How to use the “auth” command to sign a Pixhawk Board with your Certificate of Authenticity

ARCHIVED: this topic is archived. It's out of date and no longer works

The essence of this process is an RSA private/public key pair and a signing process that uses these keys to put some unique information onto every Pixhawk board.

Public/Private Key/s, SD Card, and Logging

The “auth” command will

  • read a properly prepared public/private key data from the SD card

  • use the key off the SD card to create the Certificate-Of-Authenticity (COA) in the One-Time_programmable (OTP) ROM.

  • log the results to a log file on the SD card, for your records. (optional)


The bootloader must identify itself as revision 4 or later for this to work.

eg: should say something like: “Found board xxxx bootloader rev 4 on /xxxxxxx “


The firmware must contain a directory Firmware/src/systemcmds/auth and have a recent “auth.c”.

  • typically made and uploaded with “make px4fmu-v1_auth upload”, or similar.

  • verify you have a suitable version of the firmware loaded on your PX4 by connecting to the nsh in the usual way, and typing ‘auth’[enter]

  • the “auth” command can do a bunch of stuff related to reading/writing/verifying/signing/logging of OTP data. It’s the main tool you’ll use ( see below). It can read/write public/private key data from SD card, or it can use a “hardcoded” TEST version.

Preparing SD card (one time only)

  • Using a tool on linux or OSX called ssh-keygen make a new “pair” of 1024bit RSA keyfiles like this:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024  -f rsa1024
  • Generating public/private rsa key pair.

  • Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): [just press enter]

  • Enter same passphrase again: [just press enter, again]


This is

your PRIVATE key - do not share this file. back it up and keep it safe.


This is your

PUBLIC key - share it with all GCS makers, etc.

  • Format the private key file to suit the PX4:

  • Copy the rsa1024 to a new file, called “privatekey.txt”

  • Edit the file with a text editor to remove the first and last lines of the file (they say -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----) and save it.

  • Copy the privatekey.txt to a SD card which you will insert into a PX4 that is setup as per above. Do not use this method for the public key. See below.

  • Make the public key file on the SD card:

    • With the SD card inserted, and the Pixhawk booted, use the nsh shell, and type:

      auth -m

      this will use the privatekey.txt on the SD card, and create a publickey.txt on the SD card (this file is needed for many of the auth commands to work).

Validate it works

  • There are lots of options to the “auth” command that you can use to test your configuration.


    The only really *hazardous* options are -w and -k. Avoid these till you are sure everything else seems to be going well.

  • It is a good idea to reboot each time you use the ‘auth’ command, as it’s very aggressive on RAM usage.

  • When you are sure you have everything OK, run auth -k -l (it will write a new COA to OTP, and lock it) and optionally auth -v to verify it worked.

Automate running the ‘auth’ script from the SD card

  • Make an “etc” folder on the SD card if one is not already there.

  • Make a rc, or rc.txt file ( either works ) on the SD card, in the /etc folder if one is not already there.

  • Edit the rc.txt file, and put the auth -k -l command in the file as you wish it to be run.

  • (When booted with this card inserted it will make the PX4 flash the OTP area with the COA and log the results to OTPCertificates.log)