
When connected to a vehicle, MAVProxy will automatically save any received telemetry to a logfile.

This logfile can be used for post-flight analysis or flight replay.

By default, the logfile will be saved as mav.tlog and mav.tlog.raw in the same folder that MAVProxy was executed from. For example:

~/Documents/code/MAVProxy$ mavproxy.py

Will log the telemetry to mav.tlog and mav.tlog.raw in the ~/Documents/code/MAVProxy folder.

In the example:

C:\users\stephen\Documents\logs> mavproxy.py

Will log the telemetry to mav.tlog and mav.tlog.raw in the C:\users\stephen\Documents\logs folder.

Note that both the mav.tlog and the mav.tlog.raw files contain the same data (albeit in different formats). In most cases however the raw file is not used by the analysis or replay tools.

MAVProxy can use the --aircraft=name (see here) argument to place the logfile in a specific name and date folder. This is useful for keeping logfiles sorted. See starting for further details.

For example:

C:\users\stephen\Documents> mavproxy.py --aircraft=copter

Will log the telemetry to flight.tlog and flight.tlog.raw in the C:\users\stephen\Documents\Logs\Copter\<date>\flight<n>\ folder.

The --mission=name (see here) startup argument can be used with the --aircraft=name argument to use a specific name for the flight, rather than <date>. For example:

C:\users\stephen\Documents> mavproxy.py --aircraft=copter --mission=flyby

Will log the telemetry to flight.tlog and flight.tlog.raw in the C:\users\stephen\Documents\Logs\Copter\flyby\flight<n>\ folder.

The --state-basedir=dir argument can be used to specify the base directory of where the telemetry files will be stored.

C:\users\stephen\Documents> mavproxy.py --aircraft=copter --mission=flyby --state-basedir=C:\logs

Will store the log files in C:\logs\copter\flyby\flight<n>\ folder.

The MAVExplorer program can be used to view graphs and track of the flight data stored in these files.