Luxonis OAK-D

This article explains how to setup a Luxonis OAK-D camera for use with ArduPilot as a substitude for a GPS allowing position control modes like Loiter, PosHold, RTL, Auto to work. This solution is based on HKUST Aerial Robotics Group’s VINS-Fusion and Sara Lucia Contreras Ojeda’s thesis “Robot pose calculation based on Visual Odometry using Optical flow and Depth map”


What to Buy

Hardware Setup

  • Connect the OAK-D to one of the RPI’s blue USB3 ports

  • Connect the RPI’s UART port to autopilot’s Telem1

Software Setup

On RPI’s terminal

git clone
git checkout -t origin/apm_wiki
#follow instructions in to build

git clone
git checkout -t origin/apm_wiki
#follow instructions in to build

git clone
git checkout -t origin/apm_wiki
#follow instructions in to build

Configure ArduPilot

How to run

Open 3 terminals on RPI On 1st terminal

cd oak_d_vins_cpp

On 2nd terminal

cd VINS-Fusion/vins_estimator
./vins_fusion oak_d.yaml

On 3rd terminal

cd mavlink-udp-proxy

[Optional]Verify pose estimation

On a PC with ROS Noetic installed (WSL will do)

git clone
#follow instructions in to build & run

red = front, green = left and blue = up

Flight Test

For your first flight:

  • Takeoff in Stabilize or Alt-Hold, check that the vehicle is stable.

  • Move the vehicle around and observe the position on Mission Planner to see if tracking is stable.

  • Switch to Loiter, but always ready to switch back to Stabilize/Alt-Hold if anything goes awry.

  • Otherwise, the vehicle should hover stably and able to keep its position.

  • Move the vehicle around (translate, rotate) at varying speed, always ready to switch back to Stabilize/Alt-Hold.

If everything works as expected, next time you can arm and takeoff in Loiter mode.