Advanced ConfigurationΒΆ
This section will take you through the more advanced configuration and tuning options for the vehicle.
- Analog Pins
- Autopilot Output Mapping
- Auxiliary Functions
- Boats with Vectored Thrust
- Bootloader Update
- BLHeli ESCs
- CAN Bus Setup
- Compass Setup (Advanced)
- Compass-less Operation
- DroneCAN Setup
- EKF (Extended Kalman Filter)
- EKF Affinity & Lane Switching
- EKF Sources and Selection
- Ethernet/Network Setup
- Fence Failsafes
- Flight Time Recorder
- FPort Setup
- GPS for Yaw (aka Moving Baseline)
- GPS for Altitude
- GPS/Non-GPS Transitions
- Ground Control Station Only Operation
- IMU Temperature Calibration
- Independent Watchdog
- Limit Cycle Prevention
- LUA Scripting
- Magnetic Interference
- Magnetometer GeoPhys Array
- MAVLink2 Packet Signing (Security)
- Motor Thrust Scaling
- Moving Vehicle Initialization
- Multiple Radio Control Receivers
- Non-GPS Navigation
- Notification Devices (LEDs,Buzzer,etc.)
- Object Avoidance
- Optical Flow Sensor
- On Screen Displays (OSD)
- OSD Parameter Editor
- Parameter List (Full)
- Parameter Reset
- RC Input Channel Mapping (RCMAP)
- RC Options
- Redundant Telemetry
- RunCam Camera Configuration and Control
- Safety Switch
- Sensor Position Offset Compensation
- Sensor Testing
- Serial Forwarding to DroneCAN
- Serial Port to Port Passthrough
- Serial Port Configuration
- Steering Input Type and Reversing Behaviour
- Telemetry Port Setup
- Video Stabilization (Gyroflow)
- Video Transmitter Control
- UBlox GPS Configuration
- Vibration Damping