UARTs and the Console¶
A lot of components in ArduPilot rely on UARTs. They are used for debug output, telemetry, GPS modules, and more. Understanding how to talk to the UARTs via the HAL will help you understand a lot of ArduPilot code.
The 8 UARTs¶
The ArduPilot HAL currently defines 8 UARTs. The HAL itself does not define any particular roles for these UARTs, but the other parts of ArduPilot assume they will be assigned particular functions. The command-line options for using with the serial port should be preceded by -A
to pass along to the vehicle binary. Make sure to include the uart
protocol. Specifying a baudrate is not required, but is more consistent. For example, --console --map -A --serial5=uart:/dev/ttyS15:115200
ParamPrefix |
Sim_vehicle Cmd Line |
Default Role |
Default Connection |
- -serial0= |
Console |
- -serial1= |
MAVLink |
- -serial2= |
MAVLink |
- -serial3= |
Simulated GPS |
- -serial4= |
Simulated GPS |
- -serial5= |
- -serial6= |
- -serial7= |
The following are options for connecting a SITL serial port:
Passthrough to a real serial device:
TCP server:
TCP client:
--serialX=tcpclient:<remote IP>:<port>
UDP client:
--serialX=udpclient:<remote IP>:<port>
UDP multicast:
--serialX=mcast:<multicast IP>:<port>
Log to file:
--serialX=file:<path and filename>
Simulated sensor:
--serialX=sim:<device name>
A few examples of usage are:
--serial1=uart:/dev/ttyS15:115200 #Cygwin comm ports are ttyS and they start at 0, so 15 is equivalent to COM16
--serial1=tcp:5800:wait # wait means pause SITL startup until a connection is established. Otherwise use nowait
When using with
, ensure that the -A
option is used to pass the configuration
option to the SITL executable. For example: -v ArduCopter -A "--serial1=uart:/dev/ttyUSB0:115200" --console --map
If you are writing your own sketch using the ArduPilot HAL then you can use these UARTs for any purpose you like, but if possible you should try to use the above assignments as it will allow you to fit in more easily to existing code.
You can change the role of UART by changing its SERIALn_PROTOCOL param. Possible parameter values are listed in the description for SERIAL1_PROTOCOL.
Go and have a look at the libraries/AP_HAL/examples/UART_test example sketch. It prints a hello message to the 1st 5 UARTs. Try it on your board and see if you can get all the outputs displaying using a USB serial adapter. Try changing the baudrate in the sketch.
Debug console¶
Historically, In addition to the basic 5 UARTs there was an additional debug console available on some platforms. Recently debug console is directed to USB. On SITL, debug is directed to a terminal, while USB is directed to port 5760 by default.
If you have a board that does have HAL_OS_POSIX_IO set (check that
then try adding some ::printf()
and other stdio functions to the
UART_test sketch.
If ::printf
doesn’t work for you, it may be that your particular file (e.g. a library) does not have #include <stdio.h>
at the top of it, just add it. :-)
You can also use hal.console->printf() to specify USB port.
UART Functions¶
Every UART has a number of basic IO functions available. The key functions are:
printf - formatted print
printf_P - formatted print with progmem string (saves memory on AVR boards)
println - print and line feed
write - write a bunch of bytes
read - read some bytes
available - check if any bytes are waiting
txspace - check how much outgoing buffer space is available
get_flow_control - check if the UART has flow control capabilities
Go and have a look at the declarations of each of these in AP_HAL and try them in UART_test.