The development team votes on various proposals including the “Top Contribution of the Month”. This page shows how these votes should be conducted.
Creating a voting form¶
Description belows how to creat a form from scratch, alternatively you can use this template.

under “Start a new form” select “+” (or Blank)

fill in the form title both in the main view and on the top left of the page
In the description we normally add the following line:
“As this is a non-technical proposal, no reason/s are required, just pick one. For more details on how this works see here:”
The first question should be titled “Your Email”, of type “Short answer” and “Required”
The 2nd question is normally a “Multiple choice” and also “Required”

To allow users to modify their responses, select the gear icon and check “Edit after submit” and press Save

Finally to send out the voting form:
push the Send button
set the “Email To” field to “”
fill in the Subject and Message fields
to allow others to see the responses (including, click the “Collaborators” link and add their email in the “Invite people” field
check “Include form in email” and press “Send”
Normally the vote should be open for 1 week and be discussed at the weekly development call.
After the voting period ends, you will want to check the response and inform the development team:
find your voting form and click on it
click the “Responses” tab to see a graph of who voted (ensure there is only one response per person) and the results.
The vote is passed if more than 50% of the responses are positive.