav (4681.142857/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
AUTO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0399379730225 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
AUTO> AUTOTEST: Drained 11 messages from mav (2164.040525/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Loading mission (copter_nav_delay.txt)
wp load /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_nav_delay.txt
wp load /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_nav_delay.txt
STABILIZE> Loaded 5 waypoints from /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_nav_delay.txt
Got MAVLink msg: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 0, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 0 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 0, frame : 0, command : 16, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.363262, y : 149.165237, z : 584.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 1 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 1, frame : 3, command : 22, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.362968, y : 149.165146, z : 20.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 2 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 2, frame : 3, command : 16, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.362881, y : 149.165222, z : 20.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 3 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 3, frame : 0, command : 93, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 60.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 4 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 4, frame : 0, command : 20, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent all 5 waypoints
Got MAVLink msg: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 0, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
APM: Flight plan received
wp list
wp list
STABILIZE> Requesting 5 waypoints t=Mon Mar 18 15:11:34 2019 now=Mon Mar 18 15:11:34 2019
16 0 -35.3629379272 149.1650848389 584.010010 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
22 3 -35.3629684448 149.1651458740 20.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
16 3 -35.3628807068 149.1652221680 20.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
93 0 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.000000 p1=60.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
20 0 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
Saved 5 waypoints to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txt
Saved waypoints to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txt
AUTOTEST: Comparing (/home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_nav_delay.txt) and (test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txt)
AUTOTEST: Files same
wp status
wp status
STABILIZE> Have 5 of 5 waypoints
AUTOTEST: Setting DISARM_DELAY to 0.000000
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
STABILIZE> Requested parameter DISARM_DELAY
DISARM_DELAY = 10.0000000
param set DISARM_DELAY 0
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
param set DISARM_DELAY 0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter DISARM_DELAY
DISARM_DELAY = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LOITER
STABILIZE> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 195 messages from mav (4191.488180/s)
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5614.864793/s)
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to AUTO
mode AUTO
mode AUTO
LOITER> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
waypoint 1
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1600
rc 3 1600
AUTO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0301790237427 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1600 got=1600
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
height 10
waypoint 2
APM: Reached command #2
APM: Delaying 60 sec
waypoint 3
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=1 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
AUTOTEST: MISSION_CURRENT.seq=3 dist=0 (At delay item)
waypoint 4
height 0
Hit ground at 0.476594 m/s
APM: Disarming motors
waypoint 0
AUTOTEST: Stopped for 60 seconds (want >=59 seconds)
AUTOTEST: Setting DISARM_DELAY to 10.000000
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
AUTO> Requested parameter DISARM_DELAY
DISARM_DELAY = 0.0000000
param set DISARM_DELAY 10.0
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
param set DISARM_DELAY 10.0
AUTO> param fetch DISARM_DELAY
AUTO> Requested parameter DISARM_DELAY
DISARM_DELAY = 10.0000000
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "NavDelay (Fly Nav Delay)"
AUTOTEST: ########## GuidedSubModeChange (Test submode change)  ##########
AUTOTEST: chan=3 needs resetting is=1600 want=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 177 messages from mav (5846.617587/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
AUTO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0445029735565 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
AUTO> AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (3738.238859/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Setting FS_GCS_ENABLE to 0.000000
param fetch FS_GCS_ENABLE
param fetch FS_GCS_ENABLE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter FS_GCS_ENABLE
FS_GCS_ENABLE = 1.0000000
param set FS_GCS_ENABLE 0
param fetch FS_GCS_ENABLE
param set FS_GCS_ENABLE 0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter FS_GCS_ENABLE
FS_GCS_ENABLE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting DISARM_DELAY to 0.000000
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
STABILIZE> Requested parameter DISARM_DELAY
DISARM_DELAY = 10.0000000
param set DISARM_DELAY 0
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
param set DISARM_DELAY 0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter DISARM_DELAY
DISARM_DELAY = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to GUIDED
STABILIZE> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
GUIDED> AUTOTEST: Drained 254 messages from mav (5671.931470/s)
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
GUIDED> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 22, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 22, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Ran command
AUTOTEST: Waiting for altitude between 9.00 and 15.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.31 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.19
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:2.33 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.39
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:4.43 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.44
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:7.12 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.44
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:8.94 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.28
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 115, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 115, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: heading=67 want=45.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=64 want=45.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=55 want=45.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=44 want=45.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=37 want=45.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=36 want=45.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=38 want=45.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=42 want=45.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=46 want=45.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=48 want=45.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=48 want=45.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=46 want=45.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=45 want=45.000000
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 115, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 115, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: heading=44 want=135.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=46 want=135.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=56 want=135.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=71 want=135.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=88 want=135.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=106 want=135.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=121 want=135.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=134 want=135.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=143 want=135.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=146 want=135.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=144 want=135.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=140 want=135.000000
AUTOTEST: heading=135 want=135.000000
AUTOTEST: delta=0.000000 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=0.000000 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=0.000000 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=0.015743 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=0.035202 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=0.070405 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=0.126924 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=0.183593 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=0.251148 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=0.332098 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=0.423892 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=0.526507 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=0.639966 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=0.755990 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=0.893681 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=1.031374 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=1.179882 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=1.339216 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=1.522800 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=1.717209 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=1.925055 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=2.130278 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=2.359763 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=2.589249 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=2.843009 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=3.115753 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=3.404594 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=3.701604 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=4.009434 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=4.319899 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=4.627733 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=4.959830 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=5.291928 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=5.634845 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=6.002021 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=6.380016 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=6.768830 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=7.157645 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=7.546460 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=7.946099 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=8.356566 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=8.780456 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=9.215170 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=9.660711 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: delta=10.106253 (want >10)
AUTOTEST: Stopping vehicle
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 1.87700009346, groundspeed : 1.7869079113, heading : 135, throttle : 35, alt : 593.989990234, climb : 0.00504679139704}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 1.8900001049, groundspeed : 1.74952685833, heading : 134, throttle : 35, alt : 593.989990234, climb : 0.00711975991726}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 1.88300013542, groundspeed : 1.62698769569, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 593.989990234, climb : 0.00783671904355}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 1.79600012302, groundspeed : 1.43316602707, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 593.989990234, climb : 0.00698353070766}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 1.62600004673, groundspeed : 1.21390008926, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 593.989990234, climb : 0.0049114706926}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 1.41200006008, groundspeed : 0.991518616676, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 593.989990234, climb : 0.00369468494318}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 1.18500006199, groundspeed : 0.768817067146, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 593.989990234, climb : 0.00104759947862}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.957000017166, groundspeed : 0.558544576168, heading : 135, throttle : 35, alt : 593.989990234, climb : -0.00137841922697}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.739000022411, groundspeed : 0.36438781023, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 593.989990234, climb : 0.000942727841903}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.533000051975, groundspeed : 0.219861879945, heading : 134, throttle : 34, alt : 593.989990234, climb : 0.00142614298966}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.356000006199, groundspeed : 0.148561686277, heading : 134, throttle : 34, alt : 593.989990234, climb : 0.00139242480509}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.252000004053, groundspeed : 0.113768011332, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 593.989990234, climb : 0.00310369767249}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.208000004292, groundspeed : 0.0828551128507, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.0, climb : -0.000292451441055}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.177000001073, groundspeed : 0.0610068067908, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.0, climb : -0.00108068925329}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.144000008702, groundspeed : 0.0434410497546, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.0, climb : -0.000509316625539}
AUTOTEST: startpos=LOCAL_POSITION_NED {time_boot_ms : 486084, x : 2.95026707649, y : -10.7199020386, z : -10.0031995773, vx : 0.0249731503427, vy : -0.0355452746153, vz : 0.000509316625539}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.119000002742, groundspeed : 0.0316190160811, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.0, climb : -0.000838336418383}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.112000003457, groundspeed : 0.0163812674582, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.0, climb : -0.00122415355872}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.0920000076294, groundspeed : 0.0606360062957, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.0, climb : -0.00294271064922}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.0460000038147, groundspeed : 0.109964340925, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.0, climb : -0.00490450905636}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.00600000005215, groundspeed : 0.172465190291, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.0, climb : -0.00371147226542}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.062000002712, groundspeed : 0.22978682816, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.010009766, climb : -0.0057610059157}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.124000005424, groundspeed : 0.279667913914, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.010009766, climb : -0.0072949915193}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.176000013947, groundspeed : 0.331481665373, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.010009766, climb : -0.00718636997044}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.224000006914, groundspeed : 0.386494129896, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.010009766, climb : -0.0106172868982}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.278000026941, groundspeed : 0.44160720706, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.010009766, climb : -0.00833714846522}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.333000004292, groundspeed : 0.499314725399, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.010009766, climb : -0.00730099668726}
VFR_HUD {airspeed : 0.390000015497, groundspeed : 0.557716488838, heading : 135, throttle : 34, alt : 594.010009766, climb : -0.0076176575385}
AUTOTEST: Waiting for vehicle to stop...
AUTOTEST: Waiting for groundspeed between 1.0 and 100.0
AUTOTEST: Wait groundspeed 0.614, target:1.000
AUTOTEST: stop_pos=LOCAL_POSITION_NED {time_boot_ms : 489684, x : 3.06759786606, y : -9.76536941528, z : -10.0107088089, vx : 0.145944818854, vy : 1.09424769878, vz : 0.00968883186579}
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to RTL
mode RTL
mode RTL
GUIDED> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3785.472924/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
RTL> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0427100658417 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
height 10
AUTOTEST: Alt: 10.44  HomeDist: 10.61
AUTOTEST: Alt: 11.16  HomeDist: 10.18
AUTOTEST: Alt: 12.19  HomeDist: 10.07
AUTOTEST: Alt: 13.34  HomeDist: 10.13
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.20  HomeDist: 10.20
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.63  HomeDist: 9.96
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.81  HomeDist: 9.37
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.90  HomeDist: 8.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.95  HomeDist: 7.03
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.97  HomeDist: 5.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDist: 3.69
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDist: 2.12
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 0.90
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDist: 0.20
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDist: 0.06
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDist: 0.06
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.98  HomeDist: 0.07
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.98  HomeDist: 0.20
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.98  HomeDist: 0.28
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.98  HomeDist: 0.35
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.96  HomeDist: 0.38
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.76  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.19  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 13.30  HomeDist: 0.37
AUTOTEST: Alt: 12.33  HomeDist: 0.35
AUTOTEST: Alt: 11.41  HomeDist: 0.35
AUTOTEST: Alt: 10.55  HomeDist: 0.35
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.95  HomeDist: 0.35
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.63  HomeDist: 0.36
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.40  HomeDist: 0.37
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.12  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 8.82  HomeDist: 0.37
AUTOTEST: Alt: 8.52  HomeDist: 0.37
AUTOTEST: Alt: 8.22  HomeDist: 0.36
AUTOTEST: Alt: 7.92  HomeDist: 0.36
AUTOTEST: Alt: 7.62  HomeDist: 0.37
AUTOTEST: Alt: 7.32  HomeDist: 0.37
AUTOTEST: Alt: 7.02  HomeDist: 0.37
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.72  HomeDist: 0.37
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.42  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.12  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 5.81  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 5.51  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 5.21  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 4.91  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 4.61  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 4.31  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 4.01  HomeDist: 0.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 3.71  HomeDist: 0.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 3.41  HomeDist: 0.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 3.11  HomeDist: 0.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 2.81  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 2.51  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 2.21  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 1.91  HomeDist: 0.42
AUTOTEST: Alt: 1.61  HomeDist: 0.42
AUTOTEST: Alt: 1.31  HomeDist: 0.45
AUTOTEST: Alt: 1.01  HomeDist: 0.45
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.71  HomeDist: 0.45 HOME
height 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.41  HomeDist: 0.45 HOME
Hit ground at 0.474989 m/s
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.11  HomeDist: 0.42 HOME
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.10  HomeDist: 0.42 HOME
APM: Disarming motors
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.08  HomeDist: 0.42 HOME
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.07  HomeDist: 0.42 HOME
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.05  HomeDist: 0.42 HOME
AUTOTEST: Setting DISARM_DELAY to 10.000000
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
RTL> Requested parameter DISARM_DELAY
DISARM_DELAY = 0.0000000
param set DISARM_DELAY 10.0
param fetch DISARM_DELAY
param set DISARM_DELAY 10.0
RTL> param fetch DISARM_DELAY
RTL> Requested parameter DISARM_DELAY
DISARM_DELAY = 10.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting FS_GCS_ENABLE to 1.000000
param fetch FS_GCS_ENABLE
param fetch FS_GCS_ENABLE
RTL> Requested parameter FS_GCS_ENABLE
FS_GCS_ENABLE = 0.0000000
param set FS_GCS_ENABLE 1.0
param fetch FS_GCS_ENABLE
param set FS_GCS_ENABLE 1.0
RTL> param fetch FS_GCS_ENABLE
RTL> Requested parameter FS_GCS_ENABLE
FS_GCS_ENABLE = 1.0000000
param fetch
param fetch
RTL> Requested parameter list
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
STAT_BOOTCNT = 6.0000000
Received 1129 parameters
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "GuidedSubModeChange (Test submode change)"
AUTOTEST: ########## LoiterToAlt (Loiter-To-Alt)  ##########
AUTOTEST: chan=3 needs resetting is=1500 want=1000
Saved 1129 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
AUTOTEST: Drained 1761 messages from mav (6034.540822/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
RTL> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0349159240723 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
RTL> AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (1924.169190/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=RTL Want=STABILIZE custom=6
RTL> AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (825.000787/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Setting PLND_ENABLED to 1.000000
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
STABILIZE> Requested parameter PLND_ENABLED
PLND_ENABLED = 0.0000000
param set PLND_ENABLED 1
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
param set PLND_ENABLED 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter PLND_ENABLED
PLND_ENABLED = 1.0000000
param fetch
param fetch
STABILIZE> Requested parameter list
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
STAT_BOOTCNT = 6.0000000
Received 1140 parameters
param fetch
param fetch
STABILIZE> Saved 1140 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
Requested parameter list
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
STAT_BOOTCNT = 6.0000000
Received 1140 parameters
AUTOTEST: Setting PLND_TYPE to 4.000000
param fetch PLND_TYPE
param fetch PLND_TYPE
STABILIZE> Saved 1140 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
Requested parameter PLND_TYPE
PLND_TYPE = 0.0000000
param set PLND_TYPE 4
param fetch PLND_TYPE
param set PLND_TYPE 4
STABILIZE> Requested parameter PLND_TYPE
PLND_TYPE = 4.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_TYPE to 1.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 0.0000000
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 1
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MIN_CM to 0.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 20.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 0
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MAX_CM to 4000.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 700.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 4000
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 4000
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 4000.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_PIN to 0.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = -1.0000000
param set RNGFND1_PIN 0
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param set RNGFND1_PIN 0
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_SCALING to 12.120000
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 3.0000000
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 12.12
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 12.12
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 12.1199999
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 6.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
APM: Initialising APM
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
EOF on TCP socket
Attempting reconnect
Init ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)Free RAM: 131072FW Ver: 120----------------------------------------load_all took 0us0 0 0 validate_structures:390: Validating structuresAP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384Init Gyro***Ready to FLY Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
Timed out looking for STAT_BOOTCNT = ([-0-9.]*)

param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 7.0000000
APM: EKF2 IMU0 Origin set to GPS
APM: EKF2 IMU1 Origin set to GPS
AUTOTEST: Drained 6013 messages from mav (7248.805904/s)
set streamrate 6
set streamrate
set streamrate 6
rate: 6
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE>           streamrate 6
Time has wrapped
('Time has wrapped', 14460, 564484)
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882350624435, time_boot_ms : 14460})
AUTOTEST: Drained 6 messages from mav (3271.687988/s)
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
set streamrate 5
rate: 5
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (2152.580960/s)
          streamrate 5
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882350891828, time_boot_ms : 14728})
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3021.832853/s)
AUTOTEST: Reboot complete
AUTOTEST: Loading mission (copter_loiter_to_alt.txt)
wp load /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_loiter_to_alt.txt
t.txtad /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_loiter_to_alt
STABILIZE> Loaded 5 waypoints from /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_loiter_to_alt.txt
Got MAVLink msg: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 0, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 0 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 0, frame : 0, command : 16, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.362938, y : 149.165085, z : 584.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 1 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 1, frame : 3, command : 22, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.362881, y : 149.165222, z : 5.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 2 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 2, frame : 3, command : 31, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.362989, y : 149.165061, z : 30.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 3 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 3, frame : 10, command : 31, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 1.0, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 2.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 4 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 4, frame : 0, command : 20, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent all 5 waypoints
Got MAVLink msg: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 0, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
APM: Flight plan received
wp list
wp list
STABILIZE> Requesting 5 waypoints t=Mon Mar 18 15:12:18 2019 now=Mon Mar 18 15:12:18 2019
16 0 -35.3629379272 149.1650848389 584.080017 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
22 3 -35.3628807068 149.1652221680 5.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
31 3 -35.3629875183 149.1650543213 30.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
31 10 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 2.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=1.0 cur=0 auto=1
20 0 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
Saved 5 waypoints to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txt
Saved waypoints to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txt
AUTOTEST: Comparing (/home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_loiter_to_alt.txt) and (test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txt)
AUTOTEST: Files same
wp status
wp status
STABILIZE> Have 5 of 5 waypoints
switch 5
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode LOITER
switch 5
STABILIZE> Set RC switch override to 5 (PWM=1685 channel=5)
AUTOTEST: Drained 17 messages from mav (3634.023138/s)
validate_structure:380:   PSC[1] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[2] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[3] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[4] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[5] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[6] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[7] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[8] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[9] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[10] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[11] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[12] float with non-zero multiplier=BLOITER> Mode LOITER
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
APM: PreArm: Need 3D Fix
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
APM: PreArm: Need 3D Fix
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
Flight battery 100 percent
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
APM: PreArm: Need 3D Fix
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
APM: EKF2 IMU0 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:895 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
mode auto
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode AUTO
mode auto
LOITER> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
waypoint 1
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1550
rc 3 1550
AUTO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0244870185852 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1550 got=1550
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
APM: EKF2 IMU1 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=1
waypoint 2
AUTOTEST: Waiting for wp=2 current=2
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
AUTO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.047926902771 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
height 10
height 20
waypoint 3
height 10
waypoint 4
Hit ground at 0.474887 m/s
APM: Disarming motors
waypoint 0
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_SCALING to 3.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 12.1199999
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 3.0
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 3.0
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 3.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_PIN to -1.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = 0.0000000
param set RNGFND1_PIN -1.0
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param set RNGFND1_PIN -1.0
AUTO> param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = -1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MAX_CM to 700.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 4000.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 700.0
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 700.0
AUTO> param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 700.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MIN_CM to 20.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 0.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 20.0
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 20.0
AUTO> param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 20.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_TYPE to 0.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 1.0000000
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 0.0
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 0.0
AUTO> param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting PLND_TYPE to 0.000000
param fetch PLND_TYPE
param fetch PLND_TYPE
AUTO> Requested parameter PLND_TYPE
PLND_TYPE = 4.0000000
param set PLND_TYPE 0.0
param fetch PLND_TYPE
param set PLND_TYPE 0.0
AUTO> param fetch PLND_TYPE
AUTO> Requested parameter PLND_TYPE
PLND_TYPE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting PLND_ENABLED to 0.000000
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
AUTO> Requested parameter PLND_ENABLED
PLND_ENABLED = 1.0000000
param set PLND_ENABLED 0.0
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
param set PLND_ENABLED 0.0
AUTO> param fetch PLND_ENABLED
AUTO> Requested parameter PLND_ENABLED
PLND_ENABLED = 0.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
AUTO> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 7.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
AUTO> param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
AUTO> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
APM: Initialising APM
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
EOF on TCP socket
Attempting reconnect
Init ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)Free RAM: 131072FW Ver: 120----------------------------------------load_all took 0us0 0 0 validate_structures:390: Validating structuresAP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384STABILIZE> Mode STABILIZE
Init Gyro***Ready to FLY validate_structure:380:   PSC[1] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[2] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[3] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[4] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[5] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[6] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[7] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[8] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[9] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[10] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[11] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[12] float with non-zero multiplier=BLOITER> Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
Timed out looking for STAT_BOOTCNT = ([-0-9.]*)

param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
LOITER> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 8.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 836 messages from mav (6767.369652/s)
set streamrate 6
set streamrate
set streamrate 6
rate: 6
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
LOITER> set streamrate
LOITER>           streamrate 6
Time has wrapped
('Time has wrapped', 11107, 161330)
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882375870777, time_boot_ms : 11107})
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
set streamrate 5
rate: 5
LOITER> set streamrate
LOITER> AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (1733.183471/s)
          streamrate 5
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882376160661, time_boot_ms : 11397})
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2695.568123/s)
AUTOTEST: Reboot complete
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "LoiterToAlt (Loiter-To-Alt)"
AUTOTEST: ########## PayLoadPlaceMission (Payload Place Mission)  ##########
AUTOTEST: chan=3 needs resetting is=1500 want=1000
AUTOTEST: chan=5 needs resetting is=1685 want=1800
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (1693.641833/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0445530414581 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2216.862579/s)
rc 5 1800
rc 5 1800
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0488381385803 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1800 got=1800
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
LOITER> AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (3504.013367/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_TYPE to 1.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 0.0000000
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 1
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MIN_CM to 0.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 20.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 0
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
APM: EKF2 IMU0 Origin set to GPS
APM: EKF2 IMU1 Origin set to GPS
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MAX_CM to 4000.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 700.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 4000
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 4000
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 4000.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_PIN to 0.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = -1.0000000
param set RNGFND1_PIN 0
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param set RNGFND1_PIN 0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_SCALING to 12.120000
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 3.0000000
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 12.12
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 12.12
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 12.1199999
AUTOTEST: Setting GRIP_ENABLE to 1.000000
param fetch GRIP_ENABLE
param fetch GRIP_ENABLE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter GRIP_ENABLE
GRIP_ENABLE = 0.0000000
param set GRIP_ENABLE 1
param fetch GRIP_ENABLE
param set GRIP_ENABLE 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter GRIP_ENABLE
GRIP_ENABLE = 1.0000000
param fetch
param fetch
STABILIZE> Requested parameter list
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
STAT_BOOTCNT = 8.0000000
Received 1135 parameters
AUTOTEST: Setting GRIP_TYPE to 1.000000
param fetch GRIP_TYPE
param fetch GRIP_TYPE
STABILIZE> Saved 1146 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
Requested parameter GRIP_TYPE
GRIP_TYPE = 0.0000000
param set GRIP_TYPE 1
param fetch GRIP_TYPE
param set GRIP_TYPE 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter GRIP_TYPE
GRIP_TYPE = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_GRPS_ENABLE to 1.000000
param fetch SIM_GRPS_ENABLE
param fetch SIM_GRPS_ENABLE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter SIM_GRPS_ENABLE
SIM_GRPS_ENABLE = 0.0000000
param set SIM_GRPS_ENABLE 1
param fetch SIM_GRPS_ENABLE
param set SIM_GRPS_ENABLE 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter SIM_GRPS_ENABLE
SIM_GRPS_ENABLE = 1.0000000
param fetch
param fetch
STABILIZE> Requested parameter list
height 0
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
STAT_BOOTCNT = 8.0000000
Received 1135 parameters
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_GRPS_PIN to 8.000000
param fetch SIM_GRPS_PIN
param fetch SIM_GRPS_PIN
STABILIZE> Saved 1146 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
Requested parameter SIM_GRPS_PIN
SIM_GRPS_PIN = -1.0000000
param set SIM_GRPS_PIN 8
param fetch SIM_GRPS_PIN
param set SIM_GRPS_PIN 8
STABILIZE> Requested parameter SIM_GRPS_PIN
SIM_GRPS_PIN = 8.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting SERVO8_FUNCTION to 28.000000
param fetch SERVO8_FUNCTION
param fetch SERVO8_FUNCTION
STABILIZE> Requested parameter SERVO8_FUNCTION
SERVO8_FUNCTION = 0.0000000
param set SERVO8_FUNCTION 28
param fetch SERVO8_FUNCTION
param set SERVO8_FUNCTION 28
STABILIZE> Requested parameter SERVO8_FUNCTION
SERVO8_FUNCTION = 28.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RC9_OPTION to 19.000000
param fetch RC9_OPTION
param fetch RC9_OPTION
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC9_OPTION
RC9_OPTION = 0.0000000
param set RC9_OPTION 19
param fetch RC9_OPTION
param set RC9_OPTION 19
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC9_OPTION
RC9_OPTION = 19.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 8.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
APM: Initialising APM
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
EOF on TCP socket
Attempting reconnect
[Errno 111] Connection refused sleeping
position_demand=0.000000 jaw_gap=30.000000 load=0.000000
Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
Timed out looking for STAT_BOOTCNT = ([-0-9.]*)

param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Init ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)Free RAM: 131072FW Ver: 120----------------------------------------load_all took 0us0 0 0 validate_structures:390: Validating structuresAP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384Init Gyro***Ready to FLY STAT_BOOTCNT = 9.0000000
APM: EKF2 IMU0 initial yaw alignment complete
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
position_demand=0.000000 jaw_gap=30.000000 load=0.000000
position_demand=0.100000 jaw_gap=29.991255 load=0.000000
position_demand=0.100000 jaw_gap=27.000000 load=0.000000
APM: EKF2 IMU1 initial yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU0 tilt alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 tilt alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Drained 5249 messages from mav (6518.691192/s)
set streamrate 6
set streamrate
set streamrate 6
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE> rate: 6
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
          streamrate 6
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882382959988, time_boot_ms : 10996})
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (3460.646865/s)
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
set streamrate 5
rate: 5
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 8 messages from mav (3122.794974/s)
          streamrate 5
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882383227381, time_boot_ms : 11263})
AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (3243.018557/s)
AUTOTEST: Reboot complete
AUTOTEST: Drained 5 messages from mav (3549.081063/s)
rc 9 2000
rc 9 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0481538772583 st=0.0 r=None): ch=9 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: Loading mission (copter_payload_place.txt)
