Frequently Asked Questions and Issues

  1. I have random “noise” displaying on the console, showing as corrupted text. How do I remove it?

    MAVProxy will, by default, show corrupted packets. To disable showing them, use set shownoise false in the MAVProxy console.

  2. How do I get MAVProxy to execute specific commands on startup?

    Put the commands in mavinit.scr as per here.

  3. Which Flight controllers are compatible with MAVProxy?

    The ArduPilot vehicle types (ArduPlane, ArduCopter, ArduSub and ArduRover) are fully compatible. Other Mavlink-based flight controllers (such as the PX4 stack) should be compatible, but may not show all flight data.

  4. How do I output a TCP connection to another GCS program?

    To output a TCP link from MAVProxy to a GCS program (ie. Mission Planner), use the --out=tcpin:<port> commandline option. This will tell MAVProxy to wait for a TCP connection on the specified port. In the other GCS program, configure it to point to the IP address of the device MAVProxy is running on and the port <port>.

  5. How do I disable other GCS sub-clients (from --out) from sending commands to the flight controller?

    The ability to forward commands sent by other sub-clients is enabled by default. It can be disabled by typing set mavfwd false