Copter Commands in Guided Mode¶
This article lists the MAVLink commands that affect the movement of a Copter. Normally these commands are sent by a ground station or Companion Computers often running DroneKit.
The Copter code which processes these commands can be found here in GCS_Mavlink.cpp
Movement Commands¶
These commands can be used to control the vehicle’s position, velocity or attitude while in Guided Mode
SET_ATTITUDE_TARGET (supported in Guided and Guided_NoGPS modes)
These MAV_CMDs can be processed if packaged within a COMMAND_LONG message.
MAV_CMD_DO_FLIGHTTERMINATION - disarms motors immediately (Copter falls!).
MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM : changes to Loiter mode (see Get and Set FlightMode)
MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH : changes to RTL mode (see Get and Set FlightMode)
MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND : changes to Land mode (see Get and Set FlightMode)
These MAV_CMDs can be processed if packaged within a COMMAND_INT message
Movement Command Details¶
This section contains details of MAVLink commands to move the vehicle
Set the vehicle’s target position (as an offset in NED from the EKF origin), velocity, acceleration, heading or turn rate. The message definition can be found here
Command Field | Description |
time_boot_ms | Sender's system time in milliseconds since boot |
target_system | System ID of vehicle |
target_component | Component ID of flight controller or just 0 |
coordinate_frame | Valid options are listed below |
type_mask | Bitmask to indicate which fields should be ignored by the vehicle (see POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK enum) bit1:PosX, bit2:PosY, bit3:PosZ, bit4:VelX, bit5:VelY, bit6:VelZ, bit7:AccX, bit8:AccY, bit9:AccZ, bit11:yaw, bit12:yaw rate When providing Pos, Vel and/or Accel all 3 axis must be provided. At least one of Pos, Vel and Accel must be provided (e.g. providing Yaw or YawRate alone is not supported)
x | X Position in meters (positive is forward or North) |
y | Y Position in meters (positive is right or East) |
z | Z Position in meters (positive is down) |
vx | X velocity in m/s (positive is forward or North) |
vy | Y velocity in m/s (positive is right or East) |
vz | Z velocity in m/s (positive is down) |
afx | X acceleration in m/s/s (positive is forward or North) |
afy | Y acceleration in m/s/s (positive is right or East) |
afz | Z acceleration in m/s/s (positive is down) |
yaw | yaw or heading in radians (0 is forward or North) |
yaw_rate | yaw rate in rad/s |
The coordinate_frame
field takes the following values:
Frame |
Description |
Positions are relative to the vehicle’s EKF Origin in NED frame I.e x=1,y=2,z=3 is 1m North, 2m East and 3m Down from the origin The EKF origin is the vehicle’s location when it first achieved a good position estimate Velocity and Acceleration are in NED frame |
Positions are relative to the vehicle’s current position I.e. x=1,y=2,z=3 is 1m North, 2m East and 3m below the current position. Velocity and Acceleration are in NED frame |
Positions are relative to the EKF Origin in NED frame I.e x=1,y=2,z=3 is 1m North, 2m East and 3m Down from the origin Velocity and Acceleration are relative to the current vehicle heading. Use this to specify the speed forward, right and down (or the opposite if you use negative values). |
Positions are relative to the vehicle’s current position and heading I.e x=1,y=2,z=3 is 1m forward, 2m right and 3m Down from the current position Velocity and Acceleration are relative to the current vehicle heading. Use this to specify the speed forward, right and down (or the opposite if you use negative values). Specify yaw rate of zero to stop vehicle yaw from changing |
In frames, _OFFSET_
means “relative to vehicle position” while _LOCAL_
is “relative to home position” (these have no impact on velocity directions). _BODY_
means that velocity components are relative to the heading of the vehicle rather than the NED frame.
If sending velocity or acceleration commands, they should be re-sent every second (the vehicle will stop after 3 seconds if no command is received)
Here are some example commands that can be copy-pasted into MAVProxy (aka SITL) to test this command. Before running these commands enter the following
module load message
arm throttle
takeoff 10
Example MAVProxy/SITL Command |
Description |
fly to 100m North and 10m above of the EKF origin |
fly 10m North of the current position |
fly 10m forward of the current position |
fly North at 1m/s |
fly forward at 1m/s |
fly right at 1m/s with yaw rate of zero |
accelerate North at 1m/s |
accelerate forward at 1m/s |
accelerate right at 1m/s with yaw rate of zero |
turn to North-East (Yaw target + velocity of zero) |
turn 45deg to right (Yaw target + velocity of zero) |
rotate clock-wise at 10deg/sec (velocity of zero) |
Set the vehicle’s target position (in WGS84 coordinates), velocity, heading or turn rate. This is similar to the SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED message (see above) except positions are provided as latitude and longitude values and altitudes can be above sea-level, relative to home or relative to terrain.