wp load /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_payload_place.txt
e.txtad /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_payload_place
STABILIZE> Loaded 6 waypoints from /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_payload_place.txt
Got MAVLink msg: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 0, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 0 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 0, frame : 0, command : 16, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.363262, y : 149.165237, z : 584.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 1 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 1, frame : 3, command : 22, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.363007, y : 149.16507, z : 20.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 2 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 2, frame : 3, command : 16, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.362869, y : 149.165222, z : 20.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 3 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 3, frame : 3, command : 94, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.363106, y : 149.165436, z : 20.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 4 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 4, frame : 3, command : 16, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, x : -35.36322, y : 149.165512, z : 20.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent waypoint 5 : MISSION_ITEM {target_system : 1, target_component : 0, seq : 5, frame : 3, command : 21, current : 0, autocontinue : 1, param1 : 0.0, param2 : 0.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 1.0, x : -35.363228, y : 149.165695, z : 20.0, mission_type : 0}
Sent all 6 waypoints
Got MAVLink msg: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 0, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
APM: Flight plan received
wp list
wp list
STABILIZE> APM: Gripper load grabbing
Requesting 6 waypoints t=Mon Mar 18 15:12:53 2019 now=Mon Mar 18 15:12:53 2019
16 0 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
22 3 -35.3630065918 149.1650695801 20.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
16 3 -35.3628692627 149.1652221680 20.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
94 3 -35.3631057739 149.1654357910 20.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
16 3 -35.3632202148 149.1655120850 20.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=0.0 cur=0 auto=1
21 3 -35.3632278442 149.1656951904 20.000000 p1=0.0 p2=0.0 p3=0.0 p4=1.0 cur=0 auto=1
Saved 6 waypoints to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txt
Saved waypoints to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txt
AUTOTEST: Comparing (/home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/copter_payload_place.txt) and (test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/way.txt)
AUTOTEST: Files same
wp status
wp status
STABILIZE> Have 6 of 6 waypoints
AUTOTEST: Waiting for location
position_demand=0.900000 jaw_gap=26.991253 load=0.000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0441069602966 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
switch 6
switch 6
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2288.218221/s)
STABILIZE> Set RC switch override to 6 (PWM=1815 channel=5)
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode STABILIZE
AUTOTEST: Drained 6 messages from mav (3361.269400/s)
position_demand=0.900000 jaw_gap=16.486506 load=0.000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
APM: EKF2 IMU0 Origin set to GPS
APM: EKF2 IMU1 Origin set to GPS
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
position_demand=0.900000 jaw_gap=5.982660 load=0.000000
position_demand=0.900000 jaw_gap=2.999999 load=1.000000
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
APM: Gripper load grabbed
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
APM: EKF2 IMU0 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:895 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
switch 4
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
switch 4
STABILIZE> Set RC switch override to 4 (PWM=1555 channel=5)
validate_structure:380:   PSC[1] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[2] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[3] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[4] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[5] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[6] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[7] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[8] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[9] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[10] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[11] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[12] float with non-zero multiplier=Bwaypoint 1
APM: EKF2 IMU1 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode AUTO
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (2435.716609/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
AUTO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0170772075653 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Waiting for text : gripper load releas
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
height 10
waypoint 2
APM: Reached command #2
waypoint 3
height 20
APM: hover throttle delta: 0.320234
height 10
position_demand=0.100000 jaw_gap=3.008745 load=1.000000
APM: Releasing the gripper
APM: Gripper load releasing
AUTOTEST: Received expected text : gripper load releasing
position_demand=0.100000 jaw_gap=13.512438 load=0.000000
position_demand=0.100000 jaw_gap=24.017054 load=0.000000
position_demand=0.100000 jaw_gap=27.000000 load=0.000000
APM: Gripper load released
waypoint 4
height 20
APM: Reached command #4
waypoint 5
height 10
Hit ground at 0.477144 m/s
APM: Disarming motors
waypoint 0
AUTOTEST: Setting RC9_OPTION to 0.000000
param fetch RC9_OPTION
param fetch RC9_OPTION
AUTO> Requested parameter RC9_OPTION
RC9_OPTION = 19.0000000
param set RC9_OPTION 0.0
param fetch RC9_OPTION
param set RC9_OPTION 0.0
AUTO> param fetch RC9_OPTION
AUTO> Requested parameter RC9_OPTION
RC9_OPTION = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting SERVO8_FUNCTION to 0.000000
param fetch SERVO8_FUNCTION
param fetch SERVO8_FUNCTION
AUTO> Requested parameter SERVO8_FUNCTION
SERVO8_FUNCTION = 28.0000000
param set SERVO8_FUNCTION 0.0
param fetch SERVO8_FUNCTION
param set SERVO8_FUNCTION 0.0
AUTO> Requested parameter SERVO8_FUNCTION
SERVO8_FUNCTION = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_GRPS_PIN to -1.000000
param fetch SIM_GRPS_PIN
param fetch SIM_GRPS_PIN
AUTO> Requested parameter SIM_GRPS_PIN
SIM_GRPS_PIN = 8.0000000
param set SIM_GRPS_PIN -1.0
param fetch SIM_GRPS_PIN
param set SIM_GRPS_PIN -1.0
AUTO> param fetch SIM_GRPS_PIN
AUTO> Requested parameter SIM_GRPS_PIN
SIM_GRPS_PIN = -1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_GRPS_ENABLE to 0.000000
param fetch SIM_GRPS_ENABLE
param fetch SIM_GRPS_ENABLE
AUTO> Requested parameter SIM_GRPS_ENABLE
SIM_GRPS_ENABLE = 1.0000000
param set SIM_GRPS_ENABLE 0.0
param fetch SIM_GRPS_ENABLE
param set SIM_GRPS_ENABLE 0.0
AUTO> Requested parameter SIM_GRPS_ENABLE
SIM_GRPS_ENABLE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting GRIP_TYPE to 0.000000
param fetch GRIP_TYPE
param fetch GRIP_TYPE
AUTO> Requested parameter GRIP_TYPE
GRIP_TYPE = 1.0000000
param set GRIP_TYPE 0.0
param fetch GRIP_TYPE
param set GRIP_TYPE 0.0
AUTO> param fetch GRIP_TYPE
AUTO> Requested parameter GRIP_TYPE
GRIP_TYPE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting GRIP_ENABLE to 0.000000
param fetch GRIP_ENABLE
param fetch GRIP_ENABLE
AUTO> Requested parameter GRIP_ENABLE
GRIP_ENABLE = 1.0000000
Flight battery 80 percent
param set GRIP_ENABLE 0.0
param fetch GRIP_ENABLE
param set GRIP_ENABLE 0.0
AUTO> param fetch GRIP_ENABLE
AUTO> Requested parameter GRIP_ENABLE
GRIP_ENABLE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_SCALING to 3.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 12.1199999
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 3.0
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 3.0
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 3.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_PIN to -1.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = 0.0000000
param set RNGFND1_PIN -1.0
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param set RNGFND1_PIN -1.0
AUTO> param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = -1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MAX_CM to 700.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 4000.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 700.0
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 700.0
AUTO> param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 700.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MIN_CM to 20.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 0.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 20.0
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 20.0
AUTO> param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 20.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_TYPE to 0.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 1.0000000
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 0.0
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 0.0
AUTO> param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
AUTO> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 0.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
AUTO> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 9.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
AUTO> param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
AUTO> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
APM: Initialising APM
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
EOF on TCP socket
Attempting reconnect
[Errno 111] Connection refused sleeping
Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
Timed out looking for STAT_BOOTCNT = ([-0-9.]*)

param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
AUTO> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Init ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)Free RAM: 131072FW Ver: 120----------------------------------------load_all took 0us0 0 0 validate_structures:390: Validating structuresAP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384STABILIZE> Mode STABILIZE
Init Gyro***Ready to FLY STAT_BOOTCNT = 10.0000000
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
APM: Failsafe: Terrain data missing
validate_structure:380:   PSC[1] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[2] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[3] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[4] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[5] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[6] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[7] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[8] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[9] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[10] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[11] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[12] float with non-zero multiplier=BAPM: EKF2 IMU0 initial yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 initial yaw alignment complete
AUTO> APM: EKF2 IMU0 tilt alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 tilt alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Drained 1321 messages from mav (5470.883523/s)
set streamrate 6
set streamrate
set streamrate 6
rate: 6
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTO> set streamrate
AUTO>           streamrate 6
Time has wrapped
('Time has wrapped', 8129, 208464)
height 0
waypoint 1
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882418092802, time_boot_ms : 8129})
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (1915.207306/s)
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
set streamrate 5
rate: 5
AUTO> set streamrate
AUTO> AUTOTEST: Drained 5 messages from mav (2807.432396/s)
          streamrate 5
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882418361028, time_boot_ms : 8397})
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Reboot complete
AUTOTEST: All done
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "PayLoadPlaceMission (Payload Place Mission)"
AUTOTEST: ########## PrecisionLoiterCompanion (Precision Loiter (Companion))  ##########
AUTOTEST: chan=3 needs resetting is=1500 want=1000
AUTOTEST: chan=5 needs resetting is=1555 want=1800
AUTOTEST: chan=9 needs resetting is=2000 want=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (4248.113437/s)
rc 9 1500
rc 9 1500
AUTO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.046679019928 st=0.0 r=None): ch=9 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2610.021157/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
AUTO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0409691333771 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3983.194682/s)
rc 5 1800
rc 5 1800
AUTO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0434989929199 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1800 got=1800
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
AUTO> AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3039.350725/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Setting PLND_ENABLED to 1.000000
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
STABILIZE> Requested parameter PLND_ENABLED
PLND_ENABLED = 0.0000000
param set PLND_ENABLED 1
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
param set PLND_ENABLED 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter PLND_ENABLED
PLND_ENABLED = 1.0000000
param fetch
param fetch
STABILIZE> Requested parameter list
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
STAT_BOOTCNT = 10.0000000
Received 1140 parameters
param fetch
param fetch
STABILIZE> Saved 1146 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
Requested parameter list
APM: EKF2 IMU0 Origin set to GPS
APM: EKF2 IMU1 Origin set to GPS
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
STAT_BOOTCNT = 10.0000000
Received 1140 parameters
AUTOTEST: Setting PLND_TYPE to 1.000000
param fetch PLND_TYPE
param fetch PLND_TYPE
STABILIZE> Saved 1146 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
Requested parameter PLND_TYPE
PLND_TYPE = 0.0000000
param set PLND_TYPE 1
param fetch PLND_TYPE
param set PLND_TYPE 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter PLND_TYPE
PLND_TYPE = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_TYPE to 1.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 0.0000000
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 1
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MIN_CM to 0.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 20.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 0
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 0
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MAX_CM to 4000.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 700.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 4000
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 4000
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 4000.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_PIN to 0.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = -1.0000000
param set RNGFND1_PIN 0
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param set RNGFND1_PIN 0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_SCALING to 12.120000
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 3.0000000
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 12.12
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 12.12
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 12.1199999
AUTOTEST: Setting RC7_OPTION to 39.000000
param fetch RC7_OPTION
param fetch RC7_OPTION
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC7_OPTION
RC7_OPTION = 7.0000000
param set RC7_OPTION 39
param fetch RC7_OPTION
param set RC7_OPTION 39
param fetch RC7_OPTION
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RC7_OPTION
RC7_OPTION = 39.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 10.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
APM: Initialising APM
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
EOF on TCP socket
Attempting reconnect
Init ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)Free RAM: 131072FW Ver: 120----------------------------------------load_all took 0us0 0 0 validate_structures:390: Validating structuresAP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384Init Gyro***Ready to FLY Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
Timed out looking for STAT_BOOTCNT = ([-0-9.]*)

param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 11.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 4762 messages from mav (7221.453146/s)
set streamrate 6
set streamrate
set streamrate 6
rate: 6
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE>           streamrate 6
waypoint 0
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882428157282, time_boot_ms : 13593})
AUTOTEST: Drained 5 messages from mav (4205.237618/s)
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
set streamrate 5
rate: 5
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE>           streamrate 5
AUTOTEST: Drained 6 messages from mav (3182.727204/s)
APM: EKF2 IMU0 Origin set to GPS
APM: EKF2 IMU1 Origin set to GPS
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882428424675, time_boot_ms : 13861})
AUTOTEST: Drained 11 messages from mav (4787.024694/s)
AUTOTEST: Reboot complete
AUTOTEST: Waiting for location
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0461990833282 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
switch 6
switch 6
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 11 messages from mav (3090.658092/s)
Set RC switch override to 6 (PWM=1815 channel=5)
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode STABILIZE
AUTOTEST: Drained 6 messages from mav (2690.668662/s)
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
APM: EKF2 IMU0 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:895 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1800
rc 3 1800
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0403439998627 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1800 got=1800
AUTOTEST: Waiting for altitude between 10.00 and 15.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:10.00 climb_rate: 0.00
APM: EKF2 IMU1 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:10.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:3.21 min_alt:10.00 climb_rate: 0.97
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:9.75 min_alt:10.00 climb_rate: 1.48
height 10
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.034343957901 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 2 1550
rc 2 1550
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0130100250244 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1550 got=1500
rc 2 1550
rc 2 1550
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0259749889374 st=0.2 r=0.129874944687): ch=2 want=1550 got=1550
AUTOTEST: Distance=0.05 meters want=5.00
AUTOTEST: Attained distance 0.05 meters OK
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 2 1500
rc 2 1500
STABILIZE> height 20
AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0510878562927 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1500 got=1500
mode loiter
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode LOITER
mode loiter
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 6 messages from mav (2390.370821/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=STABILIZE Want=LOITER custom=0
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
validate_structure:380:   PSC[1] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[2] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[3] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[4] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[5] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[6] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[7] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[8] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[9] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[10] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[11] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[12] float with non-zero multiplier=BLOITER> Mode LOITER
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 7 2000
rc 7 2000
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0440809726715 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.996892 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.991769 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.976697 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.898475 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.775251 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.643829 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.510325 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.401842 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.336830 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.291795 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.253666 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.200148 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.052136 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=9.814963 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=9.557197 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=9.317078 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=9.115673 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=8.930401 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=8.725149 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=8.508650 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=8.303805 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=8.108420 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=7.915373 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=7.702180 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=7.446253 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=7.173836 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=6.905293 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=6.641953 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=6.383947 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=6.105793 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=5.807300 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=5.508465 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=5.218602 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=4.922952 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=4.618546 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=4.336554 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=4.104202 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=3.931010 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=3.816918 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=3.694319 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=3.406297 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=2.963852 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=2.484448 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=2.033356 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=1.718429 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=1.573699
AUTOTEST: dist=1.520900
AUTOTEST: dist=1.507229
AUTOTEST: dist=1.526987
AUTOTEST: dist=1.584348
AUTOTEST: dist=1.672252
AUTOTEST: dist=1.778504
AUTOTEST: dist=1.893778
AUTOTEST: dist=2.011717
AUTOTEST: dist=2.119027
AUTOTEST: dist=2.201138
AUTOTEST: dist=2.265552
AUTOTEST: dist=2.319698
AUTOTEST: dist=2.365723
AUTOTEST: dist=2.401610
AUTOTEST: dist=2.426517
AUTOTEST: dist=2.442737
AUTOTEST: dist=2.451598
AUTOTEST: dist=2.454098
AUTOTEST: dist=2.452096
AUTOTEST: dist=2.447937
AUTOTEST: dist=2.441576
AUTOTEST: dist=2.433671
AUTOTEST: dist=2.425131
AUTOTEST: dist=2.417100
AUTOTEST: dist=2.410128
AUTOTEST: dist=2.403652
AUTOTEST: dist=2.396739
AUTOTEST: dist=2.389278
AUTOTEST: dist=2.382392
AUTOTEST: dist=2.376755
AUTOTEST: dist=2.372856
AUTOTEST: dist=2.369925
AUTOTEST: dist=2.367330
AUTOTEST: dist=2.365040
AUTOTEST: dist=2.363734
AUTOTEST: dist=2.363290
AUTOTEST: dist=2.364087
AUTOTEST: dist=2.364661
AUTOTEST: dist=2.365417
AUTOTEST: dist=2.365861
AUTOTEST: dist=2.365679
AUTOTEST: dist=2.365245
AUTOTEST: dist=2.365420
AUTOTEST: dist=2.365127
AUTOTEST: dist=2.365343
AUTOTEST: dist=2.366206
AUTOTEST: dist=2.367422
AUTOTEST: dist=2.369128
AUTOTEST: dist=2.369953
AUTOTEST: dist=2.370540
AUTOTEST: dist=19.545730 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=19.544067 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=19.490403 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=19.291537 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=18.998896 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=18.755555 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=18.761862 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=19.128367 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=19.836089 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=20.763944 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.605772 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.107666 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.174913 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.876956 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.536358 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.447888 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.637001 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.866368 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.889368 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.702958 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.469894 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.294896 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.213113 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.146764 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.054585 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=20.971016 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.023670 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.231371 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.481801 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.724868 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.923193 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.082711 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.242234 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.410761 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.543664 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.597892 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.611386 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.619038 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.615720 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.586580 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.538581 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.488338 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.440701 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.389142 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.330051 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.247471 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=22.130090 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.999429 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.870984 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.739572 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.600014 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.455306 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.305243 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=21.130510 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=20.916626 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=20.685284 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=20.453696 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=20.225931 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=19.993226 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=19.753438 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=19.501171 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=19.233179 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=18.959321 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=18.689907 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=18.420359 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=18.146077 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=17.865931 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=17.584916 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=17.286459 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=16.959454 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=16.619779 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=16.282913 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=15.952188 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=15.616876 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=15.275913 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=14.924505 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=14.567748 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=14.214129 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=13.856361 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=13.489881 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=13.120582 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=12.751399 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=12.379802 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=12.002411 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=11.620463 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=11.235273 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.850233 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.459929 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=10.066939 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=9.671528 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=9.274872 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=8.877114 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=8.480262 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=8.080783 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=7.679355 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=7.276008 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=6.872523 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=6.466354 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=6.060445 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=5.659440 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=5.284586 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=4.950969 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=4.664948 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=4.425701 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=4.226249 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=4.044009 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=3.744537 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=3.253793 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=2.678525 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=2.102881 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=1.521838 want <2.000000
AUTOTEST: dist=0.926864
AUTOTEST: dist=0.425936
AUTOTEST: dist=0.377755
AUTOTEST: dist=0.439484
AUTOTEST: dist=0.435645
AUTOTEST: dist=0.496636
AUTOTEST: dist=0.660654
AUTOTEST: dist=0.924912
AUTOTEST: dist=1.267145
AUTOTEST: dist=1.662220
AUTOTEST: dist=2.087957
AUTOTEST: dist=2.516825
AUTOTEST: dist=2.902860
AUTOTEST: dist=3.230168
AUTOTEST: dist=3.507225
AUTOTEST: dist=3.736873
AUTOTEST: dist=3.919932
AUTOTEST: dist=4.057589
AUTOTEST: dist=4.153078
AUTOTEST: dist=4.212179
AUTOTEST: dist=4.241906
AUTOTEST: dist=4.247244
AUTOTEST: dist=4.233662
AUTOTEST: dist=4.206939
AUTOTEST: dist=4.169862
AUTOTEST: dist=4.125760
AUTOTEST: dist=4.078087
AUTOTEST: dist=4.030505
AUTOTEST: dist=3.985097
AUTOTEST: dist=3.942555
AUTOTEST: dist=3.903255
AUTOTEST: dist=3.868393
AUTOTEST: dist=3.837544
AUTOTEST: dist=3.811161
AUTOTEST: dist=3.788731
AUTOTEST: dist=3.769858
AUTOTEST: dist=3.755876
AUTOTEST: dist=3.744396
AUTOTEST: dist=3.736288
AUTOTEST: dist=3.731081
AUTOTEST: dist=3.728270
AUTOTEST: dist=3.727577
AUTOTEST: dist=3.728536
AUTOTEST: dist=3.729675
AUTOTEST: dist=3.730727
AUTOTEST: dist=3.732209
AUTOTEST: dist=3.734719
AUTOTEST: dist=3.737790
AUTOTEST: dist=3.741511
AUTOTEST: dist=3.745185
AUTOTEST: dist=3.748009
AUTOTEST: Setting RC7_OPTION to 7.000000
param fetch RC7_OPTION
param fetch RC7_OPTION
LOITER> Requested parameter RC7_OPTION
RC7_OPTION = 39.0000000
param set RC7_OPTION 7.0
param fetch RC7_OPTION
param set RC7_OPTION 7.0
LOITER> param fetch RC7_OPTION
LOITER> Requested parameter RC7_OPTION
RC7_OPTION = 7.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_SCALING to 3.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
LOITER> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 12.1199999
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 3.0
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 3.0
LOITER> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 3.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_PIN to -1.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
LOITER> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = 0.0000000
param set RNGFND1_PIN -1.0
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param set RNGFND1_PIN -1.0
LOITER> param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
LOITER> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = -1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MAX_CM to 700.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
LOITER> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 4000.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 700.0
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 700.0
LOITER> param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
LOITER> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 700.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MIN_CM to 20.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
LOITER> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 0.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 20.0
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 20.0
LOITER> param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
LOITER> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 20.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_TYPE to 0.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 1.0000000
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 0.0
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 0.0
LOITER> param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting PLND_TYPE to 0.000000
param fetch PLND_TYPE
param fetch PLND_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter PLND_TYPE
PLND_TYPE = 1.0000000
param set PLND_TYPE 0.0
param fetch PLND_TYPE
param set PLND_TYPE 0.0
LOITER> param fetch PLND_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter PLND_TYPE
PLND_TYPE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting PLND_ENABLED to 0.000000
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
LOITER> Requested parameter PLND_ENABLED
PLND_ENABLED = 1.0000000
param set PLND_ENABLED 0.0
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
param set PLND_ENABLED 0.0
LOITER> Requested parameter PLND_ENABLED
PLND_ENABLED = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 1210 messages from mav (5912.446210/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0200991630554 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
LOITER> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 11.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
LOITER> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
APM: Initialising APM
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
EOF on TCP socket
Attempting reconnect
[Errno 111] Connection refused sleeping
Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
Timed out looking for STAT_BOOTCNT = ([-0-9.]*)

param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
LOITER> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Init ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)Free RAM: 131072FW Ver: 120----------------------------------------load_all took 0us0 0 0 validate_structures:390: Validating structuresAP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384DISARMED
Init Gyro***Ready to FLY STAT_BOOTCNT = 12.0000000
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
APM: EKF2 IMU0 initial yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 initial yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Drained 28 messages from mav (2724.521796/s)
set streamrate 6
set streamrate
set streamrate 6
rate: 6
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE>           streamrate 6
Time has wrapped
('Time has wrapped', 4768, 155262)
height 0
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882447932480, time_boot_ms : 4768})
AUTOTEST: Drained 9 messages from mav (2997.120762/s)
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
STABILIZE> rate: 5
set streamrate
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 9 messages from mav (3109.963421/s)
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882448097414, time_boot_ms : 4933})
          streamrate 5
APM: EKF2 IMU0 tilt alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 tilt alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Drained 13 messages from mav (1838.490525/s)
AUTOTEST: Reboot complete
AUTOTEST: All done
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "PrecisionLoiterCompanion (Precision Loiter (Companion))"
AUTOTEST: ########## PrecisionLandingSITL (Precision Landing (SITL))  ##########
AUTOTEST: chan=5 needs resetting is=1815 want=1800
AUTOTEST: chan=7 needs resetting is=2000 want=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (915.786900/s)
rc 5 1800
rc 5 1800
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.00787806510925 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1800 got=1815
rc 5 1800
rc 5 1800
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0210399627686 st=0.292 r=0.0720546670156): ch=5 want=1800 got=1800
AUTOTEST: Drained 20 messages from mav (2168.047142/s)
rc 7 1500
rc 7 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.01154088974 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1500 got=2000
rc 7 1500
rc 7 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0212409496307 st=0.2 r=0.106204748154): ch=7 want=1500 got=2000
rc 7 1500
rc 7 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0347490310669 st=0.4 r=0.0868725776672): ch=7 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 5 messages from mav (1999.191611/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 14 messages from mav (3141.800749/s)
AUTOTEST: Setting PLND_ENABLED to 1.000000
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
STABILIZE> Requested parameter PLND_ENABLED
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
PLND_ENABLED = 0.0000000
param set PLND_ENABLED 1
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
param set PLND_ENABLED 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter PLND_ENABLED
PLND_ENABLED = 1.0000000
param fetch
param fetch
STABILIZE> Requested parameter list
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
STAT_BOOTCNT = 12.0000000
Received 1140 parameters
param fetch
param fetch
STABILIZE> Saved 1146 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
Requested parameter list
APM: EKF2 IMU0 Origin set to GPS
APM: EKF2 IMU1 Origin set to GPS
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
STAT_BOOTCNT = 12.0000000
Received 1140 parameters
AUTOTEST: Setting PLND_TYPE to 4.000000
param fetch PLND_TYPE
param fetch PLND_TYPE
STABILIZE> Saved 1146 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
Requested parameter PLND_TYPE
PLND_TYPE = 0.0000000
param set PLND_TYPE 4
param fetch PLND_TYPE
param set PLND_TYPE 4
STABILIZE> Requested parameter PLND_TYPE
PLND_TYPE = 4.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_TYPE to 1.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 0.0000000
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 1
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MIN_CM to 0.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 20.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 0
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MAX_CM to 4000.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 700.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 4000
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 4000
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 4000.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_PIN to 0.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = -1.0000000
param set RNGFND1_PIN 0
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param set RNGFND1_PIN 0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_SCALING to 12.120000
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 3.0000000
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 12.12
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 12.12
STABILIZE> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 12.1199999
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 12.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
APM: Initialising APM
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
EOF on TCP socket
Attempting reconnect
Init ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)Free RAM: 131072FW Ver: 120----------------------------------------load_all took 0us0 0 0 validate_structures:390: Validating structuresAP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384Init Gyro***Ready to FLY Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
Timed out looking for STAT_BOOTCNT = ([-0-9.]*)

param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 13.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 4899 messages from mav (7288.400253/s)
set streamrate 6
set streamrate
set streamrate 6
rate: 6
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE>           streamrate 6
APM: EKF2 IMU0 Origin set to GPS
APM: EKF2 IMU1 Origin set to GPS
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882461492228, time_boot_ms : 13728})
AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (3452.102058/s)
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
set streamrate 5
rate: 5
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 5 messages from mav (4935.636620/s)
          streamrate 5
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882461759621, time_boot_ms : 13996})
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (3145.334833/s)
AUTOTEST: Reboot complete
AUTOTEST: Waiting for location
