Mission Planner - Proposed Table Of Contents (TOC)¶
Revision date: 11/24/2013
This proposal suggests what may be a good structure for the Mission Planner wiki Table of Contents and perhaps for the Main website “Instructions” menu for those items that are “instructions”.
Use https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ardu-wiki-editors to make suggestions, requests or notify the group you have changed this plan.
Proposed Mission Planner TOC (color, text styles added only to emphasize the major topics and sub topics.)
-OVERVIEW mission-planner-overview) New 8/3/2013 ready to add to TOC (Not a common page) Covers the following topics
What is Mission Planner
Support Help menu, additional support etc.
Navigating the Documentation.
-INSTALLATION New page. Not common. Just a TOC header/ index to these pages
Windows Installer ( install mission planner )
Advanced Installation (mission-planner-advanced-installation) New 8/7/13. ready to add to TOC (Not a common page)
Installing in Apple computers - create new page if we have details.
-FEATURES (mission-planner-features) New 8/7/13 not a common page. An index to sub titles
Flight Data (mission-planner-flight-data) Not common. The New page (8/7/13) will contain all of the stuff below including the links (that exist). This outline just shows how the Table of Contents should look - Not sure how to do that.
*An Introduction* (common-mission-planner-ground-control-station)
*Heads Up Area * Additional information not covered by the Flight data page -see mission-planner-flight-data for final layout
*Control and Status (Lower Left) Area* see mission-planner-flight-data for final layout.
Playing Back Missions with Tlogs common-recording-and-playing-back-missions
Data Flash Logs
Scripts: ( common-using-python-scripts-in-mission-planner.)
Map Area – see mission-planner-flight-data for final layout
Guided Mode (common-mission-planner-ground-control-station) link to the header for Guided mode using #Guided-mode or whatever it is.
other sections see mission-planner-flight-data for final layout
Flight Plan ( mission-planner-flight-plan ) Not common. New page 8/7/13 TOC header and index with some screen detail See that page for layout and sections Draft
*Planning a Mission with Way points and Events* (Planning a Mission with Waypoints and Events)
*Using Python Scripts in Mission Planner* (common-using-python-scripts-in-mission-planner)
Initial Setup (Mission Planner Initial SETUP ) Not common. New page 8/8/13 TOC header and index with some detail not covered in other areas. Introduction
*Other Setup Items:* See mission-planner-initial-setup for first draft (Required items - introduction but mostly refer the reader to vehicle sections for details.
Configuration/Tuning ( mission-planner-configuration-and-tuning New page 8/8/13 This page has the introduction to and the links in the following subsection. .
*Intro? * This may or may not be useful. Not sure where it is now used.
*Planner * see mission-planner-configuration-and-tuning Point out some details (even if not connected)
*Other (after connection)* see mission-planner-configuration-and-tuning section with the following span IDs sections
sections …. as appropriate
Complete Parameter list: see mission-planner-configuration-and-tuning section to explain saving, comparing, loading parameters.
Simulation ( mission-planner-simulatio/) Not common New page 8/8/13 Probably some sub sections too, but I have no idea what this is. It would be nice to explain and have setup and prerequisites,
Terminal ) Not common. New page 8/8/13 General introduction to the screen, a screen image with red explanations of each button.
Sensor Testing: ( common-sensor-testing/ )
*Screen Actions* see (` <mission-planner-simulation>`__) Explain each of the buttons hat does Show Settings, setup Radio, tests do? Some folks are afraid to click and see what happens.
*Flash Data Logs* (Downloading and Analysing data logs in Mission Planner)
Help In the table of contents , put a link to the support section of the overview page.
Console (TBD) Do we need a section for the console what is is why it is not important for normal users etc. It is mentioned in other mission planner features and in the support section (Help screen) of overview.
Other Mission Planner Features (common-other-mission-planner-features/ ).
GROUND CONTROL STATIONS FOR PHONES AND TABLETS. - #HW Removed section here - these have been merged into the “Choosing a GCS topic” - there is no need for separate docs.
Legend for the ‘Proposed’ TOC for Mission Planner¶
Each bullet, text color or style indicates the proposed location in the order of the TOC and the indentation in the TOC.
(page url) A Link to find the wiki page to be used. (TBD) indicates the page is not yet created.
Creating and Naming new pages
If you create a new page in the Planner wiki, consider these suggestions:
The wiki page should have significant content about how the MP works, and how to use it.
A page with Vehicle Specific content, organized to fulfill BOTH the Vehicle specific information AND MP manual content, and is to be used in the vehicle wikis should start with the name “common-” so it can be automatically copied to the Vehicle wikis.
If the new page is not in the proposed TOC, add it above in the right place and with the correct indentation.
Other things to consider.¶
Feel free to work with the group to change this process or this page to make the effort of organization and contribution easier.
For Editors without privileges to organize the site, menus and TOCs, Use this as a guideline for inputs and request to change the Organization or the TOC and the content of the Planner wiki. The ‘Proposed’ TOC above thus becomes the combined inputs of the editors. and is a work in progress for the process of migration of pages to common area, adding pages to the website’s Planner area, and the Mission Planner TOC, Make requests, suggestions etc here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ardu-wiki-editors
For those who do the TOCs and website organization, come here to view the requests/suggestions for TOC changes.