ARK Jetson PAB Carrier Overview¶

The ARK Jetson Pixhawk Autopilot Bus (PAB) Carrier is based on the Pixhawk Autopilot Bus open source specification and the NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX/Nano Carrier Board. The Pixhawk Autopilot Bus (PAB) form factor enables the ARK PAB Carrier to be used with any PAB flight controller such as the ARKV6X.
Power Requirements
4A Minimum
Depends on Usage and Peripherals
MicroSD Slot
USA Built
NDAA compliant
Designed with a 1W heater. Keeps sensors warm in extreme conditions
Additional Information
Without Jetson and Flight Controller Modules – 80g
With Jetson, no Heatsink or Flight Controller – 108g
With Jetson and Heatsink, no Flight Controller – 160g
With Jetson, Heatsink, and Flight Controller – 166g
With Jetson, Heatsink, Flight Controller, M.2 SSD, M.2 Wifi Module – 174g
Dimensions(Without Jetson and Flight Controller Module): 116 mm x 72 mm x 23 mm
For pinout see the ARK Jetson PAB Carrier Pinout
Autopilot Connections¶
There are two primary communication channels between the Jetson and the Flight Controller: Serial and USB. Both interfaces are direct board to board connections and have been tested up to 3Mbps
Type |
Jetson Device Path |
Flight Controller |
/dev/ttyACM0 |
Serial |
/dev/ttyTHS1 |
Telem2 |
Flashing Guide¶
If you purchased a ARK Jetson Orin NX NDAA Bundle the Jetpack Ubuntu OS is already installed along with ARK-OS. Follow this guide if you want to update to the latest Jetpack or need to flash your Jetson for the first time.
ARK Jetson Kernel GitHub Repository
This repository contains helper scripts to download and build the kernel. Please follow the README.
To flash the kernel you will need to connect the Jetson to your Host PC using the Micro USB connection. You must boot the Jetson while holding the Force Recovery button.