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0455179214478 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:229 errors=128
APM: EKF2 IMU0 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:895 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0461299419403 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 12 messages from mav (5813.982673/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1800
rc 3 1800
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0461061000824 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1800 got=1800
AUTOTEST: Waiting for altitude between 9.00 and 15.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
APM: EKF2 IMU1 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:3.17 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.96
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:9.69 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 1.48
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
STABILIZE> height 10
AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0439069271088 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 2 1550
rc 2 1550
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0406930446625 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1550 got=1550
AUTOTEST: Distance=0.03 meters want=5.00
AUTOTEST: Attained distance 0.03 meters OK
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (1451.316263/s)
rc 2 1500
rc 2 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0104229450226 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1500 got=1550
rc 2 1500
rc 2 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0339369773865 st=0.2 r=0.169684886932): ch=2 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LAND
mode LAND
mode LAND
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 6 messages from mav (2279.513043/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
valAUTOTEST: Got mode LAND
idate_structure:380:   PSC[1] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[2] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[3] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[4] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[5] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[6] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[7] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[8] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[9] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[10] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[11] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[12] float with non-zero multiplier=Bheight 20
height 10
Flight battery 100 percent
height 0
Hit ground at 0.476613 m/s
APM: Disarming motors
AUTOTEST: Landed 0.783518 metres from original position
AUTOTEST: Drained 4 messages from mav (2560.625153/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
LAND> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0460698604584 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_SCALING to 3.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
LAND> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 12.1199999
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 3.0
param fetch RNGFND1_SCALING
param set RNGFND1_SCALING 3.0
LAND> Requested parameter RNGFND1_SCALING
RNGFND1_SCALING = 3.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_PIN to -1.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
LAND> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = 0.0000000
param set RNGFND1_PIN -1.0
param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
param set RNGFND1_PIN -1.0
LAND> param fetch RNGFND1_PIN
LAND> Requested parameter RNGFND1_PIN
RNGFND1_PIN = -1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MAX_CM to 700.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
LAND> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 4000.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 700.0
param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
param set RNGFND1_MAX_CM 700.0
LAND> param fetch RNGFND1_MAX_CM
LAND> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MAX_CM
RNGFND1_MAX_CM = 700.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_MIN_CM to 20.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
LAND> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 0.0000000
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 20.0
param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
param set RNGFND1_MIN_CM 20.0
LAND> param fetch RNGFND1_MIN_CM
LAND> Requested parameter RNGFND1_MIN_CM
RNGFND1_MIN_CM = 20.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RNGFND1_TYPE to 0.000000
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
LAND> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 1.0000000
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 0.0
param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
param set RNGFND1_TYPE 0.0
LAND> param fetch RNGFND1_TYPE
LAND> Requested parameter RNGFND1_TYPE
RNGFND1_TYPE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting PLND_TYPE to 0.000000
param fetch PLND_TYPE
param fetch PLND_TYPE
LAND> Requested parameter PLND_TYPE
PLND_TYPE = 4.0000000
param set PLND_TYPE 0.0
param fetch PLND_TYPE
param set PLND_TYPE 0.0
LAND> param fetch PLND_TYPE
LAND> Requested parameter PLND_TYPE
PLND_TYPE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting PLND_ENABLED to 0.000000
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
LAND> Requested parameter PLND_ENABLED
PLND_ENABLED = 1.0000000
param set PLND_ENABLED 0.0
param fetch PLND_ENABLED
param set PLND_ENABLED 0.0
LAND> param fetch PLND_ENABLED
LAND> Requested parameter PLND_ENABLED
PLND_ENABLED = 0.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
LAND> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 13.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
LAND> param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
LAND> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
APM: Initialising APM
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
EOF on TCP socket
Attempting reconnect
Init ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)Free RAM: 131072FW Ver: 120----------------------------------------load_all took 0us0 0 0 validate_structures:390: Validating structuresAP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384STABILIZE> Mode STABILIZE
Init Gyro***Ready to FLY Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
Timed out looking for STAT_BOOTCNT = ([-0-9.]*)

param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 14.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 938 messages from mav (6959.185386/s)
set streamrate 6
set streamrate
set streamrate 6
rate: 6
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE>           streamrate 6
Time has wrapped
('Time has wrapped', 11496, 137597)
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882483659788, time_boot_ms : 11496})
AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (3202.003206/s)
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
set streamrate 5
rate: 5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE>           streamrate 5
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882483959668, time_boot_ms : 11796})
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4346.429016/s)
AUTOTEST: Reboot complete
AUTOTEST: All done
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "PrecisionLandingSITL (Precision Landing (SITL))"
AUTOTEST: ########## SetModesViaModeSwitch (Set modes via modeswitch)  ##########
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Setting FLTMODE_CH to 5.000000
param fetch FLTMODE_CH
param fetch FLTMODE_CH
STABILIZE> Requested parameter FLTMODE_CH
FLTMODE_CH = 5.0000000
param set FLTMODE_CH 5
param fetch FLTMODE_CH
param set FLTMODE_CH 5
STABILIZE> Requested parameter FLTMODE_CH
FLTMODE_CH = 5.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 78 messages from mav (7142.202157/s)
rc 5 1000
rc 5 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0537312030792 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Setting FLTMODE1 to 4.000000
param fetch FLTMODE1
param fetch FLTMODE1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter FLTMODE1
CIRCLE> validate_structure:380:   PSC[1] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[2] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[3] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[4] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[5] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[6] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[7] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[8] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[9] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[10] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[11] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[12] float with non-zero multiplier=BFLTMODE1 = 7.0000000
param set FLTMODE1 4
param fetch FLTMODE1
param set FLTMODE1 4
CIRCLE> param fetch FLTMODE1
CIRCLE> APM: EKF2 IMU0 Origin set to GPS
APM: EKF2 IMU1 Origin set to GPS
Requested parameter FLTMODE1
FLTMODE1 = 4.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting FLTMODE2 to 13.000000
param fetch FLTMODE2
param fetch FLTMODE2
CIRCLE> Requested parameter FLTMODE2
FLTMODE2 = 9.0000000
param set FLTMODE2 13
param fetch FLTMODE2
param set FLTMODE2 13
CIRCLE> param fetch FLTMODE2
CIRCLE> Requested parameter FLTMODE2
FLTMODE2 = 13.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting FLTMODE3 to 6.000000
param fetch FLTMODE3
param fetch FLTMODE3
CIRCLE> Requested parameter FLTMODE3
FLTMODE3 = 6.0000000
param set FLTMODE3 6
param fetch FLTMODE3
param set FLTMODE3 6
CIRCLE> param fetch FLTMODE3
CIRCLE> Requested parameter FLTMODE3
FLTMODE3 = 6.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting FLTMODE4 to 7.000000
param fetch FLTMODE4
param fetch FLTMODE4
CIRCLE> Requested parameter FLTMODE4
FLTMODE4 = 3.0000000
param set FLTMODE4 7
param fetch FLTMODE4
param set FLTMODE4 7
CIRCLE> param fetch FLTMODE4
CIRCLE> Requested parameter FLTMODE4
FLTMODE4 = 7.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting FLTMODE5 to 1.000000
param fetch FLTMODE5
param fetch FLTMODE5
CIRCLE> Requested parameter FLTMODE5
FLTMODE5 = 5.0000000
param set FLTMODE5 1
param fetch FLTMODE5
param set FLTMODE5 1
CIRCLE> param fetch FLTMODE5
CIRCLE> Requested parameter FLTMODE5
FLTMODE5 = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting FLTMODE6 to 17.000000
param fetch FLTMODE6
param fetch FLTMODE6
CIRCLE> Requested parameter FLTMODE6
FLTMODE6 = 0.0000000
param set FLTMODE6 17
param fetch FLTMODE6
param set FLTMODE6 17
CIRCLE> param fetch FLTMODE6
CIRCLE> Requested parameter FLTMODE6
APM: PreArm: Need 3D Fix
FLTMODE6 = 17.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 621 messages from mav (6538.284122/s)
rc 5 1815
rc 5 1815
CIRCLE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0419387817383 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1815 got=1815
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode BRAKE
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1685
rc 5 1685
BRAKE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0432109832764 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1685 got=1685
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode ACRO
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (2212.185654/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2974.683688/s)
rc 5 1555
rc 5 1555
ACRO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.00871801376343 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1555 got=1685
rc 5 1555
rc 5 1555
ACRO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0195519924164 st=0.2 r=0.0977599620819): ch=5 want=1555 got=1685
rc 5 1555
rc 5 1555
ACRO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0329079627991 st=0.4 r=0.0822699069977): ch=5 want=1555 got=1555
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode CIRCLE
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5315.974651/s)
rc 5 1425
rc 5 1425
CIRCLE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0189900398254 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1425 got=1425
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode RTL
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1295
rc 5 1295
RTL> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0422110557556 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1295 got=1295
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode SPORT
AUTOTEST: Drained 9 messages from mav (2528.042861/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1165
rc 5 1165
SPORT> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0389618873596 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1165 got=1165
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode GUIDED
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2695.568123/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1165
rc 5 1165
GUIDED> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0140750408173 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1165 got=1165
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode GUIDED
AUTOTEST: Drained 60 messages from mav (2717.779626/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1295
rc 5 1295
GUIDED> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0411040782928 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1295 got=1295
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode SPORT
AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (4070.163998/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1425
rc 5 1425
SPORT> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0382959842682 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1425 got=1425
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode RTL
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1555
rc 5 1555
RTL> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0444040298462 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1555 got=1555
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode CIRCLE
AUTOTEST: Drained 5 messages from mav (3971.126681/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1685
rc 5 1685
CIRCLE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.00771307945251 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1685 got=1555
rc 5 1685
rc 5 1685
CIRCLE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0523271560669 st=0.2 r=0.261635780334): ch=5 want=1685 got=1685
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode ACRO
AUTOTEST: Drained 6 messages from mav (3620.981871/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1815
rc 5 1815
ACRO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0386478900909 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1815 got=1815
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode BRAKE
AUTOTEST: Drained 9 messages from mav (2302.875549/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1815
rc 5 1815
BRAKE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0400261878967 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1815 got=1815
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode BRAKE
AUTOTEST: Drained 9 messages from mav (2982.203824/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1685
rc 5 1685
BRAKE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0113220214844 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1685 got=1685
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode ACRO
AUTOTEST: Drained 9 messages from mav (2491.008051/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1555
rc 5 1555
ACRO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0420110225677 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1555 got=1555
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode CIRCLE
AUTOTEST: Drained 4 messages from mav (2288.218221/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1425
rc 5 1425
CIRCLE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0452370643616 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1425 got=1425
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode RTL
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1295
rc 5 1295
RTL> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.00947499275208 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1295 got=1295
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode SPORT
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 5 1165
rc 5 1165
SPORT> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0439429283142 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1165 got=1165
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode GUIDED
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2513.064110/s)
switch 6
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode BRAKE
switch 6
GUIDED> Set RC switch override to 6 (PWM=1815 channel=5)
AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (3620.773481/s)
switch 5
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode ACRO
switch 5
BRAKE> Set RC switch override to 5 (PWM=1685 channel=5)
AUTOTEST: Drained 5 messages from mav (3132.883179/s)
AUTOTEST: Setting FLTMODE6 to 0.000000
param fetch FLTMODE6
param fetch FLTMODE6
ACRO> Requested parameter FLTMODE6
FLTMODE6 = 17.0000000
param set FLTMODE6 0.0
param fetch FLTMODE6
param set FLTMODE6 0.0
ACRO> param fetch FLTMODE6
ACRO> Requested parameter FLTMODE6
FLTMODE6 = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting FLTMODE5 to 5.000000
param fetch FLTMODE5
param fetch FLTMODE5
ACRO> Requested parameter FLTMODE5
FLTMODE5 = 1.0000000
param set FLTMODE5 5.0
param fetch FLTMODE5
param set FLTMODE5 5.0
ACRO> param fetch FLTMODE5
ACRO> Requested parameter FLTMODE5
FLTMODE5 = 5.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting FLTMODE4 to 3.000000
param fetch FLTMODE4
param fetch FLTMODE4
ACRO> Requested parameter FLTMODE4
FLTMODE4 = 7.0000000
param set FLTMODE4 3.0
param fetch FLTMODE4
param set FLTMODE4 3.0
ACRO> param fetch FLTMODE4
ACRO> Requested parameter FLTMODE4
FLTMODE4 = 3.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting FLTMODE3 to 6.000000
param fetch FLTMODE3
param fetch FLTMODE3
ACRO> Requested parameter FLTMODE3
FLTMODE3 = 6.0000000
param set FLTMODE3 6.0
param fetch FLTMODE3
param set FLTMODE3 6.0
ACRO> param fetch FLTMODE3
ACRO> Requested parameter FLTMODE3
FLTMODE3 = 6.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting FLTMODE2 to 9.000000
param fetch FLTMODE2
param fetch FLTMODE2
ACRO> Requested parameter FLTMODE2
FLTMODE2 = 13.0000000
param set FLTMODE2 9.0
param fetch FLTMODE2
param set FLTMODE2 9.0
ACRO> param fetch FLTMODE2
ACRO> Requested parameter FLTMODE2
FLTMODE2 = 9.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting FLTMODE1 to 7.000000
param fetch FLTMODE1
param fetch FLTMODE1
ACRO> Requested parameter FLTMODE1
FLTMODE1 = 4.0000000
param set FLTMODE1 7.0
param fetch FLTMODE1
param set FLTMODE1 7.0
ACRO> param fetch FLTMODE1
ACRO> Requested parameter FLTMODE1
FLTMODE1 = 7.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting FLTMODE_CH to 5.000000
param fetch FLTMODE_CH
param fetch FLTMODE_CH
ACRO> Requested parameter FLTMODE_CH
FLTMODE_CH = 5.0000000
param set FLTMODE_CH 5.0
param fetch FLTMODE_CH
param set FLTMODE_CH 5.0
ACRO> param fetch FLTMODE_CH
ACRO> Requested parameter FLTMODE_CH
FLTMODE_CH = 5.0000000
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "SetModesViaModeSwitch (Set modes via modeswitch)"
AUTOTEST: ########## SetModesViaAuxSwitch (Set modes via auxswitch)  ##########
AUTOTEST: chan=5 needs resetting is=1685 want=1800
AUTOTEST: Drained 898 messages from mav (6579.047562/s)
rc 5 1800
rc 5 1800
ACRO> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0458879470825 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1800 got=1800
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
ACRO> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
param fetch FLTMODE_CH
param fetch FLTMODE_CH
STABILIZE> Requested parameter FLTMODE_CH
FLTMODE_CH = 5.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 26 messages from mav (3587.705751/s)
rc 5 1000
rc 5 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0447220802307 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode CIRCLE
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 9 1000
rc 9 1000
CIRCLE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0444140434265 st=0.0 r=None): ch=9 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 15 messages from mav (2787.036414/s)
rc 10 1000
rc 10 1000
CIRCLE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0108170509338 st=0.0 r=None): ch=10 want=1000 got=1500
rc 10 1000
rc 10 1000
CIRCLE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0233550071716 st=0.2 r=0.116775035858): ch=10 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Setting RC9_OPTION to 18.000000
param fetch RC9_OPTION
param fetch RC9_OPTION
CIRCLE> Requested parameter RC9_OPTION
APM: PreArm: Need 3D Fix
RC9_OPTION = 0.0000000
param set RC9_OPTION 18
param fetch RC9_OPTION
param set RC9_OPTION 18
CIRCLE> param fetch RC9_OPTION
CIRCLE> Requested parameter RC9_OPTION
RC9_OPTION = 18.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RC10_OPTION to 55.000000
param fetch RC10_OPTION
param fetch RC10_OPTION
CIRCLE> Requested parameter RC10_OPTION
RC10_OPTION = 0.0000000
param set RC10_OPTION 55
param fetch RC10_OPTION
param set RC10_OPTION 55
CIRCLE> param fetch RC10_OPTION
CIRCLE> Requested parameter RC10_OPTION
RC10_OPTION = 55.0000000
AUTOTEST: Drained 275 messages from mav (5253.721771/s)
rc 9 1900
rc 9 1900
CIRCLE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0378968715668 st=0.0 r=None): ch=9 want=1900 got=1900
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode LAND
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (2781.368700/s)
rc 10 1900
rc 10 1900
LAND> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0108878612518 st=0.0 r=None): ch=10 want=1900 got=1000
rc 10 1900
rc 10 1900
LAND> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0438787937164 st=0.2 r=0.219393968582): ch=10 want=1900 got=1900
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode GUIDED
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 10 1000
rc 10 1000
GUIDED> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0420598983765 st=0.0 r=None): ch=10 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode CIRCLE
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Setting RC10_OPTION to 0.000000
param fetch RC10_OPTION
param fetch RC10_OPTION
CIRCLE> Requested parameter RC10_OPTION
RC10_OPTION = 55.0000000
param set RC10_OPTION 0.0
param fetch RC10_OPTION
param set RC10_OPTION 0.0
CIRCLE> param fetch RC10_OPTION
CIRCLE> Requested parameter RC10_OPTION
RC10_OPTION = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting RC9_OPTION to 0.000000
param fetch RC9_OPTION
param fetch RC9_OPTION
CIRCLE> Requested parameter RC9_OPTION
RC9_OPTION = 18.0000000
param set RC9_OPTION 0.0
param fetch RC9_OPTION
param set RC9_OPTION 0.0
CIRCLE> param fetch RC9_OPTION
CIRCLE> Requested parameter RC9_OPTION
RC9_OPTION = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "SetModesViaAuxSwitch (Set modes via auxswitch)"
AUTOTEST: ########## AutoTune (Fly AUTOTUNE mode)  ##########
AUTOTEST: chan=5 needs resetting is=1000 want=1800
AUTOTEST: chan=9 needs resetting is=1900 want=1500
AUTOTEST: chan=10 needs resetting is=1000 want=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 274 messages from mav (5674.303060/s)
rc 9 1500
rc 9 1500
CIRCLE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0456001758575 st=0.0 r=None): ch=9 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 7 messages from mav (3098.694248/s)
rc 10 1500
rc 10 1500
CIRCLE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0105590820312 st=0.0 r=None): ch=10 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (5249.441802/s)
rc 5 1800
rc 5 1800
CIRCLE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0421838760376 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1800 got=1800
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
CIRCLE> AUTOTEST: Drained 4 messages from mav (3050.957629/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
STABILIZE> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
APM: EKF2 IMU0 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4524.599784/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0420391559601 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5315.974651/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1700
rc 3 1700
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0425698757172 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1700 got=1700
AUTOTEST: Waiting for altitude between 9.00 and 15.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
APM: EKF2 IMU1 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:2.11 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.69
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:8.06 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 1.15
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0373380184174 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
mode autotune
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode AUTOTUNE
mode autotune
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4165.147964/s)
APM: AutoTune: Started
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (None) (0.000000 > 0.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.003600
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
height 10
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (92<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
validate_structure:380:   ATDE[1] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   ATDE[2] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   ATUN[3] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   ATUN[4] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   ATUN[5] float with non-zero multiplier=BAUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (92<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (93<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=1223.000 target=2000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (94<5092): AutoTune: lean=1223.000 target=2000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=123.2351 target=162.0000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (94<5092): AutoTune: rotation=123.2351 target=162.0000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.003960
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (94<5092): AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.003960
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (94<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (94<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (95<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.07739 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (96<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.07739 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.004791
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (96<5092): AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.004791
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (96<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (96<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (96<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (97<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (17.36000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (98<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (17.36000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.005797
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (98<5092): AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.005797
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (98<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (98<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (99<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.050000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (100<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.050000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.006377
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (100<5092): AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.006377
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (100<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (100<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (100<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (101<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (19.48000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (102<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (19.48000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.007716
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (102<5092): AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.007716
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (102<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (102<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (102<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.08992 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (104<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.08992 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.008488
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (104<5092): AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.008488
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (104<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (104<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (104<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (105<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (12.41000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (106<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (12.41000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.010271
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (106<5092): AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.010271
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (106<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (106<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (106<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (107<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.84441 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (108<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.84441 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.148837 d=0.010271
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (108<5092): AutoTune: p=0.148837 d=0.010271
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (108<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (108<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (108<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (108<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (109<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (109<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.20203 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (110<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.20203 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.180912 d=0.010271
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (110<5092): AutoTune: p=0.180912 d=0.010271
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (110<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (110<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (110<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (111<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.00248 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (112<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.00248 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.199456 d=0.010271
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (112<5092): AutoTune: p=0.199456 d=0.010271
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (112<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (112<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (112<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (112<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (113<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.18582 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (114<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.18582 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.230895 d=0.010271
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (114<5092): AutoTune: p=0.230895 d=0.010271
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (114<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (114<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (114<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (114<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (115<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (115<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.30721 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (116<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.30721 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.280655 d=0.010271
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (116<5092): AutoTune: p=0.280655 d=0.010271
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (116<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (116<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (116<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (117<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (117<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.24568 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (118<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.24568 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.010271
APM: AutoTune: success 2/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (118<5092): AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.010271
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (118<5092): AutoTune: success 2/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (118<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (118<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (118<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (119<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.17550 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (120<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.17550 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.009757
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (120<5092): AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.009757
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (120<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (120<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (120<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (120<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (121<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.00231 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (122<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.00231 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.008365
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (122<5092): AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.008365
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (122<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (122<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (122<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (123<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.09075 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (124<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.09075 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.008365
APM: AutoTune: success 1/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (124<5092): AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.008365
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (124<5092): AutoTune: success 1/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (124<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (124<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (125<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.14203 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (126<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.14203 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.008365
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (126<5092): AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.008365
APM: AutoTune: success 3/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (126<5092): AutoTune: success 3/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (126<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (126<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (126<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.08763 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (128<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.08763 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.309422 d=0.008365
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (128<5092): AutoTune: p=0.309422 d=0.008365
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (128<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (128<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (128<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (128<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (130<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=175.0000 target=1301.157
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (130<5092): AutoTune: lean=175.0000 target=1301.157
APM: AutoTune: rotation=49.65613 target=58.55206
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (130<5092): AutoTune: rotation=49.65613 target=58.55206
APM: AutoTune: p=0.341138 d=0.008365
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (130<5092): AutoTune: p=0.341138 d=0.008365
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (130<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (130<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (130<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (131<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.00867 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (132<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.00867 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.323271 d=0.007550
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (132<5092): AutoTune: p=0.323271 d=0.007550
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (132<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (132<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (132<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (133<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.020000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (134<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.020000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.356406 d=0.007550
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (134<5092): AutoTune: p=0.356406 d=0.007550
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (134<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (134<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (134<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (135<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.010000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (136<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.010000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.392938 d=0.007550
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (136<5092): AutoTune: p=0.392938 d=0.007550
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (136<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (136<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (136<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (137<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.12339 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (138<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.12339 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.391955 d=0.007172
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (138<5092): AutoTune: p=0.391955 d=0.007172
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (138<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (138<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (138<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (139<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.02016 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (140<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.02016 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.390976 d=0.006814
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (140<5092): AutoTune: p=0.390976 d=0.006814
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (140<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (140<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (140<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (141<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (141<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (6.780000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.409498 d=0.006473
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (142<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (6.780000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (142<5092): AutoTune: p=0.409498 d=0.006473
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (142<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (142<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (142<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (143<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.410000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (144<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.410000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.451472 d=0.006473
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (144<5092): AutoTune: p=0.451472 d=0.006473
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (144<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (144<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (144<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (145<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (13.50208 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (146<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (13.50208 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.450343 d=0.006149
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (146<5092): AutoTune: p=0.450343 d=0.006149
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (146<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (146<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (146<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.020000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (147<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (148<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.020000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.449217 d=0.005842
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (148<5092): AutoTune: p=0.449217 d=0.005842
