
In its simplest form, MAVProxy only needs the address of the USB port or network address to connect to.

Over USB

If there is only 1 autopilot connected, the --master is not required. MAVProxy will autodetect the correct port.


mavproxy.py --master=/dev/ttyUSB0


From a command line window:

mavproxy --master=COM14

You can create a simple double-clickable batch file to allow a quick start and contend with multiple autopilot ports being present. Create a .bat file on the desktop containing:

@echo off
set /p port=Which COM Port?:
if not exist Mavproxy_Data mkdir "Mavproxy_Data"
cd Mavproxy_Data
mavproxy.exe --master=COM%port% --console --map --load-module graph


this also creates a data directory for the parameter and log files that are saved by MAVProxy to avoid cluttering the desktop. You can also modify the last line to load any additional modules that you wish, like joystick, simply by adding more “–load-module xxx” to the command.


mavproxy.py --master=/dev/ttyusbserialxxx

Normally MAVProxy will auto-detect the correct baudrate. If required, the baud rate can instead be manually specified.


mavproxy.py --master=/dev/ttyUSB0 --baudrate=57600


mavproxy --master=COM14 --baudrate=57600


mavproxy.py --master=/dev/tty.usbserialxxxxx --baudrate=57600

Over Network

Specify the IP address and port containing a mavlink stream. The address to connect to must be your own IP address or loopback address. Alternatively, if the local IP address is not known, use for MAVProxy find and use the local IP address. The type of stream (tcp or udp) should also be specified.

mavproxy.py --master=tcp:
mavproxy.py --master=udp:
mavproxy.py --master=tcp:

If connecting to a remote IP address, the udpout or tcpout arguments should be used:

mavproxy.py --master=udpout:
mavproxy.py --master=tcpout:


MavProxy can output a mavlink stream to remote network addresses using UDP Broadcast.