HobbyKing Hydrotek¶
The HobbyKing Hydrotek is a relatively fast electric powerboat with self-righting feature (one pontoon fills with water while the other does not). The rear motor rotates using a steering servo making it a good test of Rover’s vectored thrust feature.
The motor only spins forward and the boat drives best at speeds over 2m/s.
Parts List¶
3S battery with high discharge and no more than 11cm in length like the Turnigy 2200mAh 3S 40C
Small autopilot like the mRobotics Pixracer including GPS and telemetry radio
any 8 channel (or more) transmitter like the Futaba T10J

Firmware used: Rover-3.3.1
Parameter file: HK-hydrotek-Rover331
This parameter file can also be loaded using the Mission Planner’s Config/Tuning >> Full Parameter Tree page by selecting “HK-hydroteck-Rover331” from the drop down on the middle right and then push the “Load Presaved” button.
The parameter file above includes setting the COMPASS_ORIENT parameter “4” (Yaw 180) because the wiring was more convenient if the GPS arrow was pointin backwards