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (148<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (148<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (148<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (149<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.09634 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (150<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.09634 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.448094 d=0.005550
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (150<5092): AutoTune: p=0.448094 d=0.005550
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (150<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (150<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (150<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (151<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (151<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=335.0000 target=1331.576
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (152<5092): AutoTune: lean=335.0000 target=1331.576
APM: AutoTune: rotation=52.20653 target=59.92092
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (152<5092): AutoTune: rotation=52.20653 target=59.92092
APM: AutoTune: p=0.446974 d=0.005272
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (152<5092): AutoTune: p=0.446974 d=0.005272
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (152<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (152<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (153<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (153<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.010000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (154<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.010000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.468149 d=0.005009
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (154<5092): AutoTune: p=0.468149 d=0.005009
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (154<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (154<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (154<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (155<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (43.15160 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (156<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (43.15160 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.516134 d=0.005009
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (156<5092): AutoTune: p=0.516134 d=0.005009
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (156<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (156<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (156<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (157<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.36449 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (158<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.36449 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.541941 d=0.005009
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (158<5092): AutoTune: p=0.541941 d=0.005009
APM: AutoTune: success 1/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (158<5092): AutoTune: success 1/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (158<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (158<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (159<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (159<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.33290 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (160<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.33290 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.541941 d=0.005009
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (160<5092): AutoTune: p=0.541941 d=0.005009
APM: AutoTune: success 2/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (160<5092): AutoTune: success 2/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (160<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (160<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (161<5092): AutoTune: (R) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.05364 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (162<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.05364 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.541941 d=0.005009
APM: AutoTune: success 3/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (162<5092): AutoTune: p=0.541941 d=0.005009
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (162<5092): AutoTune: success 3/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (162<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (162<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (162<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (163<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.23846 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (164<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.23846 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (164<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (164<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (164<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (164<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (166<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: rotation=-1.109700 target=51.34137
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (166<5092): AutoTune: rotation=-1.109700 target=51.34137
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (166<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (166<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (166<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (167<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: lean=789.0000 target=1140.779
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (168<5092): AutoTune: lean=789.0000 target=1140.779
APM: AutoTune: rotation=14.77072 target=51.33507
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (168<5092): AutoTune: rotation=14.77072 target=51.33507
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (168<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 1/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (168<5092): AutoTune: success 1/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (168<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (169<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: lean=887.0000 target=1140.606
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (170<5092): AutoTune: lean=887.0000 target=1140.606
APM: AutoTune: rotation=11.73126 target=51.32728
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (170<5092): AutoTune: rotation=11.73126 target=51.32728
APM: AutoTune: success 2/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (170<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (170<5092): AutoTune: success 2/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (170<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (171<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: lean=1022.000 target=1140.512
APM: AutoTune: rotation=2.832557 target=51.32305
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (172<5092): AutoTune: lean=1022.000 target=1140.512
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (172<5092): AutoTune: rotation=2.832557 target=51.32305
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (172<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 3/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (172<5092): AutoTune: success 3/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (172<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (173<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=1071.000 target=1140.175
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (174<5092): AutoTune: lean=1071.000 target=1140.175
APM: AutoTune: rotation=2.325503 target=51.30787
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (174<5092): AutoTune: rotation=2.325503 target=51.30787
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (174<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (174<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (174<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (175<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=1013.000 target=1085.559
APM: AutoTune: rotation=0.402752 target=51.29264
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (176<5092): AutoTune: lean=1013.000 target=1085.559
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (176<5092): AutoTune: rotation=0.402752 target=51.29264
APM: AutoTune: p=4.725000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (176<5092): AutoTune: p=4.725000 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (176<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (176<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (177<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (9.340000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (178<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (9.340000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=5.209312 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (178<5092): AutoTune: p=5.209312 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (178<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (178<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (178<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (13.91825 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (180<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (13.91825 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=5.469778 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (180<5092): AutoTune: p=5.469778 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (180<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (180<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (180<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.030000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (182<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.030000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=5.743267 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (182<5092): AutoTune: p=5.743267 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (182<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (182<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (182<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (184<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=54.00000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=14.25422 target=51.26500
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (184<5092): AutoTune: lean=54.00000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: p=6.030430 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (184<5092): AutoTune: rotation=14.25422 target=51.26500
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (184<5092): AutoTune: p=6.030430 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (184<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (184<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (185<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=911.0000 target=1000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (186<5092): AutoTune: lean=911.0000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=2.207016 target=51.26426
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (186<5092): AutoTune: rotation=2.207016 target=51.26426
APM: AutoTune: p=6.331952 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (186<5092): AutoTune: p=6.331952 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (186<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (186<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (187<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (9.830000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (188<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (9.830000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=6.980977 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (188<5092): AutoTune: p=6.980977 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (188<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (188<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (188<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.02338 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (190<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.02338 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=7.330025 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (190<5092): AutoTune: p=7.330025 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (190<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (190<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (190<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (191<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=844.0000 target=1000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (192<5092): AutoTune: lean=844.0000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=9.485430 target=51.25595
APM: AutoTune: p=7.696527 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (192<5092): AutoTune: rotation=9.485430 target=51.25595
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (192<5092): AutoTune: p=7.696527 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (192<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (192<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (193<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (9.450000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (194<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (9.450000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=8.485421 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (194<5092): AutoTune: p=8.485421 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (194<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (194<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.06896 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (194<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (196<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.06896 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=8.909692 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (196<5092): AutoTune: p=8.909692 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (196<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (196<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (196<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (197<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=936.0000 target=1000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (198<5092): AutoTune: lean=936.0000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=0.425986 target=51.24171
APM: AutoTune: p=9.355176 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (198<5092): AutoTune: rotation=0.425986 target=51.24171
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (198<5092): AutoTune: p=9.355176 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (198<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (198<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (199<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.040000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (200<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.040000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=10.31408 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (200<5092): AutoTune: p=10.31408 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (200<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (200<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (200<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (201<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=964.0000 target=1000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (202<5092): AutoTune: lean=964.0000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=2.263268 target=51.23959
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (202<5092): AutoTune: rotation=2.263268 target=51.23959
APM: AutoTune: p=10.82979 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (202<5092): AutoTune: p=10.82979 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (202<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (202<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (202<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.11859 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (204<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.11859 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=11.93984 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (204<5092): AutoTune: p=11.93984 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (204<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (204<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (204<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (205<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (31.88508 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (206<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (31.88508 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=13.16367 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (206<5092): AutoTune: p=13.16367 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (206<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (206<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (206<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (207<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=869.0000 target=1000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (208<5092): AutoTune: lean=869.0000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=16.16258 target=51.24497
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (208<5092): AutoTune: rotation=16.16258 target=51.24497
APM: AutoTune: p=13.82186 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (208<5092): AutoTune: p=13.82186 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (208<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (208<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (209<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.070000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (210<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (5.070000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=15.23860 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (210<5092): AutoTune: p=15.23860 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (210<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (210<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (210<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (211<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (8.090000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (212<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(R)) (8.090000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=16.80055 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (212<5092): AutoTune: p=16.80055 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (212<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (212<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (212<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (213<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=826.0000 target=1000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (214<5092): AutoTune: lean=826.0000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=49.64380 target=51.23074
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (214<5092): AutoTune: rotation=49.64380 target=51.23074
APM: AutoTune: p=17.64058 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (214<5092): AutoTune: p=17.64058 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (214<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (214<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (214<5092): AutoTune: (R) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.07734 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (216<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(R)) (10.07734 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=19.44874 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (216<5092): AutoTune: p=19.44874 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (216<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (216<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (216<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (217<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (15.52875 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (218<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (15.52875 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.003960
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (218<5092): AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.003960
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (218<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (218<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (218<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (219<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (23.05000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (220<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (23.05000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.004791
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (220<5092): AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.004791
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (220<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (220<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (221<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.040000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (222<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.040000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.005270
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (222<5092): AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.005270
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (222<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (222<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (222<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (223<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (21.96000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (224<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (21.96000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.006377
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (224<5092): AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.006377
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (224<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (224<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (224<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.10878 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (226<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.10878 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.007015
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (226<5092): AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.007015
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (226<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (226<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (226<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (227<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (17.78000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (228<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (17.78000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.008488
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (228<5092): AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.008488
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (228<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (228<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (229<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.060000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (230<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.060000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.009337
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (230<5092): AutoTune: p=0.135000 d=0.009337
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (230<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (230<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (230<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (231<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.060000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.141750 d=0.010271
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (232<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.060000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (232<5092): AutoTune: p=0.141750 d=0.010271
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (232<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (232<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (232<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (232<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (233<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (234<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=5.000000 target=1487.891
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (234<5092): AutoTune: lean=5.000000 target=1487.891
APM: AutoTune: rotation=-0.022866 target=66.95508
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (234<5092): AutoTune: rotation=-0.022866 target=66.95508
APM: AutoTune: p=0.164093 d=0.010271
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (234<5092): AutoTune: p=0.164093 d=0.010271
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (234<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (234<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (234<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (235<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (235<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.15051 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (236<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.15051 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.199456 d=0.010271
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (236<5092): AutoTune: p=0.199456 d=0.010271
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (236<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (236<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (236<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (237<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (237<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.25048 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (238<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.25048 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.230895 d=0.010271
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (238<5092): AutoTune: p=0.230895 d=0.010271
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (238<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (238<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (238<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (238<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (239<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (240<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=192.0000 target=1269.527
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (240<5092): AutoTune: lean=192.0000 target=1269.527
APM: AutoTune: rotation=44.45423 target=57.12872
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (240<5092): AutoTune: rotation=44.45423 target=57.12872
APM: AutoTune: p=0.267290 d=0.010271
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (240<5092): AutoTune: p=0.267290 d=0.010271
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (240<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (240<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (240<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (241<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (241<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.20476 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (242<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.20476 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.280655 d=0.010271
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (242<5092): AutoTune: p=0.280655 d=0.010271
APM: AutoTune: success 3/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (242<5092): AutoTune: success 3/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (242<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (242<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (243<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (243<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.27228 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (244<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.27228 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.009757
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (244<5092): AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.009757
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (244<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (244<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (244<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (244<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (245<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.01847 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (246<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.01847 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.008365
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (246<5092): AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.008365
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (246<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (246<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (246<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (247<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.03255 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (248<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.03255 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.008365
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (248<5092): AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.008365
APM: AutoTune: success 1/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (248<5092): AutoTune: success 1/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (248<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (248<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (249<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.05251 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (250<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.05251 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.008365
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (250<5092): AutoTune: p=0.294688 d=0.008365
APM: AutoTune: success 3/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (250<5092): AutoTune: success 3/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (250<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (250<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (251<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.09878 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (252<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.09878 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.309422 d=0.008365
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (252<5092): AutoTune: p=0.309422 d=0.008365
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (252<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (252<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (252<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (253<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.05407 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (254<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.05407 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.341138 d=0.008365
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (254<5092): AutoTune: p=0.341138 d=0.008365
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (254<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (254<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (254<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (254<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (13.62663 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (255<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (256<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (13.62663 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.357299 d=0.007947
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (256<5092): AutoTune: p=0.357299 d=0.007947
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (256<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (256<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (256<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (257<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.030000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (258<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.030000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.356406 d=0.007550
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (258<5092): AutoTune: p=0.356406 d=0.007550
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (258<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (258<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (258<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (259<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (259<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (6.210000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (260<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (6.210000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.373291 d=0.007172
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (260<5092): AutoTune: p=0.373291 d=0.007172
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (260<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (260<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (260<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (261<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.01578 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (262<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.01578 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.372358 d=0.006814
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (262<5092): AutoTune: p=0.372358 d=0.006814
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (262<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (262<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (262<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (263<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.14256 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (264<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.14256 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.410524 d=0.006814
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (264<5092): AutoTune: p=0.410524 d=0.006814
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (264<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (264<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (264<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (265<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (266<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=78.00000 target=1302.891
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (266<5092): AutoTune: lean=78.00000 target=1302.891
APM: AutoTune: rotation=25.58343 target=58.63008
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (266<5092): AutoTune: rotation=25.58343 target=58.63008
APM: AutoTune: p=0.409498 d=0.006473
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (266<5092): AutoTune: p=0.409498 d=0.006473
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (266<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (266<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (267<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (267<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.140000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (268<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.140000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.428898 d=0.006149
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (268<5092): AutoTune: p=0.428898 d=0.006149
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (268<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (268<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (268<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (269<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.20450 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (270<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.20450 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.427826 d=0.005842
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (270<5092): AutoTune: p=0.427826 d=0.005842
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (270<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (270<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (270<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (271<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.05750 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (272<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.05750 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.426756 d=0.005550
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (272<5092): AutoTune: p=0.426756 d=0.005550
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (272<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (272<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (272<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (273<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (274<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=301.0000 target=1262.084
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (274<5092): AutoTune: lean=301.0000 target=1262.084
APM: AutoTune: rotation=50.65467 target=56.79376
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (274<5092): AutoTune: rotation=50.65467 target=56.79376
APM: AutoTune: p=0.470499 d=0.005550
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (274<5092): AutoTune: p=0.470499 d=0.005550
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (274<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (274<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (274<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.08978 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (276<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.08978 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.469322 d=0.005272
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (276<5092): AutoTune: p=0.469322 d=0.005272
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (276<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (276<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (276<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (276<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (277<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.07473 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (278<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.07473 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.444742 d=0.004758
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (278<5092): AutoTune: p=0.444742 d=0.004758
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (278<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (278<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (278<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (279<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.020000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (280<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.020000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.490328 d=0.004758
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (280<5092): AutoTune: p=0.490328 d=0.004758
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (280<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (280<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (280<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (281<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.00226 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (282<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.00226 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.540586 d=0.004758
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (282<5092): AutoTune: p=0.540586 d=0.004758
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (282<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (282<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (282<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (283<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (283<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.02358 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (284<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.02358 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.540586 d=0.004758
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (284<5092): AutoTune: p=0.540586 d=0.004758
APM: AutoTune: success 2/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (284<5092): AutoTune: success 2/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (284<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (284<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (285<5092): AutoTune: (P) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.07021 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (286<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.07021 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.540586 d=0.004758
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (286<5092): AutoTune: p=0.540586 d=0.004758
APM: AutoTune: success 3/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (286<5092): AutoTune: success 3/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (286<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (286<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (286<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (14.66784 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (288<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (14.66784 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (288<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (288<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (288<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (288<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.040000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (290<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.040000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 1/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (290<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (290<5092): AutoTune: success 1/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (290<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (290<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.06318 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (292<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.06318 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (292<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 2/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (292<5092): AutoTune: success 2/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (292<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (292<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (294<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: lean=232.0000 target=1199.485
