Marvelmind for Non-GPS navigation

This article explains how a MarvelMind system can be a short-range substitute for a GPS allowing position control modes like Auto and Guided. See the user manual for more details on the system.


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Required Hardware

Marvelmind Settings

  • Ensure the Marvelmind is firmware version 7.910 (or higher)

  • The height of every stationary beacon, from the ground, must be set on the dashboard.

  • The hedge should be set to output NMEA 0183 Protocol at baud rate of 115200.

Connecting to an autopilot

  • Here is a package with tested param files for the Autopilot and Marvelmind hedge: <> Upload the param file corresponding to your version of Autopilot software with Mission Planner or QGroundControl.

  • Set latitude and longitude of the point (X=0, Y=0) on the Marvelmind map in Georeferencing settings of the modem in the dashboard

  • Refer to section 11.11 of the user manual <> to setup correct north direction on the map

Ground Testing

  • Connect the Autopilot to a ground station

  • Click on ‘freeze map’ on the dashboard

  • Check that the vehicle’s position is relatively stable (i.e. moving around less than one meter)

  • Walk the vehicle around between the beacons and ensure that its position on the map updates correctly