The message definition can be found here
Command parameters
Command Field | Description |
time_boot_ms | Sender's system time in milliseconds since boot |
target_system | System ID of vehicle |
target_component | Component ID of flight controller or just 0 |
coordinate_frame | Valid options are:
type_mask | Bitmask to indicate which fields should be ignored by the vehicle (see POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK enum) bit1:PosX, bit2:PosY, bit3:PosZ, bit4:VelX, bit5:VelY, bit6:VelZ, bit7:AccX, bit8:AccY, bit9:AccZ, bit11:yaw, bit12:yaw rate When providing Pos, Vel and/or Accel all 3 axis must be provided. At least one of Pos, Vel and Accel must be provided (e.g. providing Yaw or YawRate alone is not supported)
lat_int | Latitude * 1e7 |
lon_int | Longitude * 1e7 |
alt | Alt in meters above sea level, home or terrain (see coordinate_frame field) |
vx | X velocity in m/s (positive is North) |
vy | Y velocity in m/s (positive is East) |
vz | Z velocity in m/s (positive is down) |
afx | X acceleration in m/s/s (positive is North) |
afy | Y acceleration in m/s/s (positive is East) |
afz | Z acceleration in m/s/s (positive is Down) |
yaw | yaw or heading in radians (0 is forward) |
yaw_rate | yaw rate in rad/s |
If sending velocity or acceleration commands, they should be re-sent every second (the vehicle will stop after 3 seconds if no command is received)
Here are some example commands that can be copy-pasted into MAVProxy (aka SITL) to test this command. Before running these commands enter the following
module load message
arm throttle
takeoff 10
Example MAVProxy/SITL Command |
Description |
fly to lat,lon of -35.36,149.16 and 10m above home |
fly to lat,lon of -35.36,149.16 and 600m above sea level |
fly to lat,lon of -35.36,149.16 and 10m above terrain |
fly North at 1m/s |
accelerate North at 1m/s |
turn to North-East (Yaw target + velocity of zero) |
rotate clock-wise at 10deg/sec (velocity of zero) |
Set the vehicle’s target attitude and climb rate or thrust. This message is accepted in Guided or Guided_NoGPS (this is the only message accepted by Guided_NoGPS). The message definition can be found here
Command parameters
Command Field | Type | Description |
time_boot_ms | uint32_t | Sender's system time in milliseconds since boot |
target_system | uint8_t | System ID of vehicle |
target_component | int8_t | Component ID of flight controller or just 0 |
type_mask | int8_t | Bitmask to indicate which fields should be ignored by the vehicle bit1:body roll rate, bit2:body pitch rate, bit3:body yaw rate, bit7:throttle, bit8:attitude Should always be 0b00000111 / 0x07 / 7 (decimal) |
q | float[4] |
Attitude quaternion (w, x, y, z order, zero-rotation is {1, 0, 0, 0})
Note that zero-rotation causes vehicle to rotate towards North. |
body_roll_rate | float | Body roll rate not supported |
body_pitch_rate | float | Body pitch rate not supported |
body_yaw_rate | float | Body yaw rate not supported |
thrust | float | If GUID_OPTIONS = 0: climb rate where 0.5=no climb, 0=descend at WPNAV_SPEED_DN, 1=climb at WPNAV_SPEED_UP If GUID_OPTIONS = 8: thrust from 0 to 1 |
Here are some example commands that can be copy-pasted into MAVProxy (aka SITL) to test this command. Before running these commands enter the following
arm throttle
takeoff 10
Example MAVProxy/SITL Command |
Description |
hold level attitude with zero climb rate (if GUID_OPTIONS=0) OR hold level attitude and 50% throttle (if GUID_OPTIONS=8) |
climb at WPNAV_SPEED_UP (if GUID_OPTIONS=0) OR climb at 100% throttle (if GUID_OPTIONS=8) |
descend at WPNAV_SPEED_DN (if GUID_OPTIONS=0) OR descend at 0% throttle (if GUID_OPTIONS=8) |
roll at 10deg with zero climb rate (if GUID_OPTIONS=0) OR roll at 10deg and 50% throttle (if GUID_OPTIONS=8) |