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (294<5092): AutoTune: lean=232.0000 target=1199.485
APM: AutoTune: rotation=43.85047 target=53.97684
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (294<5092): AutoTune: rotation=43.85047 target=53.97684
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (294<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 3/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (294<5092): AutoTune: success 3/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (294<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (295<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=441.0000 target=1199.322
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (296<5092): AutoTune: lean=441.0000 target=1199.322
APM: AutoTune: rotation=38.31034 target=53.96947
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (296<5092): AutoTune: rotation=38.31034 target=53.96947
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (296<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (296<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (296<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (297<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=914.0000 target=1142.051
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (298<5092): AutoTune: lean=914.0000 target=1142.051
APM: AutoTune: rotation=8.642427 target=53.96191
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (298<5092): AutoTune: rotation=8.642427 target=53.96191
APM: AutoTune: p=4.725000 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (298<5092): AutoTune: p=4.725000 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (298<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (298<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (299<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=958.0000 target=1087.486
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (300<5092): AutoTune: lean=958.0000 target=1087.486
APM: AutoTune: rotation=6.247409 target=53.95290
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (300<5092): AutoTune: rotation=6.247409 target=53.95290
APM: AutoTune: p=4.961250 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (300<5092): AutoTune: p=4.961250 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (300<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (300<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (301<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=958.0000 target=1035.624
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (302<5092): AutoTune: lean=958.0000 target=1035.624
APM: AutoTune: rotation=0.783013 target=53.94889
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (302<5092): AutoTune: rotation=0.783013 target=53.94889
APM: AutoTune: p=5.209312 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (302<5092): AutoTune: p=5.209312 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (302<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (302<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (303<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=970.0000 target=1000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (304<5092): AutoTune: lean=970.0000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=0.658832 target=53.93780
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (304<5092): AutoTune: rotation=0.658832 target=53.93780
APM: AutoTune: p=5.469778 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (304<5092): AutoTune: p=5.469778 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (304<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (304<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (304<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (17.22926 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (306<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (17.22926 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=6.030430 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (306<5092): AutoTune: p=6.030430 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (306<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (306<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (306<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.020000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (308<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.020000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=6.331952 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (308<5092): AutoTune: p=6.331952 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (308<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (308<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (308<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (309<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=630.0000 target=1000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (310<5092): AutoTune: lean=630.0000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=28.47582 target=53.92955
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (310<5092): AutoTune: rotation=28.47582 target=53.92955
APM: AutoTune: p=6.648549 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (310<5092): AutoTune: p=6.648549 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (310<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (310<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (311<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=936.0000 target=1000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (312<5092): AutoTune: lean=936.0000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=0.270911 target=53.92434
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (312<5092): AutoTune: rotation=0.270911 target=53.92434
APM: AutoTune: p=6.980977 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (312<5092): AutoTune: p=6.980977 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (312<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (312<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (313<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.030000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (314<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.030000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=7.696527 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (314<5092): AutoTune: p=7.696527 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (314<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (314<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (314<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (315<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=381.0000 target=1000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (316<5092): AutoTune: lean=381.0000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=50.83268 target=53.92231
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (316<5092): AutoTune: rotation=50.83268 target=53.92231
APM: AutoTune: p=8.081353 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (316<5092): AutoTune: p=8.081353 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (316<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (316<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (317<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (6.540000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (318<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (6.540000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=8.909692 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (318<5092): AutoTune: p=8.909692 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (318<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (318<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (318<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.040000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (320<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.040000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=9.355176 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (320<5092): AutoTune: p=9.355176 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (320<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (320<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (320<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (321<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=973.0000 target=1000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (322<5092): AutoTune: lean=973.0000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=0.939706 target=53.91535
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (322<5092): AutoTune: rotation=0.939706 target=53.91535
APM: AutoTune: p=9.822935 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (322<5092): AutoTune: p=9.822935 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (322<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (322<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
Flight battery 60 percent
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (322<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.06494 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (324<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.06494 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=10.82979 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (324<5092): AutoTune: p=10.82979 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (324<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (324<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (324<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (325<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.840000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (326<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.840000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=11.93984 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (326<5092): AutoTune: p=11.93984 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (326<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (326<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (326<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (327<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=673.0000 target=1000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (328<5092): AutoTune: lean=673.0000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=50.20240 target=53.92520
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (328<5092): AutoTune: rotation=50.20240 target=53.92520
APM: AutoTune: p=12.53683 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (328<5092): AutoTune: p=12.53683 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (328<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (328<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (329<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.040000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (330<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(P)) (5.040000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=13.82186 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (330<5092): AutoTune: p=13.82186 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (330<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (330<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (330<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (331<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=974.0000 target=1000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (332<5092): AutoTune: lean=974.0000 target=1000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=1.629253 target=53.92120
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (332<5092): AutoTune: rotation=1.629253 target=53.92120
APM: AutoTune: p=14.51295 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (332<5092): AutoTune: p=14.51295 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (332<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (332<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (332<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.07479 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (334<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.07479 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=16.00053 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (334<5092): AutoTune: p=16.00053 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (334<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (334<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (334<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (335<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.23953 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (336<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (10.23953 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=17.64058 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (336<5092): AutoTune: p=17.64058 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (336<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (336<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (336<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (337<5092): AutoTune: (P) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (29.00617 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (338<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(P)) (29.00617 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=19.44874 accel=110000.0
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (338<5092): AutoTune: p=19.44874 accel=110000.0
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (338<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (338<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (338<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (339<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=650.0000 target=3000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (340<5092): AutoTune: lean=650.0000 target=3000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=39.83432 target=90.00000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (340<5092): AutoTune: rotation=39.83432 target=90.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.180000 d=2.500000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (340<5092): AutoTune: p=0.180000 d=2.500000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (340<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (340<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (8.440000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (342<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (8.440000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.189000 d=2.500000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (342<5092): AutoTune: p=0.189000 d=2.500000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (342<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (342<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (342<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (20.58000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (344<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (20.58000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.189000 d=2.750000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (344<5092): AutoTune: p=0.189000 d=2.750000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (344<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (344<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (345<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=124.0000 target=3000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (346<5092): AutoTune: lean=124.0000 target=3000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=6.130362 target=72.89999
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (346<5092): AutoTune: rotation=6.130362 target=72.89999
APM: AutoTune: p=0.189000 d=2.750000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (346<5092): AutoTune: p=0.189000 d=2.750000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (346<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (346<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (10.46000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (348<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (10.46000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=2.750000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (348<5092): AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=2.750000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (348<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (348<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (348<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (30.31000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (350<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (30.31000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=3.025000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (350<5092): AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=3.025000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (350<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (350<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (11.22323 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=3.025000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (352<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (11.22323 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (352<5092): AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=3.025000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (352<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (352<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (352<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (8.170000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (354<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (8.170000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=3.327500
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (354<5092): AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=3.327500
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (354<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (354<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (355<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=2688.000 target=3000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (356<5092): AutoTune: lean=2688.000 target=3000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=46.15417 target=53.14409
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (356<5092): AutoTune: rotation=46.15417 target=53.14409
APM: AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=3.327500
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (356<5092): AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=3.327500
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (356<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (356<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (11.77997 > 7.500000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (358<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (11.77997 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=3.660250
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (358<5092): AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=3.660250
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (358<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (358<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (358<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (15.16000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (360<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (15.16000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=4.026275
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (360<5092): AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=4.026275
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (360<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (360<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (361<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=939.0000 target=3000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (362<5092): AutoTune: lean=939.0000 target=3000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=35.73822 target=47.82968
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (362<5092): AutoTune: rotation=35.73822 target=47.82968
APM: AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=4.026275
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (362<5092): AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=4.026275
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (362<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (362<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.260000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (364<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.260000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=4.428903
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (364<5092): AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=4.428903
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (364<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (364<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (365<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (35.15000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (366<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (35.15000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=4.871793
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (366<5092): AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=4.871793
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (366<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (366<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (367<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=-9.000000 target=3000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (368<5092): AutoTune: lean=-9.000000 target=3000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=6.505481 target=45.00000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (368<5092): AutoTune: rotation=6.505481 target=45.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=4.871793
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (368<5092): AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=4.871793
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (368<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (368<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.950000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (370<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.950000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (370<5092): AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (370<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (370<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (371<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: lean=2860.000 target=3000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (372<5092): AutoTune: lean=2860.000 target=3000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=68.83371 target=90.00000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (372<5092): AutoTune: rotation=68.83371 target=90.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (372<5092): AutoTune: p=0.198450 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (372<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (372<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.010000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (374<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.010000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (374<5092): AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (374<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (374<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (374<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.110000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (376<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.110000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (376<5092): AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 1/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (376<5092): AutoTune: success 1/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (376<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (377<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: lean=1875.000 target=3000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (378<5092): AutoTune: lean=1875.000 target=3000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=51.45021 target=72.89999
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (378<5092): AutoTune: rotation=51.45021 target=72.89999
APM: AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 1/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (378<5092): AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (378<5092): AutoTune: success 1/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (378<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.040000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (380<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.040000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (380<5092): AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 2/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (380<5092): AutoTune: success 2/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (380<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (380<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (6.380000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (382<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (6.380000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (382<5092): AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 3/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (382<5092): AutoTune: success 3/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (382<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (383<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate D Down
APM: AutoTune: lean=638.0000 target=3000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (384<5092): AutoTune: lean=638.0000 target=3000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=28.09712 target=59.04899
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (384<5092): AutoTune: rotation=28.09712 target=59.04899
APM: AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (384<5092): AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 3/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (384<5092): AutoTune: success 3/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (384<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (7.340000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (386<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (7.340000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (386<5092): AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (386<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (386<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (386<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (15.78000 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (388<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (15.78000 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (388<5092): AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (388<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (388<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (389<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=71.00000 target=3000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (390<5092): AutoTune: lean=71.00000 target=3000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=24.69483 target=81.00000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (390<5092): AutoTune: rotation=24.69483 target=81.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (390<5092): AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (390<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (390<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (11.99000 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (392<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (11.99000 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (392<5092): AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (392<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (392<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (393<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=2726.000 target=3000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (394<5092): AutoTune: lean=2726.000 target=3000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=63.15545 target=72.89999
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (394<5092): AutoTune: rotation=63.15545 target=72.89999
APM: AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (394<5092): AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (394<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (394<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (18.99579 > 15.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (396<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (18.99579 > 15.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (396<5092): AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (396<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (396<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (396<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (29.74000 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (398<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (29.74000 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (398<5092): AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (398<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (398<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (15.03642 > 15.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (400<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (15.03642 > 15.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (400<5092): AutoTune: p=0.208372 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (400<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (400<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (400<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (6.010000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (402<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (6.010000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.218791 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (402<5092): AutoTune: p=0.218791 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (402<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (402<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (403<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=1723.000 target=3000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (404<5092): AutoTune: lean=1723.000 target=3000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=42.60938 target=59.04899
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (404<5092): AutoTune: rotation=42.60938 target=59.04899
APM: AutoTune: p=0.218791 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (404<5092): AutoTune: p=0.218791 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (404<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (404<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (10.02000 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (406<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (10.02000 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.218791 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (406<5092): AutoTune: p=0.218791 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (406<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (406<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (406<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (11.32000 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (408<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (11.32000 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.218791 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (408<5092): AutoTune: p=0.218791 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (408<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (408<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (408<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (27.55000 > 10.00000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (410<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (27.55000 > 10.00000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.218791 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (410<5092): AutoTune: p=0.218791 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (410<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (410<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (411<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=2252.000 target=3000.000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (412<5092): AutoTune: lean=2252.000 target=3000.000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=34.68800 target=45.00000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (412<5092): AutoTune: rotation=34.68800 target=45.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.218791 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (412<5092): AutoTune: p=0.218791 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (412<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (412<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.020000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (414<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.020000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.229730 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (414<5092): AutoTune: p=0.229730 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (414<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (414<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (414<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (9.309999 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (416<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (9.309999 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.241217 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (416<5092): AutoTune: p=0.241217 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (416<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (416<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (417<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=306.0000 target=2779.678
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (418<5092): AutoTune: lean=306.0000 target=2779.678
APM: AutoTune: rotation=17.33465 target=45.00000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (418<5092): AutoTune: rotation=17.33465 target=45.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.241217 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (418<5092): AutoTune: p=0.241217 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (418<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (418<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (9.500000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (420<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (9.500000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.253278 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (420<5092): AutoTune: p=0.253278 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (420<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (420<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (420<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (26.49000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (422<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (26.49000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.265942 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (422<5092): AutoTune: p=0.265942 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (422<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (422<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (9.365363 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.265942 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (424<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (9.365363 > 7.500000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (424<5092): AutoTune: p=0.265942 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (424<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (424<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (424<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (48.86061 > 7.500000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (426<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (48.86061 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.279239 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (426<5092): AutoTune: p=0.279239 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (426<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (426<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (427<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=2134.000 target=2399.133
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (428<5092): AutoTune: lean=2134.000 target=2399.133
APM: AutoTune: rotation=41.11296 target=45.00000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (428<5092): AutoTune: rotation=41.11296 target=45.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.279239 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (428<5092): AutoTune: p=0.279239 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (428<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (428<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (16.12927 > 7.500000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (430<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (16.12927 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.293201 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (430<5092): AutoTune: p=0.293201 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (430<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (430<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (430<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (22.50000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (432<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (22.50000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.307861 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (432<5092): AutoTune: p=0.307861 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (432<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (432<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (433<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=848.0000 target=2175.508
APM: AutoTune: rotation=37.50806 target=45.00000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (434<5092): AutoTune: lean=848.0000 target=2175.508
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (434<5092): AutoTune: rotation=37.50806 target=45.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.307861 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (434<5092): AutoTune: p=0.307861 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (434<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (434<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (7.430000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (436<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (7.430000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.323254 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (436<5092): AutoTune: p=0.323254 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (436<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (436<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (437<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (34.84000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (438<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (34.84000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.339416 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (438<5092): AutoTune: p=0.339416 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (438<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (438<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (440<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=-3.000000 target=1972.958
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (440<5092): AutoTune: lean=-3.000000 target=1972.958
APM: AutoTune: rotation=6.002521 target=45.00000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (440<5092): AutoTune: rotation=6.002521 target=45.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.339416 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (440<5092): AutoTune: p=0.339416 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (440<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (440<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (6.800000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (442<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (6.800000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.356387 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (442<5092): AutoTune: p=0.356387 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (442<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (442<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (443<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=2055.000 target=1877.937
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (444<5092): AutoTune: lean=2055.000 target=1877.937
APM: AutoTune: rotation=41.78508 target=45.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.356387 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (444<5092): AutoTune: rotation=41.78508 target=45.00000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (444<5092): AutoTune: p=0.356387 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (444<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (444<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.060000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (446<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.060000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.374207 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (446<5092): AutoTune: p=0.374207 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (446<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (446<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (446<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.030000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (448<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.030000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.392917 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (448<5092): AutoTune: p=0.392917 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (448<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (448<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (449<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=874.0000 target=1703.144
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (450<5092): AutoTune: lean=874.0000 target=1703.144
