Mission Planner Features/Screens

Mission Planner Features are detailed in each of the following sections.

The sections are organized to match the major section of the Mission Planner as selected in the menu along the top of the Mission Planner window.

  • CONNECT (Upper right corner) - How to connect the Mission Planner to your ArduPilot. Selecting communication devices and rates.

  • DATA - Information about what you see, and things you can do in the Flight Data screens.

  • PLAN - Information about the various aspects of preparing flight plans (Missions), Fences, and Rally Points.

  • SETUP - Information about what you see and things you can do in the Setup screens. Especially the mandatory setups required before operating.

  • CONFIG - Information about what you see and things you can do in the Configuration/Tuning screens.

  • SIMULATION - How you can use the Mission Planner and a flight simulator to ‘simulate’ flying.

  • HELP - About the help screen, and how to get help with your questions about Mission Planner.

  • Advanced Mission Planner Features - Mission Planner has a large number of additional functions and features. This section documents many of them.