APM: AutoTune: rotation=36.36605 target=45.00000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (450<5092): AutoTune: rotation=36.36605 target=45.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.392917 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (450<5092): AutoTune: p=0.392917 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (450<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.870000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (450<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: p=0.412563 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (452<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.870000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (452<5092): AutoTune: p=0.412563 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (452<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (452<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (452<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (10.35000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (454<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (10.35000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.433191 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (454<5092): AutoTune: p=0.433191 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (454<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (454<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (455<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=311.0000 target=1544.563
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (456<5092): AutoTune: lean=311.0000 target=1544.563
APM: AutoTune: rotation=23.07500 target=45.00000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (456<5092): AutoTune: rotation=23.07500 target=45.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.433191 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (456<5092): AutoTune: p=0.433191 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (456<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (456<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (8.690000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (458<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (8.690000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.454851 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (458<5092): AutoTune: p=0.454851 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (458<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (458<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (458<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (11.71000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.477593 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (460<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (11.71000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (460<5092): AutoTune: p=0.477593 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (460<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (460<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (461<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=153.0000 target=1401.151
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (462<5092): AutoTune: lean=153.0000 target=1401.151
APM: AutoTune: rotation=13.51257 target=45.00000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (462<5092): AutoTune: rotation=13.51257 target=45.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.477593 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (462<5092): AutoTune: p=0.477593 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (462<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (462<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (9.320000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (464<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (9.320000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.501473 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (464<5092): AutoTune: p=0.501473 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (464<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (464<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (464<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (9.690000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (466<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (9.690000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.526546 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (466<5092): AutoTune: p=0.526546 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (466<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (466<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (467<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=302.0000 target=1270.760
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (468<5092): AutoTune: lean=302.0000 target=1270.760
APM: AutoTune: rotation=25.04209 target=45.00000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (468<5092): AutoTune: rotation=25.04209 target=45.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.526546 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (468<5092): AutoTune: p=0.526546 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (468<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (468<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (6.890000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (470<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (6.890000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.552874 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (470<5092): AutoTune: p=0.552874 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (470<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (470<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (470<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.090000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (472<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.090000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.580517 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (472<5092): AutoTune: p=0.580517 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (472<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (472<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (473<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=1231.000 target=1152.726
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (474<5092): AutoTune: lean=1231.000 target=1152.726
APM: AutoTune: rotation=43.52420 target=45.00000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (474<5092): AutoTune: rotation=43.52420 target=45.00000
APM: AutoTune: p=0.580517 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (474<5092): AutoTune: p=0.580517 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (474<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (474<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.020000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (476<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.020000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.609543 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (476<5092): AutoTune: p=0.609543 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (476<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (476<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (476<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.550000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (478<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.550000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.640021 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (478<5092): AutoTune: p=0.640021 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (478<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (478<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (479<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (26.63000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (480<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (26.63000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.672022 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (480<5092): AutoTune: p=0.672022 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (480<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (480<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (482<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=-2.000000 target=995.8196
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (482<5092): AutoTune: lean=-2.000000 target=995.8196
APM: AutoTune: rotation=0.019523 target=44.81188
APM: AutoTune: p=0.672022 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (482<5092): AutoTune: rotation=0.019523 target=44.81188
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (482<5092): AutoTune: p=0.672022 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (482<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (482<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (12.35245 > 7.500000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (484<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (12.35245 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.705623 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (484<5092): AutoTune: p=0.705623 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (484<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (484<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (485<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (19.32000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (486<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (19.32000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.740904 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (486<5092): AutoTune: p=0.740904 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (486<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (486<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (487<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=1151.000 target=903.1415
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (488<5092): AutoTune: lean=1151.000 target=903.1415
APM: AutoTune: rotation=39.95607 target=40.64137
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (488<5092): AutoTune: rotation=39.95607 target=40.64137
APM: AutoTune: p=0.740904 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (488<5092): AutoTune: p=0.740904 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (488<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (488<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (7.578118 > 7.500000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (490<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (7.578118 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.777949 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (490<5092): AutoTune: p=0.777949 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (490<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (490<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (490<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.400000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (492<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.400000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.816847 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (492<5092): AutoTune: p=0.816847 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (492<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (492<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (492<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.060000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (494<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.060000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.857689 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (494<5092): AutoTune: p=0.857689 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (494<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (494<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (494<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (32.66557 > 7.500000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (496<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (32.66557 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.900573 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (496<5092): AutoTune: p=0.900573 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (496<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (496<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (497<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.400000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (498<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.400000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.945602 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (498<5092): AutoTune: p=0.945602 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (498<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (498<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (498<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (31.10336 > 7.500000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (500<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (31.10336 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.992882 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (500<5092): AutoTune: p=0.992882 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (500<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (500<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (501<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.010000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (502<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.010000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.992882 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (502<5092): AutoTune: p=0.992882 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 1/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (502<5092): AutoTune: success 1/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (502<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (502<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Rate P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.010000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (504<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (5.010000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=0.992882 d=5.000000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (504<5092): AutoTune: p=0.992882 d=5.000000
APM: AutoTune: success 2/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (504<5092): AutoTune: success 2/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (504<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (504<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (505<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (14.37000 > 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (506<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Angle(Y)) (14.37000 > 5.000000)
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (506<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=27000.00
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (506<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (506<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (507<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: lean=636.0000 target=673.4114
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (508<5092): AutoTune: lean=636.0000 target=673.4114
APM: AutoTune: rotation=4.001128 target=30.30351
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (508<5092): AutoTune: rotation=4.001128 target=30.30351
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (508<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=27000.00
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (508<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (508<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (509<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: lean=433.0000 target=673.2237
APM: AutoTune: rotation=0.700444 target=30.29506
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (510<5092): AutoTune: lean=433.0000 target=673.2237
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (510<5092): AutoTune: rotation=0.700444 target=30.29506
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (510<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=27000.00
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (510<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (510<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (511<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: lean=469.0000 target=672.6116
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (512<5092): AutoTune: lean=469.0000 target=672.6116
APM: AutoTune: rotation=5.638301 target=30.26752
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (512<5092): AutoTune: rotation=5.638301 target=30.26752
APM: AutoTune: success 1/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (512<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (512<5092): AutoTune: success 1/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (512<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (513<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: lean=413.0000 target=672.4830
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (514<5092): AutoTune: lean=413.0000 target=672.4830
APM: AutoTune: rotation=1.275588 target=30.26174
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (514<5092): AutoTune: rotation=1.275588 target=30.26174
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (514<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=27000.00
APM: AutoTune: success 2/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (514<5092): AutoTune: success 2/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (514<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Down
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (515<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Down
APM: AutoTune: lean=330.0000 target=671.7637
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (516<5092): AutoTune: lean=330.0000 target=671.7637
APM: AutoTune: rotation=20.95827 target=30.22936
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (516<5092): AutoTune: rotation=20.95827 target=30.22936
APM: AutoTune: success 3/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (516<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (516<5092): AutoTune: success 3/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (516<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (517<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=385.0000 target=671.6760
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (518<5092): AutoTune: lean=385.0000 target=671.6760
APM: AutoTune: rotation=3.200353 target=30.22542
APM: AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (518<5092): AutoTune: rotation=3.200353 target=30.22542
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (518<5092): AutoTune: p=4.500000 accel=27000.00
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (518<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (518<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (519<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=29.00000 target=639.3662
APM: AutoTune: rotation=9.115172 target=30.21005
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (520<5092): AutoTune: lean=29.00000 target=639.3662
APM: AutoTune: p=4.725000 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (520<5092): AutoTune: rotation=9.115172 target=30.21005
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (520<5092): AutoTune: p=4.725000 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (520<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (520<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (521<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=314.0000 target=609.0457
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (522<5092): AutoTune: lean=314.0000 target=609.0457
APM: AutoTune: rotation=8.815092 target=30.21628
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (522<5092): AutoTune: rotation=8.815092 target=30.21628
APM: AutoTune: p=4.961250 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (522<5092): AutoTune: p=4.961250 accel=27000.00
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (522<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (522<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (524<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=-5.000000 target=579.7189
APM: AutoTune: rotation=-6.071583 target=30.19937
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (524<5092): AutoTune: lean=-5.000000 target=579.7189
APM: AutoTune: p=5.209312 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (524<5092): AutoTune: rotation=-6.071583 target=30.19937
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (524<5092): AutoTune: p=5.209312 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (524<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (524<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (525<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=303.0000 target=552.2394
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (526<5092): AutoTune: lean=303.0000 target=552.2394
APM: AutoTune: rotation=11.46811 target=30.20627
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (526<5092): AutoTune: rotation=11.46811 target=30.20627
APM: AutoTune: p=5.469778 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (526<5092): AutoTune: p=5.469778 accel=27000.00
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (526<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (526<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (7.554328 > 7.500000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (528<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (7.554328 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: p=5.743267 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (528<5092): AutoTune: p=5.743267 accel=27000.00
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (528<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (528<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (528<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (529<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=387.0000 target=500.7125
APM: AutoTune: rotation=5.027779 target=30.19512
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (530<5092): AutoTune: lean=387.0000 target=500.7125
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (530<5092): AutoTune: rotation=5.027779 target=30.19512
APM: AutoTune: p=6.030430 accel=27000.00
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (530<5092): AutoTune: p=6.030430 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (530<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (530<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (531<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=28.00000 target=500.0000
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (532<5092): AutoTune: lean=28.00000 target=500.0000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=7.247387 target=30.18804
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (532<5092): AutoTune: rotation=7.247387 target=30.18804
APM: AutoTune: p=6.331952 accel=27000.00
APM: AutoTune: success 0/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (532<5092): AutoTune: p=6.331952 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (532<5092): AutoTune: success 0/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (532<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (533<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (12.51793 > 7.500000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (534<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (12.51793 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: p=6.648549 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (534<5092): AutoTune: p=6.648549 accel=27000.00
APM: AutoTune: success 1/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (534<5092): AutoTune: success 1/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (534<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (535<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (7.508965 > 7.500000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (536<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (7.508965 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: p=6.648549 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (536<5092): AutoTune: p=6.648549 accel=27000.00
APM: AutoTune: success 1/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (536<5092): AutoTune: success 1/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (536<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (536<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (538<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: lean=-11.00000 target=500.0000
APM: AutoTune: rotation=-2.065675 target=30.20386
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (538<5092): AutoTune: lean=-11.00000 target=500.0000
APM: AutoTune: p=6.648549 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (538<5092): AutoTune: rotation=-2.065675 target=30.20386
APM: AutoTune: success 2/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (538<5092): AutoTune: p=6.648549 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (538<5092): AutoTune: success 2/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (538<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (539<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (12.19040 > 7.500000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (540<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (12.19040 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: p=6.648549 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (540<5092): AutoTune: p=6.648549 accel=27000.00
APM: AutoTune: success 3/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (540<5092): AutoTune: success 3/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (540<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (541<5092): AutoTune: (Y) Angle P Up
APM: AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (7.537757 > 7.500000)
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (542<5092): AutoTune: WFL (Rate(Y)) (7.537757 > 7.500000)
APM: AutoTune: p=6.648549 accel=27000.00
APM: AutoTune: success 3/4
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (542<5092): AutoTune: p=6.648549 accel=27000.00
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (542<5092): AutoTune: success 3/4
APM: AutoTune: Twitch
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (542<5092): AutoTune: Twitch
APM: AutoTune: Success
AUTOTEST: STATUSTEXT (542<5092): AutoTune: Success
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LAND
mode LAND
mode LAND
AUTOTUNE> APM: AutoTune: Stopped
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 9 messages from mav (2770.956177/s)
height 0
Hit ground at 0.478102 m/s
APM: Disarming motors
APM: AutoTune: Saved gains for Roll Pitch Yaw
AUTOTEST: ########## ThrowMode (Fly Throw Mode)  ##########
AUTOTEST: chan=3 needs resetting is=1500 want=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 4 messages from mav (3179.309456/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
LAND> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0421388149261 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
LAND> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Throwing vehicle away
AUTOTEST: Setting THROW_NEXTMODE to 6.000000
param fetch THROW_NEXTMODE
param fetch THROW_NEXTMODE
THROW_NEXTMODE = 18.0000000
param set THROW_NEXTMODE 6
param fetch THROW_NEXTMODE
param set THROW_NEXTMODE 6
THROW_NEXTMODE = 6.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_SHOVE_Z to -30.000000
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_Z
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_Z
STABILIZE> Requested parameter SIM_SHOVE_Z
SIM_SHOVE_Z = 0.0000000
param set SIM_SHOVE_Z -30
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_Z
param set SIM_SHOVE_Z -30
STABILIZE> Requested parameter SIM_SHOVE_Z
SIM_SHOVE_Z = -30.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_SHOVE_X to -20.000000
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_X
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_X
STABILIZE> Requested parameter SIM_SHOVE_X
SIM_SHOVE_X = 0.0000000
param set SIM_SHOVE_X -20
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_X
param set SIM_SHOVE_X -20
STABILIZE> Requested parameter SIM_SHOVE_X
SIM_SHOVE_X = -20.0000000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to THROW
mode THROW
mode THROW
STABILIZE> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
THROW> AUTOTEST: Drained 415 messages from mav (6297.525904/s)
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
THROW> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
APM: waiting for throw
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_SHOVE_TIME to 500.000000
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_TIME
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_TIME
THROW> Requested parameter SIM_SHOVE_TIME
SIM_SHOVE_TIME = 0.0000000
param set SIM_SHOVE_TIME 500
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_TIME
param set SIM_SHOVE_TIME 500
THROW> Requested parameter SIM_SHOVE_TIME
APM: throw detected - uprighting
APM: uprighted - controlling height
SIM_SHOVE_TIME = 0.0000000
param set SIM_SHOVE_TIME 500
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_TIME
param set SIM_SHOVE_TIME 500
THROW> Requested parameter SIM_SHOVE_TIME
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: height achieved - controlling position
SIM_SHOVE_TIME = 500.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode RTL
AUTOTEST: Drained 201 messages from mav (6839.093891/s)
AUTOTEST: Vehicle in RTL
height 10
Mode RTL
height 0
Hit ground at 0.471078 m/s
APM: Disarming motors
AUTOTEST: Vehicle disarmed
AUTOTEST: Vehicle returned
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_SHOVE_TIME to 0.000000
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_TIME
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_TIME
RTL> Requested parameter SIM_SHOVE_TIME
SIM_SHOVE_TIME = 0.0000000
param set SIM_SHOVE_TIME 0.0
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_TIME
param set SIM_SHOVE_TIME 0.0
RTL> param fetch SIM_SHOVE_TIME
RTL> Requested parameter SIM_SHOVE_TIME
SIM_SHOVE_TIME = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_SHOVE_X to 0.000000
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_X
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_X
RTL> Requested parameter SIM_SHOVE_X
SIM_SHOVE_X = -20.0000000
param set SIM_SHOVE_X 0.0
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_X
param set SIM_SHOVE_X 0.0
RTL> param fetch SIM_SHOVE_X
RTL> Requested parameter SIM_SHOVE_X
SIM_SHOVE_X = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_SHOVE_Z to 0.000000
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_Z
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_Z
RTL> Requested parameter SIM_SHOVE_Z
SIM_SHOVE_Z = -30.0000000
param set SIM_SHOVE_Z 0.0
param fetch SIM_SHOVE_Z
param set SIM_SHOVE_Z 0.0
RTL> param fetch SIM_SHOVE_Z
RTL> Requested parameter SIM_SHOVE_Z
SIM_SHOVE_Z = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting THROW_NEXTMODE to 18.000000
param fetch THROW_NEXTMODE
param fetch THROW_NEXTMODE
RTL> Requested parameter THROW_NEXTMODE
THROW_NEXTMODE = 6.0000000
param set THROW_NEXTMODE 18.0
param fetch THROW_NEXTMODE
param set THROW_NEXTMODE 18.0
RTL> Requested parameter THROW_NEXTMODE
THROW_NEXTMODE = 18.0000000
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "ThrowMode (Fly Throw Mode)"
AUTOTEST: ########## RecordThenPlayMission (Use switches to toggle in mission, then fly it)  ##########
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
RTL> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 523 messages from mav (6425.387866/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
wp clear
wp list
wp clear
STABILIZE> wp list
STABILIZE> Got MAVLink msg: MISSION_ACK {target_system : 255, target_component : 0, type : 0, mission_type : 0}
Requesting 0 waypoints t=Mon Mar 18 15:16:21 2019 now=Mon Mar 18 15:16:21 2019
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0456700325012 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1700
rc 3 1700
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0274591445923 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1700 got=1700
AUTOTEST: Waiting for altitude between 9.00 and 15.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.69 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.40
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:4.61 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.80
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0105009078979 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1700
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.019082069397 st=0.2 r=0.0954103469849): ch=3 want=1500 got=1700
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0480370521545 st=0.4 r=0.120092630386): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 9 messages from mav (2746.361295/s)
rc 1 1500
rc 1 1500
STABILIZE> height 10
AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.040177822113 st=0.0 r=None): ch=1 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4609.125275/s)
rc 2 1500
rc 2 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0393750667572 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2680.066454/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0453250408173 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (2150.373750/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0452558994293 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LOITER
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: turn right towards north
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 4 1580
rc 4 1580
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0394151210785 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1580 got=1580
AUTOTEST: Waiting for heading 10.00 with accuracy 5.00
AUTOTEST: Heading 276 (want 10.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 312 (want 10.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 343 (want 10.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Attained heading 10
AUTOTEST: Drained 4 messages from mav (4560.265289/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0449678897858 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Save WP 1 & 2
AUTOTEST: Drained 7 messages from mav (2974.683688/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0313351154327 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 7 2000
rc 7 2000
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0392010211945 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (2648.755289/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0455079078674 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
LOITER> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1525
rc 3 1525
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0447919368744 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1525 got=1525
AUTOTEST: Going north 50 meters
AUTOTEST: Drained 4 messages from mav (2481.469605/s)
rc 2 1300
rc 2 1300
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0392231941223 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1300 got=1300
AUTOTEST: Distance=0.18 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=2.68 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=6.89 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=11.90 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=17.24 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=22.74 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=28.30 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=33.90 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=39.52 meters want=50.00
height 20
AUTOTEST: Distance=45.16 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Attained distance 45.16 meters OK
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 2 1500
rc 2 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0392560958862 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (1784.051042/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0389189720154 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3731.587189/s)
rc 7 2000
rc 7 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0440258979797 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0461010932922 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Going east 50 meters
AUTOTEST: Drained 4 messages from mav (5855.921815/s)
rc 1 1700
rc 1 1700
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.044193983078 st=0.0 r=None): ch=1 want=1700 got=1700
AUTOTEST: Distance=0.32 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=3.56 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=8.81 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=15.02 meters want=50.00
Flight battery 0 percent
Flight battery warning
AUTOTEST: Distance=21.62 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=28.40 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=35.27 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=42.16 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Attained distance 46.76 meters OK
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (2688.656410/s)
rc 1 1500
rc 1 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0419590473175 st=0.0 r=None): ch=1 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 6 messages from mav (2346.463776/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0109419822693 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
height 30
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 7 2000
rc 7 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.042268037796 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: Drained 11 messages from mav (2316.248004/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.00896596908569 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=2000
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0175149440765 st=0.2 r=0.0875747203827): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Going south 50 meters
AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (4934.475294/s)
rc 2 1700
rc 2 1700
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0423951148987 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1700 got=1700
AUTOTEST: Distance=0.21 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=2.79 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=7.15 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=12.31 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=17.80 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=23.47 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=29.18 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=34.95 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=40.71 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=46.47 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Attained distance 46.47 meters OK
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 2 1500
rc 2 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0400288105011 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3184.741078/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0453398227692 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
height 40
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 7 2000
rc 7 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0100111961365 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0426750183105 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Going west 50 meters
AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (2133.962859/s)
rc 1 1300
rc 1 1300
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0392711162567 st=0.0 r=None): ch=1 want=1300 got=1300
AUTOTEST: Distance=0.27 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=3.37 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=8.53 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=14.62 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=21.15 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=27.85 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=34.64 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=41.45 meters want=50.00
AUTOTEST: Attained distance 46.01 meters OK
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 1 1500
rc 1 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0219089984894 st=0.0 r=None): ch=1 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3545.480981/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0435969829559 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (2714.408491/s)
rc 7 2000
rc 7 2000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.020094871521 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=2000 got=2000
height 50
AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (2413.154594/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0451350212097 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0382928848267 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Descend to 10m in Loiter
switch 5
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode LOITER
switch 5
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2487.724792/s)
Set RC switch override to 5 (PWM=1685 channel=5)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1300
rc 3 1300
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0435991287231 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1300 got=1300
AUTOTEST: timeleft = 225
AUTOTEST: Waiting for altitude between -10.00 and 10.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:56.15 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: 56.15
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:55.25 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.16
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:54.40 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:53.57 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:52.74 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:51.91 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:51.09 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:50.26 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:49.44 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:48.61 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:47.78 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:46.96 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:46.13 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:45.30 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:44.48 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
height 40
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:43.65 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:42.82 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:41.99 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:41.17 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:40.34 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:39.51 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:38.69 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:37.86 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:37.03 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:36.20 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:35.38 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:34.55 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
height 30
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:33.72 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:32.90 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:32.07 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:31.24 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:30.41 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:29.58 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:28.75 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:27.92 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:27.10 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:26.27 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:25.44 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:24.61 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
height 20
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:23.79 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:22.96 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:22.13 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:21.30 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:20.48 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:19.65 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:18.82 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:17.99 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:17.17 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:16.34 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:15.51 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:14.68 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:13.85 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
height 10
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:13.02 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:12.20 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:11.37 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:10.54 min_alt:-10.00 climb_rate: -0.14
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0442609786987 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0120739936829 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (3322.220990/s)
rc 7 2000
rc 7 2000
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0424239635468 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=2000 got=2000
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (6096.372093/s)
rc 7 1000
rc 7 1000
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0383160114288 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1000 got=1000
wp list
wp list
LOITER> Requesting 7 waypoints t=Mon Mar 18 15:16:48 2019 now=Mon Mar 18 15:16:48 2019
wp save /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/ch7_mission.txt
wp save /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/ch7_mission.txt
LOITER> Requesting 7 waypoints t=Mon Mar 18 15:16:48 2019 now=Mon Mar 18 15:16:48 2019
re-requesting WPs [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Saved 7 waypoints to /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/ch7_mission.txt
AUTOTEST: num_wp: 7
AUTOTEST: test: Fly a mission from 1 to 7
wp set 1
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to AUTO
mode AUTO
wp set 1
mode AUTO
LOITER> waypoint 1
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 2639 messages from mav (6363.756619/s)
AUTOTEST: wait for waypoint ranges start=0 end=6
AUTOTEST: WP 1 (wp_dist=1 Alt=598.12), current_wp: 1,wpnum_end: 6
APM: Reached command #1
waypoint 2
AUTOTEST: WP 2 (wp_dist=53 Alt=600.73), current_wp: 1,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: test: Starting new waypoint 2
AUTOTEST: WP 2 (wp_dist=52 Alt=602.34), current_wp: 2,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 2 (wp_dist=50 Alt=602.98), current_wp: 2,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 2 (wp_dist=47 Alt=603.66), current_wp: 2,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 2 (wp_dist=43 Alt=604.45), current_wp: 2,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 2 (wp_dist=38 Alt=605.25), current_wp: 2,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 2 (wp_dist=33 Alt=606.06), current_wp: 2,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 2 (wp_dist=28 Alt=606.87), current_wp: 2,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 2 (wp_dist=22 Alt=607.68), current_wp: 2,wpnum_end: 6
height 20
AUTOTEST: WP 2 (wp_dist=17 Alt=608.49), current_wp: 2,wpnum_end: 6
APM: Reached command #2
waypoint 3
AUTOTEST: WP 2 (wp_dist=49 Alt=609.31), current_wp: 2,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: test: Starting new waypoint 3
AUTOTEST: WP 3 (wp_dist=48 Alt=609.88), current_wp: 3,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 3 (wp_dist=46 Alt=610.31), current_wp: 3,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 3 (wp_dist=43 Alt=611.03), current_wp: 3,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 3 (wp_dist=40 Alt=612.07), current_wp: 3,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 3 (wp_dist=35 Alt=613.20), current_wp: 3,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 3 (wp_dist=30 Alt=614.34), current_wp: 3,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 3 (wp_dist=24 Alt=615.50), current_wp: 3,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 3 (wp_dist=19 Alt=616.65), current_wp: 3,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 3 (wp_dist=13 Alt=617.80), current_wp: 3,wpnum_end: 6
APM: Reached command #3
waypoint 4
height 30
AUTOTEST: test: Starting new waypoint 4
AUTOTEST: WP 4 (wp_dist=55 Alt=618.79), current_wp: 4,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 4 (wp_dist=54 Alt=619.27), current_wp: 4,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 4 (wp_dist=52 Alt=619.81), current_wp: 4,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 4 (wp_dist=49 Alt=620.71), current_wp: 4,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 4 (wp_dist=44 Alt=621.77), current_wp: 4,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 4 (wp_dist=39 Alt=622.86), current_wp: 4,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 4 (wp_dist=34 Alt=623.96), current_wp: 4,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 4 (wp_dist=29 Alt=625.07), current_wp: 4,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 4 (wp_dist=23 Alt=626.17), current_wp: 4,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 4 (wp_dist=17 Alt=627.28), current_wp: 4,wpnum_end: 6
APM: Reached command #4
height 40
waypoint 5
AUTOTEST: WP 4 (wp_dist=48 Alt=628.39), current_wp: 4,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: test: Starting new waypoint 5
AUTOTEST: WP 5 (wp_dist=47 Alt=629.15), current_wp: 5,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 5 (wp_dist=45 Alt=629.62), current_wp: 5,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 5 (wp_dist=43 Alt=630.32), current_wp: 5,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 5 (wp_dist=39 Alt=631.38), current_wp: 5,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 5 (wp_dist=34 Alt=632.55), current_wp: 5,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 5 (wp_dist=29 Alt=633.74), current_wp: 5,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 5 (wp_dist=24 Alt=634.94), current_wp: 5,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 5 (wp_dist=19 Alt=636.13), current_wp: 5,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 5 (wp_dist=13 Alt=637.33), current_wp: 5,wpnum_end: 6
APM: Reached command #5
waypoint 6
AUTOTEST: test: Starting new waypoint 6
AUTOTEST: WP 6 (wp_dist=9 Alt=638.19), current_wp: 6,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 6 (wp_dist=5 Alt=637.44), current_wp: 6,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: WP 6 (wp_dist=2 Alt=635.90), current_wp: 6,wpnum_end: 6
AUTOTEST: Reached final waypoint 6
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LAND
mode LAND
mode LAND
AUTO> AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5262.614806/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
height 30
height 20
height 10
height 0
Hit ground at 0.475961 m/s
APM: Disarming motors
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "RecordThenPlayMission (Use switches to toggle in mission, then fly it)"
AUTOTEST: ########## ThrottleFailsafe (Test Throttle Failsafe)  ##########
waypoint 0
AUTOTEST: chan=3 needs resetting is=1500 want=1000
AUTOTEST: chan=5 needs resetting is=1685 want=1800
AUTOTEST: chan=7 needs resetting is=1000 want=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 11 messages from mav (2938.871520/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
LAND> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0213968753815 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (5154.818517/s)
rc 5 1800
rc 5 1800
LAND> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0467948913574 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1800 got=1800
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 7 1500
rc 7 1500
LAND> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.039323091507 st=0.0 r=None): ch=7 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
LAND> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (2117.266027/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3816.473157/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0395059585571 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5497.121887/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1700
rc 3 1700
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0408620834351 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1700 got=1700
AUTOTEST: Waiting for altitude between 9.00 and 15.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:-0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: -0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.37 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.23
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:3.98 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.76
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:9.36 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.97
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2993.793005/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0243589878082 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LOITER
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 6 messages from mav (3289.650196/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: turn east
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 4 1580
rc 4 1580
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0441651344299 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1580 got=1580
AUTOTEST: Waiting for heading 135.00 with accuracy 5.00
height 10
AUTOTEST: Heading 286 (want 135.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 322 (want 135.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 352 (want 135.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 22 (want 135.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 53 (want 135.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 83 (want 135.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 113 (want 135.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Attained heading 135
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0373179912567 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1800
rc 3 1800
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0443840026855 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1800 got=1800
AUTOTEST: Waiting for altitude between 20.00 and 25.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:14.58 min_alt:20.00 climb_rate: 14.58
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:15.55 min_alt:20.00 climb_rate: 0.28
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:17.19 min_alt:20.00 climb_rate: 0.26
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:18.69 min_alt:20.00 climb_rate: 0.25
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:20.20 min_alt:20.00 climb_rate: 0.25
AUTOTEST: Drained 9 messages from mav (2183.396148/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0456249713898 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
LOITER> AUTOTEST: Drained 7 messages from mav (3779.625129/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0441560745239 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: # Going forward 60 meters
AUTOTEST: Drained 16 messages from mav (3065.171463/s)
rc 2 1350
rc 2 1350
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0324680805206 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1350 got=1350
AUTOTEST: Distance=0.19 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=2.23 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=5.60 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=9.57 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=13.81 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=18.16 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=22.56 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=26.97 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=31.41 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=35.87 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=40.30 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=44.75 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=49.20 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=53.65 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Attained distance 55.12 meters OK
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2227.458311/s)
rc 2 1500
rc 2 1500
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0405249595642 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: # Enter Failsafe by setting very low throttle
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3344.740032/s)
rc 3 900
rc 3 900
AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0463349819183 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=900 got=900
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0} (0.000000s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 20.98  HomeDist: 61
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.24  HomeDist: 62
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.63  HomeDist: 63
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.84  HomeDist: 64
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.92  HomeDist: 64
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.96  HomeDist: 64
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.98  HomeDist: 63
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 62
AUTOTEST: Alt: 22.00  HomeDist: 61
AUTOTEST: Alt: 22.00  HomeDist: 59
AUTOTEST: Alt: 22.00  HomeDist: 57
AUTOTEST: Alt: 22.00  HomeDist: 55
AUTOTEST: Alt: 22.00  HomeDist: 53
AUTOTEST: Alt: 22.00  HomeDist: 50
AUTOTEST: Alt: 22.00  HomeDist: 47
AUTOTEST: Alt: 22.00  HomeDist: 45
AUTOTEST: Alt: 22.00  HomeDist: 42
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 36
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 33
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 30
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 27
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 23
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 20
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 17
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 14
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 11
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 8
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 6
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 3
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.99  HomeDist: 2
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.98  HomeDist: 1
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.98  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.98  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.98  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.98  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.98  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.98  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.98  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.79  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 21.23  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 20.34  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 19.38  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 18.45  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 17.54  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 16.64  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.74  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.85  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 13.95  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 13.05  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 12.15  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 11.25  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 10.37  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.64  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.24  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.00  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 8.74  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 8.45  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 8.14  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 7.84  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 7.54  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 7.24  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.93  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.63  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.33  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.03  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 5.73  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 5.43  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 5.13  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 4.83  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 4.53  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 4.23  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 3.93  HomeDist: 0
height 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 3.63  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 3.33  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 3.03  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 2.73  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 2.43  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 2.13  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 1.83  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 1.53  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 1.23  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.93  HomeDist: 0
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (1412.699225/s)
rc 3 1100
rc 3 1100
RTL> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0399050712585 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1100 got=1100
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LAND
mode LAND
mode LAND
RTL> AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5269.226131/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Waiting for disarm
Hit ground at 0.479713 m/s
APM: Disarming motors
AUTOTEST: Reached failsafe home OK
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
LAND> AUTOTEST: Drained 5 messages from mav (2128.656110/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.041543006897 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "ThrottleFailsafe (Test Throttle Failsafe)"
AUTOTEST: ########## BatteryFailsafe (Fly Battery Failsafe)  ##########
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LOITER
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
Flight battery -50 percent
Flight battery warning
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0275619029999 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1700
rc 3 1700
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0130009651184 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1700 got=1700
AUTOTEST: Waiting for altitude between 9.00 and 15.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:-0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: -0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:-0.01 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.11 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.06
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:1.21 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.17
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:2.07 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:2.84 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:3.60 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:4.35 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:5.11 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.12
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:5.86 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.12
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:6.62 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:7.37 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:8.13 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.12
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:8.88 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.039391040802 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Setting BATT_FS_LOW_ACT to 1.000000
param fetch BATT_FS_LOW_ACT
param fetch BATT_FS_LOW_ACT
LOITER> Requested parameter BATT_FS_LOW_ACT
BATT_FS_LOW_ACT = 0.0000000
param set BATT_FS_LOW_ACT 1
param fetch BATT_FS_LOW_ACT
param set BATT_FS_LOW_ACT 1
LOITER> Requested parameter BATT_FS_LOW_ACT
BATT_FS_LOW_ACT = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE to 10.000000
param fetch SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE
param fetch SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE
LOITER> Requested parameter SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE
SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE = 12.6000004
param set SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE 10
param fetch SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE
param set SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE 10
LOITER> Requested parameter SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE
SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE = 10.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode LAND
AUTOTEST: Drained 253 messages from mav (6371.030932/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=LAND custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=LAND custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=LAND custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=LAND custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=LAND custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=LAND custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=LAND custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=LAND custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=LAND custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
APM: Battery 1 is low 9.63V used 5159 mAh
AUTOTEST: Successfully entered LAND after battery failsafe
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
LAND> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
STAT_BOOTCNT = 14.0000000
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
LAND> param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
LAND> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 0}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
APM: Initialising APM
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 246, result : 4}
EOF on TCP socket
Attempting reconnect
[Errno 111] Connection refused sleeping
Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 8.000000
Creating model + at speed 8.0
Home: -35.362938 149.165085 alt=584.000000m hdg=270.000000
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
Timed out looking for STAT_BOOTCNT = ([-0-9.]*)

param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
param fetch STAT_BOOTCNT
LAND> Requested parameter STAT_BOOTCNT
Init ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)Free RAM: 131072FW Ver: 120----------------------------------------load_all took 0us0 0 0 validate_structures:390: Validating structuresAP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384DISARMED
STABILIZE> Init Gyro***Ready to FLY STAT_BOOTCNT = 15.0000000
Connection on serial port 0
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Smoothing reset at 0.001
APM: EKF2 IMU0 initial yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 initial yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Drained 38 messages from mav (4033.188724/s)
set streamrate 6
set streamrate
set streamrate 6
STABILIZE> set streamrate
STABILIZE> rate: 6
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
          streamrate 6
Time has wrapped
('Time has wrapped', 4813, 1029596)
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882659577462, time_boot_ms : 4813})
APM: EKF2 IMU0 tilt alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 tilt alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Drained 90 messages from mav (1465.486577/s)
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
set streamrate 5
set streamrate
STABILIZE> rate: 5
set streamrate
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 7 messages from mav (2018.433109/s)
Received (SYSTEM_TIME {time_unix_usec : 1552882660239697, time_boot_ms : 5476})
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Reboot complete
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE to 12.600000
param fetch SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE
param fetch SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE
STABILIZE>           streamrate 5
Requested parameter SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE
SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE = 10.0000000
param set SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE 12.6000004
param fetch SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE
param set SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE 12.6000004
SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE = 12.6000004
AUTOTEST: Setting BATT_FS_LOW_ACT to 0.000000
param fetch BATT_FS_LOW_ACT
param fetch BATT_FS_LOW_ACT
STABILIZE> Requested parameter BATT_FS_LOW_ACT
BATT_FS_LOW_ACT = 1.0000000
param set BATT_FS_LOW_ACT 0.0
param fetch BATT_FS_LOW_ACT
param set BATT_FS_LOW_ACT 0.0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter BATT_FS_LOW_ACT
BATT_FS_LOW_ACT = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "BatteryFailsafe (Fly Battery Failsafe)"
AUTOTEST: ########## StabilityPatch (Fly stability patch)  ##########
AUTOTEST: chan=3 needs resetting is=1500 want=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 398 messages from mav (6410.156639/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0433740615845 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
STABILIZE> AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2168.719752/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LOITER
STABILIZE> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
validate_structure:380:   PSC[1] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[2] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[3] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[4] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[5] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[6] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[7] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[8] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[9] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[10] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[11] float with non-zero multiplier=Bvalidate_structure:380:   PSC[12] float with non-zero multiplier=BAUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
APM: EKF2 IMU0 Origin set to GPS
APM: EKF2 IMU1 Origin set to GPS
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
APM: PreArm: Need 3D Fix
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
APM: PreArm: Need 3D Fix
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
APM: PreArm: Need 3D Fix
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:165 errors=128
APM: EKF2 IMU0 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.042829990387 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1700
rc 3 1700
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0120451450348 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1700 got=1700
AUTOTEST: Waiting for altitude between 9.00 and 15.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
APM: EKF2 IMU1 is using GPS
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.53 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.24
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:1.53 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.15
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:2.34 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:3.11 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:3.87 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.12
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:4.62 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:5.38 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:6.13 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:6.89 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.12
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:7.64 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:8.27 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:9.02 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2753.975049/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.00915598869324 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1700
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.049812078476 st=0.2 r=0.24906039238): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: turn south
AUTOTEST: Drained 6 messages from mav (2360.328644/s)
rc 4 1580
rc 4 1580
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0468680858612 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1580 got=1580
AUTOTEST: Waiting for heading 180.00 with accuracy 5.00
AUTOTEST: Heading 274 (want 180.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 310 (want 180.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 340 (want 180.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 11 (want 180.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 41 (want 180.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 72 (want 180.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 102 (want 180.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 132 (want 180.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 163 (want 180.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Attained heading 180
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0447521209717 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (3936.465509/s)
rc 2 1100
rc 2 1100
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0442631244659 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1100 got=1100
AUTOTEST: Distance=0.46 meters want=80.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=4.82 meters want=80.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=12.29 meters want=80.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=21.57 meters want=80.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=31.80 meters want=80.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=42.52 meters want=80.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=53.55 meters want=80.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=64.72 meters want=80.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=76.01 meters want=80.00
AUTOTEST: Attained distance 76.01 meters OK
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 2 1500
rc 2 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.00916790962219 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1500 got=1100
rc 2 1500
rc 2 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0390980243683 st=0.199 r=0.196472484263): ch=2 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Waiting for groundspeed between 0.0 and 2.0
AUTOTEST: Wait groundspeed 8.678, target:0.000
AUTOTEST: Wait groundspeed 4.597, target:0.000
AUTOTEST: Holding loiter at 593 meters for 30 seconds
AUTOTEST: Cutting motor 1 to 60% efficiency
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_ENGINE_MUL to 0.600000
param fetch SIM_ENGINE_MUL
param fetch SIM_ENGINE_MUL
LOITER> Requested parameter SIM_ENGINE_MUL
SIM_ENGINE_MUL = 1.0000000
param set SIM_ENGINE_MUL 0.6
param fetch SIM_ENGINE_MUL
param set SIM_ENGINE_MUL 0.6
LOITER> Requested parameter SIM_ENGINE_MUL
SIM_ENGINE_MUL = 0.6000000
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.23m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.20m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.16m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.16m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.25m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.35m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.39m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.40m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.37m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.36m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.35m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.34m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.35m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.36m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.35m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.36m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.33m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.34m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.32m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.32m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.30m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.27m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.26m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.26m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.24m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.22m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.20m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.21m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.20m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.19m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.19m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.18m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.18m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.17m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.17m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.17m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.17m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.16m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.16m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.16m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.16m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.16m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.15m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.16m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.16m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.17m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.18m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.19m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.19m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Loiter Dist: 0.20m, alt:593
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_ENGINE_MUL to 1.000000
param fetch SIM_ENGINE_MUL
param fetch SIM_ENGINE_MUL
LOITER> Requested parameter SIM_ENGINE_MUL
SIM_ENGINE_MUL = 0.6000000
param set SIM_ENGINE_MUL 1.0
param fetch SIM_ENGINE_MUL
param set SIM_ENGINE_MUL 1.0
LOITER> Requested parameter SIM_ENGINE_MUL
SIM_ENGINE_MUL = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Stability patch and Loiter OK for 30s
AUTOTEST: RTL after stab patch
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to RTL
mode RTL
mode RTL
LOITER> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 147 messages from mav (6746.500580/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
RTL> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0444641113281 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.96  HomeDist: 96.18
AUTOTEST: Alt: 10.66  HomeDist: 96.24
AUTOTEST: Alt: 11.66  HomeDist: 96.29
height 10
AUTOTEST: Alt: 12.84  HomeDist: 96.31
AUTOTEST: Alt: 13.88  HomeDist: 96.31
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.48  HomeDist: 96.24
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.75  HomeDist: 95.93
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.87  HomeDist: 95.32
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.93  HomeDist: 94.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.96  HomeDist: 93.16
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.98  HomeDist: 91.58
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDist: 89.71
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDist: 87.63
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 85.38
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 82.98
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 80.49
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 77.92
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 75.28
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 72.57
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 69.84
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 67.07
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 64.26
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 61.42
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDist: 58.56
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDist: 55.69
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDist: 52.80
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDist: 49.89
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDist: 46.97
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 44.04
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 41.11
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 38.17
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 35.22
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 32.27
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 29.32
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 26.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 23.45
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 20.49
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 17.55
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 14.62
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 11.74
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.01  HomeDist: 9.02
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.01  HomeDist: 6.51
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.01  HomeDist: 4.35
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 2.54
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDist: 1.22
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDist: 0.46
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.98  HomeDist: 0.34
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.98  HomeDist: 0.34
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.97  HomeDist: 0.30
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.97  HomeDist: 0.30
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.97  HomeDist: 0.35
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.98  HomeDist: 0.38
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.98  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.93  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.63  HomeDist: 0.37
AUTOTEST: Alt: 13.94  HomeDist: 0.37
AUTOTEST: Alt: 13.00  HomeDist: 0.36
AUTOTEST: Alt: 12.05  HomeDist: 0.34
AUTOTEST: Alt: 11.14  HomeDist: 0.34
AUTOTEST: Alt: 10.33  HomeDist: 0.35
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.83  HomeDist: 0.37
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.56  HomeDist: 0.38
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.31  HomeDist: 0.38
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.02  HomeDist: 0.38
AUTOTEST: Alt: 8.72  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 8.42  HomeDist: 0.38
AUTOTEST: Alt: 8.12  HomeDist: 0.38
AUTOTEST: Alt: 7.82  HomeDist: 0.38
AUTOTEST: Alt: 7.52  HomeDist: 0.38
AUTOTEST: Alt: 7.22  HomeDist: 0.38
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.92  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.62  HomeDist: 0.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.31  HomeDist: 0.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.01  HomeDist: 0.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 5.71  HomeDist: 0.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 5.41  HomeDist: 0.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 5.11  HomeDist: 0.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 4.81  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 4.51  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 4.21  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 3.91  HomeDist: 0.41
height 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 3.61  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 3.31  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 3.01  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 2.71  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 2.41  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 2.12  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 1.81  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 1.51  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 1.21  HomeDist: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.91  HomeDist: 0.41 HOME
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.61  HomeDist: 0.41 HOME
Hit ground at 0.475523 m/s
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.31  HomeDist: 0.41 HOME
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.09  HomeDist: 0.41 HOME
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.08  HomeDist: 0.41 HOME
APM: Disarming motors
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.07  HomeDist: 0.41 HOME
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.05  HomeDist: 0.41 HOME
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_ENGINE_MUL to 0.600000
param fetch SIM_ENGINE_MUL
param fetch SIM_ENGINE_MUL
RTL> Requested parameter SIM_ENGINE_MUL
SIM_ENGINE_MUL = 1.0000000
param set SIM_ENGINE_MUL 0.6
param fetch SIM_ENGINE_MUL
param set SIM_ENGINE_MUL 0.6
RTL> param fetch SIM_ENGINE_MUL
RTL> Requested parameter SIM_ENGINE_MUL
SIM_ENGINE_MUL = 0.6000000
AUTOTEST: Setting SIM_ENGINE_MUL to 1.000000
param fetch SIM_ENGINE_MUL
param fetch SIM_ENGINE_MUL
RTL> Requested parameter SIM_ENGINE_MUL
SIM_ENGINE_MUL = 0.6000000
param set SIM_ENGINE_MUL 1.0
param fetch SIM_ENGINE_MUL
param set SIM_ENGINE_MUL 1.0
RTL> param fetch SIM_ENGINE_MUL
RTL> Requested parameter SIM_ENGINE_MUL
SIM_ENGINE_MUL = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "StabilityPatch (Fly stability patch)"
AUTOTEST: ########## HorizontalFence (Test horizontal fence)  ##########
AUTOTEST: chan=3 needs resetting is=1500 want=1000
AUTOTEST: Drained 259 messages from mav (6987.538986/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
RTL> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0265090465546 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
RTL> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Setting FENCE_ENABLE to 1.000000
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
STABILIZE> Requested parameter FENCE_ENABLE
FENCE_ENABLE = 0.0000000
param set FENCE_ENABLE 1
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
param set FENCE_ENABLE 1
STABILIZE> Requested parameter FENCE_ENABLE
fence present
fence enabled
FENCE_ENABLE = 1.0000000
param fetch
param fetch
STABILIZE> Requested parameter list
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
STAT_BOOTCNT = 15.0000000
Received 1129 parameters
AUTOTEST: Setting AVOID_ENABLE to 0.000000
param fetch AVOID_ENABLE
param fetch AVOID_ENABLE
STABILIZE> Saved 1146 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
Requested parameter AVOID_ENABLE
AVOID_ENABLE = 3.0000000
param set AVOID_ENABLE 0
param fetch AVOID_ENABLE
param set AVOID_ENABLE 0
STABILIZE> Requested parameter AVOID_ENABLE
AVOID_ENABLE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LOITER
STABILIZE> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
LOITER> APM: PreArm: Polygon boundary invalid
AUTOTEST: Drained 1805 messages from mav (6062.904648/s)
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 410, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: home: HOME_POSITION {latitude : -353629380, longitude : 1491650850, altitude : 584010, x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0, q : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], approach_x : 0.0, approach_y : 0.0, approach_z : 0.0, time_usec : 228845092}
AUTOTEST: ---------- ensure we can't arm if ouside fence  ----------
fence load /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/fence-in-middle-of-nowhere.txt
LOITER> Loaded 6 geo-fence points from /home/pbarker/rc/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/fence-in-middle-of-nowhere.txt
fence disabled
fence OK
fence enabled
fence breach
APM: PreArm: vehicle outside fence
AUTOTEST: Got: STATUSTEXT {severity : 2, text : PreArm: vehicle outside fence}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
Got: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: Got: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
AUTOTEST: Failed to arm outside fence (good!)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
fence clear
fence clear
LOITER> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
APM: PreArm: Polygon boundary invalid
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}
fence list
fence list
LOITER> No geo-fence points
AUTOTEST: ---------- Check breach-fence behaviour  ----------
AUTOTEST: Setting FENCE_TYPE to 2.000000
param fetch FENCE_TYPE
param fetch FENCE_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter FENCE_TYPE
FENCE_TYPE = 7.0000000
param set FENCE_TYPE 2
param fetch FENCE_TYPE
param set FENCE_TYPE 2
LOITER> param fetch FENCE_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter FENCE_TYPE
fence OK
FENCE_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LOITER
LOITER> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 124 messages from mav (6404.937021/s)
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3718.354610/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.039666891098 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3401.706407/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1700
rc 3 1700
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0437560081482 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1700 got=1700
AUTOTEST: Waiting for altitude between 9.00 and 15.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.01 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.01
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.01 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.13 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.06
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:1.25 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.16
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:2.09 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:2.86 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:3.62 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:4.38 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:5.13 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:5.89 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:6.64 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.12
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:7.40 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:8.16 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.12
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:8.91 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0344820022583 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: turn east
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (2303.929690/s)
rc 4 1580
rc 4 1580
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0413620471954 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1580 got=1580
AUTOTEST: Waiting for heading 160.00 with accuracy 5.00
AUTOTEST: Heading 176 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 212 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 242 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 273 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 303 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 333 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 4 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 34 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 65 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 95 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 125 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 156 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Attained heading 160
AUTOTEST: Drained 20 messages from mav (3000.754069/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0439100265503 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
param fetch FENCE_RADIUS
param fetch FENCE_RADIUS
LOITER> Requested parameter FENCE_RADIUS
FENCE_RADIUS = 150.0000000
AUTOTEST: flying forward (east) until we hit fence
AUTOTEST: Drained 19 messages from mav (3937.729815/s)
rc 2 1100
rc 2 1100
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0439469814301 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1100 got=1100
AUTOTEST: Waiting for fence breach
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3715.061116/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.37  HomeDistance: 0.86 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.38  HomeDistance: 5.01 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.37  HomeDistance: 11.29 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 12 messages from mav (2030.074941/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.37  HomeDistance: 18.94 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (1234.526564/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.37  HomeDistance: 27.37 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (2548.179830/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.37  HomeDistance: 36.26 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (1327.731561/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.38  HomeDistance: 45.43 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (2145.972883/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.38  HomeDistance: 54.76 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2680.066454/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.38  HomeDistance: 64.19 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.38  HomeDistance: 73.73 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (1691.933844/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.38  HomeDistance: 83.30 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.38  HomeDistance: 92.90 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.38  HomeDistance: 102.52 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.38  HomeDistance: 112.17 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.38  HomeDistance: 121.82 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.38  HomeDistance: 131.48 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (1709.170334/s)
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.38  HomeDistance: 141.14 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
fence breach
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.38  HomeDistance: 150.81 (fence radius=150.000000)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Waiting until we get home and disarm
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.62  HomeDistance: 160.39
AUTOTEST: Alt: 10.17  HomeDistance: 162.97
AUTOTEST: Alt: 11.07  HomeDistance: 164.67
AUTOTEST: Alt: 12.19  HomeDistance: 165.62
height 10
AUTOTEST: Alt: 13.37  HomeDistance: 165.93
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.22  HomeDistance: 165.94
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.64  HomeDistance: 165.69
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.82  HomeDistance: 165.10
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.91  HomeDistance: 164.24
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.96  HomeDistance: 163.08
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.98  HomeDistance: 161.58
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 159.78
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.01  HomeDistance: 157.75
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.01  HomeDistance: 155.56
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.01  HomeDistance: 153.21
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.01  HomeDistance: 150.75
fence OK
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.01  HomeDistance: 148.20
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.01  HomeDistance: 145.56
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.01  HomeDistance: 142.87
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.01  HomeDistance: 140.12
Flight battery 70 percent
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 137.35
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 134.53
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 131.66
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 128.78
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 125.87
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 122.95
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 120.01
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 117.08
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 114.13
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 111.20
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 108.27
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 105.32
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 102.38
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 99.44
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 96.50
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 93.55
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 90.58
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 87.64
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 84.68
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 81.74
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 78.79
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 75.83
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 72.89
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 69.92
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 66.95
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 64.02
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 61.05
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 58.09
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 55.15
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 52.18
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 49.21
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 2 1475
rc 2 1475
RTL> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0110177993774 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1475 got=1100
rc 2 1475
rc 2 1475
RTL> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0218088626862 st=0.2 r=0.109044313431): ch=2 want=1475 got=1475
AUTOTEST: Setting FENCE_ENABLE to 0.000000
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
RTL> Requested parameter FENCE_ENABLE
FENCE_ENABLE = 1.0000000
param set FENCE_ENABLE 0
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
param set FENCE_ENABLE 0
RTL> param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
RTL> Requested parameter FENCE_ENABLE
fence removed
fence disabled
fence breach
FENCE_ENABLE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 44.29
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 41.33
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 38.36
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 35.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 32.45
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 29.49
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 26.51
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 23.54
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 20.57
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 17.61
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 14.67
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 11.78
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 9.04
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 6.54
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 4.37
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 2.62
AUTOTEST: Alt: 15.00  HomeDistance: 1.31
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDistance: 0.60
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDistance: 0.44
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDistance: 0.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.98  HomeDistance: 0.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDistance: 0.42
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDistance: 0.45
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDistance: 0.44
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.99  HomeDistance: 0.42
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.93  HomeDistance: 0.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 14.61  HomeDistance: 0.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 13.90  HomeDistance: 0.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 12.96  HomeDistance: 0.42
AUTOTEST: Alt: 12.01  HomeDistance: 0.44
AUTOTEST: Alt: 11.09  HomeDistance: 0.50
AUTOTEST: Alt: 10.30  HomeDistance: 0.55
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.81  HomeDistance: 0.62
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.55  HomeDistance: 0.69
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.29  HomeDistance: 0.76
AUTOTEST: Alt: 9.01  HomeDistance: 0.82
AUTOTEST: Alt: 8.71  HomeDistance: 0.87
AUTOTEST: Alt: 8.41  HomeDistance: 0.93
AUTOTEST: Alt: 8.11  HomeDistance: 0.99
AUTOTEST: Alt: 7.80  HomeDistance: 1.06
AUTOTEST: Alt: 7.50  HomeDistance: 1.13
AUTOTEST: Alt: 7.20  HomeDistance: 1.20
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.90  HomeDistance: 1.26
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.60  HomeDistance: 1.33
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.30  HomeDistance: 1.40
AUTOTEST: Alt: 6.00  HomeDistance: 1.47
AUTOTEST: Alt: 5.70  HomeDistance: 1.54
AUTOTEST: Alt: 5.39  HomeDistance: 1.62
AUTOTEST: Alt: 5.09  HomeDistance: 1.68
AUTOTEST: Alt: 4.79  HomeDistance: 1.75
AUTOTEST: Alt: 4.49  HomeDistance: 1.81
AUTOTEST: Alt: 4.19  HomeDistance: 1.88
height 0
AUTOTEST: Alt: 3.89  HomeDistance: 1.93
AUTOTEST: Alt: 3.59  HomeDistance: 1.99
AUTOTEST: Alt: 3.29  HomeDistance: 2.06
AUTOTEST: Alt: 2.99  HomeDistance: 2.13
AUTOTEST: Alt: 2.69  HomeDistance: 2.20
AUTOTEST: Alt: 2.39  HomeDistance: 2.27
AUTOTEST: Alt: 2.09  HomeDistance: 2.34
AUTOTEST: Alt: 1.79  HomeDistance: 2.41
AUTOTEST: Alt: 1.49  HomeDistance: 2.47
AUTOTEST: Alt: 1.20  HomeDistance: 2.55
AUTOTEST: Alt: 0.90  HomeDistance: 2.61
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
RTL> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0447928905487 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LAND
mode LAND
mode LAND
RTL> AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3106.891852/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
Hit ground at 0.477877 m/s
AUTOTEST: Waiting for disarm
APM: Disarming motors
AUTOTEST: Reached home OK
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
LAND> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0138058662415 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Setting FENCE_ENABLE to 1.000000
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
LAND> Requested parameter FENCE_ENABLE
FENCE_ENABLE = 0.0000000
param set FENCE_ENABLE 1.0
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
param set FENCE_ENABLE 1.0
LAND> param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
LAND> Requested parameter FENCE_ENABLE
fence present
fence enabled
fence OK
FENCE_ENABLE = 1.0000000
param fetch
param fetch
LAND> Requested parameter list
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
STAT_BOOTCNT = 15.0000000
Received 1129 parameters
AUTOTEST: Setting FENCE_TYPE to 7.000000
param fetch FENCE_TYPE
param fetch FENCE_TYPE
LAND> Saved 1146 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
Requested parameter FENCE_TYPE
FENCE_TYPE = 2.0000000
param set FENCE_TYPE 7.0
param fetch FENCE_TYPE
param set FENCE_TYPE 7.0
LAND> param fetch FENCE_TYPE
LAND> Requested parameter FENCE_TYPE
fence breach
FENCE_TYPE = 7.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting AVOID_ENABLE to 3.000000
param fetch AVOID_ENABLE
param fetch AVOID_ENABLE
LAND> Requested parameter AVOID_ENABLE
AVOID_ENABLE = 0.0000000
param set AVOID_ENABLE 3.0
param fetch AVOID_ENABLE
param set AVOID_ENABLE 3.0
LAND> param fetch AVOID_ENABLE
LAND> Requested parameter AVOID_ENABLE
AVOID_ENABLE = 3.0000000
param fetch
param fetch
LAND> Requested parameter list
APM: PreArm: Polygon boundary invalid
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
STAT_BOOTCNT = 15.0000000
Received 1129 parameters
AUTOTEST: Setting FENCE_ENABLE to 0.000000
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
LAND> Saved 1146 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
Requested parameter FENCE_ENABLE
FENCE_ENABLE = 1.0000000
param set FENCE_ENABLE 0.0
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
param set FENCE_ENABLE 0.0
LAND> param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
LAND> Requested parameter FENCE_ENABLE
fence removed
fence disabled
FENCE_ENABLE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "HorizontalFence (Test horizontal fence)"
AUTOTEST: ########## MaxAltFence (Test Max Alt Fence)  ##########
AUTOTEST: chan=2 needs resetting is=1475 want=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 5410 messages from mav (6459.377120/s)
rc 2 1500
rc 2 1500
LAND> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0290381908417 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
LAND> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LOITER
STABILIZE> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0469880104065 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 4 messages from mav (2734.226858/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1700
rc 3 1700
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0455319881439 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1700 got=1700
AUTOTEST: Waiting for altitude between 9.00 and 15.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.00 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.12 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.06
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:1.23 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.16
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:2.08 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:2.86 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:3.62 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:4.37 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:5.13 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:5.88 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:6.64 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:7.39 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:8.03 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:8.78 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.00929999351501 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
switch 5
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode LOITER
switch 5
LOITER> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Set RC switch override to 5 (PWM=1685 channel=5)
AUTOTEST: Setting FENCE_ENABLE to 1.000000
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
LOITER> Requested parameter FENCE_ENABLE
FENCE_ENABLE = 0.0000000
param set FENCE_ENABLE 1
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
param set FENCE_ENABLE 1
LOITER> Requested parameter FENCE_ENABLE
fence present
fence enabled
FENCE_ENABLE = 1.0000000
param fetch
param fetch
LOITER> Requested parameter list
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
STAT_BOOTCNT = 15.0000000
Received 1129 parameters
AUTOTEST: Setting AVOID_ENABLE to 0.000000
param fetch AVOID_ENABLE
param fetch AVOID_ENABLE
LOITER> Saved 1146 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
Requested parameter AVOID_ENABLE
AVOID_ENABLE = 3.0000000
param set AVOID_ENABLE 0
param fetch AVOID_ENABLE
param set AVOID_ENABLE 0
LOITER> Requested parameter AVOID_ENABLE
AVOID_ENABLE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting FENCE_TYPE to 1.000000
param fetch FENCE_TYPE
param fetch FENCE_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter FENCE_TYPE
FENCE_TYPE = 7.0000000
param set FENCE_TYPE 1
param fetch FENCE_TYPE
param set FENCE_TYPE 1
LOITER> param fetch FENCE_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter FENCE_TYPE
fence OK
FENCE_TYPE = 1.0000000
AUTOTEST: Rise to alt:10 from 9
AUTOTEST: Drained 1954 messages from mav (6799.145855/s)
rc 3 1920
rc 3 1920
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0102560520172 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1920 got=1500
rc 3 1920
rc 3 1920
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0256171226501 st=0.2 r=0.128085613251): ch=3 want=1920 got=1920
AUTOTEST: Waiting for altitude between 10.00 and 15.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:9.45 min_alt:10.00 climb_rate: 9.45
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.00991106033325 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1920
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0349559783936 st=0.2 r=0.174779891968): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: turn east
AUTOTEST: Drained 17 messages from mav (2688.656410/s)
rc 4 1580
rc 4 1580
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0385329723358 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1580 got=1580
AUTOTEST: Waiting for heading 160.00 with accuracy 5.00
AUTOTEST: Heading 169 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 205 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 235 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 265 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 296 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 326 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 356 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 27 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 57 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 88 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 118 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 148 (want 160.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Attained heading 160
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2251.370907/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0407299995422 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 2 1100
rc 2 1100
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0442218780518 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1100 got=1100
AUTOTEST: Distance=0.54 meters want=20.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=5.06 meters want=20.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=12.69 meters want=20.00
AUTOTEST: Attained distance 15.68 meters OK
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 2 1500
rc 2 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0472071170807 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 17 messages from mav (4929.017558/s)
rc 3 1800
rc 3 1800
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0123810768127 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1800 got=1500
rc 3 1800
rc 3 1800
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0229580402374 st=0.2 r=0.114790201187): ch=3 want=1800 got=1800
AUTOTEST: Waiting for mode RTL
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (3552.989411/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
height 10
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (2996.787654/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2168.719752/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
height 20
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2267.191351/s)
height 30
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
height 40
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
height 50
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 28 messages from mav (4232.090523/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
height 60
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
height 70
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2155.346351/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
height 80
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (3892.625522/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
height 90
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: mav.flightmode=LOITER Want=RTL custom=5
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
fence breach
AUTOTEST: Waiting for disarm
fence OK
height 80
height 70
height 60
height 50
height 40
height 30
height 20
height 10
height 0
Hit ground at 0.482297 m/s
APM: Disarming motors
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
RTL> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0238699913025 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Setting FENCE_TYPE to 7.000000
param fetch FENCE_TYPE
param fetch FENCE_TYPE
RTL> Requested parameter FENCE_TYPE
FENCE_TYPE = 1.0000000
param set FENCE_TYPE 7.0
param fetch FENCE_TYPE
param set FENCE_TYPE 7.0
RTL> param fetch FENCE_TYPE
RTL> Requested parameter FENCE_TYPE
fence breach
FENCE_TYPE = 7.0000000
AUTOTEST: Setting AVOID_ENABLE to 3.000000
param fetch AVOID_ENABLE
param fetch AVOID_ENABLE
RTL> Requested parameter AVOID_ENABLE
AVOID_ENABLE = 0.0000000
param set AVOID_ENABLE 3.0
param fetch AVOID_ENABLE
param set AVOID_ENABLE 3.0
RTL> param fetch AVOID_ENABLE
RTL> Requested parameter AVOID_ENABLE
AVOID_ENABLE = 3.0000000
param fetch
param fetch
RTL> Requested parameter list
APM: ArduCopter V3.7.0-dev (3907466f)
APM: 7250005fdea4cc45ff2ba2560000027e
APM: Frame: QUAD
Received 1129 parameters
AUTOTEST: Setting FENCE_ENABLE to 0.000000
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
RTL> Saved 1146 parameters to test.ArduCopter/logs/2019-03-18/flight1/mav.parm
Requested parameter FENCE_ENABLE
FENCE_ENABLE = 1.0000000
param set FENCE_ENABLE 0.0
param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
param set FENCE_ENABLE 0.0
RTL> param fetch FENCE_ENABLE
RTL> Requested parameter FENCE_ENABLE
FENCE_ENABLE = 0.0000000
AUTOTEST: PASSED: "MaxAltFence (Test Max Alt Fence)"
AUTOTEST: ########## GPSGlitchLoiter (GPS Glitch Loiter Test)  ##########
fence removed
fence disabled
AUTOTEST: chan=5 needs resetting is=1685 want=1800
AUTOTEST: Drained 1776 messages from mav (6266.828001/s)
rc 5 1800
rc 5 1800
RTL> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0410950183868 st=0.0 r=None): ch=5 want=1800 got=1800
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to STABILIZE
RTL> AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Changing mode to LOITER
STABILIZE> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2012.621881/s)
AUTOTEST: Waiting for ready to arm
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
param fetch AHRS_EKF_TYPE
LOITER> Requested parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE
AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2.0000000
AUTOTEST: Waiting for EKF value 831
AUTOTEST: Wait EKF.flags: required:831 current:831 errors=0
AUTOTEST: Waiting for GPS health
AUTOTEST: Drained 5 messages from mav (4930.994592/s)
rc 3 1000
rc 3 1000
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0446009635925 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1000 got=1000
AUTOTEST: Arm motors with MAVLink cmd
APM: Arming motors
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
AUTOTEST: ACK received: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0} (0.000000s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (3032.100051/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1700
rc 3 1700
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0445799827576 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1700 got=1700
AUTOTEST: Waiting for altitude between 9.00 and 15.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.01 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.01
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.01 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.00
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:0.12 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.06
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:1.23 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.16
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:2.08 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
APM: EKF2 IMU0 in-flight yaw alignment complete
APM: EKF2 IMU1 in-flight yaw alignment complete
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:2.85 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:3.62 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:4.37 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:5.12 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:5.88 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.12
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:6.63 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:7.39 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.12
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:8.14 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Wait Altitude: Cur:8.90 min_alt:9.00 climb_rate: 0.13
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 3 1500
rc 3 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.04465508461 st=0.0 r=None): ch=3 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: glitch 1 0.0006958 0.0000912
AUTOTEST: glitch 2 0.0009431 0.0002761
AUTOTEST: glitch 3 0.0009991 0.0002626
AUTOTEST: glitch 4 0.0009444 0.0002807
AUTOTEST: glitch 5 0.0007716 0.0002049
AUTOTEST: glitch 6 0.0006221 0.0001304
AUTOTEST: turn south east
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3688.921724/s)
rc 4 1580
rc 4 1580
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0475769042969 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1580 got=1580
AUTOTEST: Waiting for heading 150.00 with accuracy 5.00
AUTOTEST: Heading 169 (want 150.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 205 (want 150.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 235 (want 150.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 266 (want 150.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 296 (want 150.000000 +- 5.000000)
Flight battery 20 percent
Flight battery warning
AUTOTEST: Heading 326 (want 150.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 357 (want 150.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 27 (want 150.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 57 (want 150.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 88 (want 150.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 118 (want 150.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Heading 149 (want 150.000000 +- 5.000000)
AUTOTEST: Attained heading 150
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3077.258988/s)
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0099241733551 st=0.0 r=None): ch=4 want=1500 got=1580
rc 4 1500
rc 4 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0281481742859 st=0.2 r=0.140740871429): ch=4 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Drained 4 messages from mav (4153.804407/s)
rc 2 1100
rc 2 1100
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0450859069824 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1100 got=1100
AUTOTEST: Distance=0.49 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=4.92 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=12.56 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=22.05 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=32.58 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=43.59 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Distance=54.92 meters want=60.00
AUTOTEST: Attained distance 58.75 meters OK
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
rc 2 1500
rc 2 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0100629329681 st=0.0 r=None): ch=2 want=1500 got=1100
rc 2 1500
rc 2 1500
LOITER> AUTOTEST: set_rc (wc=0.0403020381927 st=0.2 r=0.201510190964): ch=2 want=1500 got=1500
AUTOTEST: Apply first glitch
param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X 0.0002996
param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y 0.0000717
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X 0.0002996
LOITER> param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y 0.0000717
LOITER> AUTOTEST: Drained 4 messages from mav (3770.160899/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4219.621730/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (4999.170441/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4116.098135/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3675.989483/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4505.160043/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3625.154710/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3761.707623/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3758.336918/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3423.921633/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4401.158447/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4310.692703/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3788.892502/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4809.981651/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3718.354610/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3095.427306/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3771.856115/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4505.160043/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4928.676851/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5178.153086/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5849.796374/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4760.844495/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5555.369536/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5555.369536/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5289.160151/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4609.125275/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5127.511002/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (6213.783704/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5714.310627/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5322.720812/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5518.821053/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5777.278237/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2565.323547/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2864.961749/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2898.620594/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2816.859637/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3320.905780/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4485.886631/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (3760.021515/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5377.312821/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5102.559611/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4443.118644/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5526.092227/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5645.092867/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4524.599784/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5675.648173/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4877.097674/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5777.278237/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5584.958722/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4032.984615/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2957.901269/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2880.703297/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3323.537242/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2976.794890/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2857.155313/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2985.269751/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (3591.013699/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5053.378313/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5203.851117/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5289.160151/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5882.614306/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5983.315264/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5584.958722/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (6213.783704/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5745.621918/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5370.427657/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5023.118563/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5645.092867/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5683.338753/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5236.334582/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5924.158192/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (4394.242012/s)
AUTOTEST: Applying glitch 1
param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X 0.0006958
param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y 0.0000912
param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X 0.0006958
LOITER> param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y 0.0000912
LOITER> AUTOTEST: Drained 10 messages from mav (3202.247671/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4236.670707/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5152.707617/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5127.511002/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5184.553770/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5949.367376/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5991.862857/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 3 messages from mav (4373.622523/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5262.614806/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4854.518519/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5440.083009/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5645.092867/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5652.700809/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5882.614306/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5102.559611/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3248.879938/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 9 messages from mav (3256.166307/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4310.692703/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3908.950606/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4588.954048/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3498.168474/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2598.701363/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2746.760969/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (2545.087379/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4258.176650/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3819.948998/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5127.511002/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5377.312821/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4760.844495/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5645.092867/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5184.553770/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4443.118644/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3387.967690/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4629.474614/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5349.877551/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5497.121887/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5377.312821/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4832.147465/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (3327.492265/s)
AUTOTEST: Applying glitch 2
param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X 0.0009431
param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y 0.0002761
param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X 0.0009431
AUTOTEST: Drained 2 messages from mav (2885.658067/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
LOITER> AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3146.514629/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y 0.0002761
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (3059.302699/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
LOITER> AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4544.208017/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4405.781513/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4928.676851/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5152.707617/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (5262.614806/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 1 messages from mav (4712.701124/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
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AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s)
AUTOTEST: Drained 0 messages from mav (0.000000/s