Mission Commands

This article describes the mission commands that are supported by Copter, Plane and Rover when switched into Auto mode. A better list just for Copter can be found here


The MAVLink protocol defines a large number of MAV_CMD waypoint command types (sent in a MAVLink_mission_item_message). ArduPilot implements handling for the subset of these commands and command parameters that are most relevant and meaningful for each of the vehicles. Unsupported commands that are sent to a particular autopilot will simply be dropped.

This article lists and describes the commands and command-parameters that are supported on each of the vehicle types. Any parameter that is “grey” is not supported by the autopilot and will be ignored. They are still documented to make it clear which properties are supported by the MAV_CMD protocol are not implemented by the vehicle.

Some commands and command parameters are not implemented because they are not relevant for particular vehicle types (for example “MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF” command makes sense for Plane and Copter but not Rover and the pitch parameter only makes sense for Plane). There are also some potentially useful command parameters that are not handled because there is a limit to the message size, and a decision has been made to prioritize some parameters over others.


There is additional information about the supported commands on Copter (from a Mission Planner perspective) in the Copter Mission Command List.

Types of commands

There are several different types of commands that can be used within missions:

  • Navigation commands are used to control the movement of the vehicle, including takeoff, moving to and around waypoints, changing altitude, and landing.

  • DO commands are for auxiliary functions and do not affect the vehicle’s position (for example, setting the camera trigger distance, or setting a servo value).

  • Condition commands are used to delay DO commands until some condition is met, for example, the UAV reaches a certain altitude or distance from the waypoint.

During a mission at most one “Navigation” command and one “Do” or “Condition” command can be running at one time. A typical mission might set a waypoint (NAV command), add a CONDITION command that doesn’t complete until a certain distance from the destination (MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE), and then add a number of DO commands that are executed sequentially (for example MAV_CMD_DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST to take pictures at regular intervals) when the condition completes.


CONDITION and DO commands are associated with the preceding NAV command: if the UAV reaches the next waypoint before these commands are executed, the next NAV command is loaded and they will be skipped.

Frames of reference

Many of the commands (in particular the NAV_ commands) include position/location information. The information is provided relative to a particular “frame of reference”, which is specified in the message’s Frames of reference field. Copter and Rover Mission use MAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME command to set the “home position” in the global coordinate frame (MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL), WGS84 coordinate system, where the altitude is relative to mean sea level. All other commands use the MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT frame, which uses the same latitude and longitude, but sets altitude as relative to the home position (home altitude = 0).

Plane commands can additionally use MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT frame of reference. This again has the same WGS84 frame of reference for latitude/longitude, but specifies altitude relative to ground height (as defined in a terrain database).


The other frame types are defined in the MAVLink protocol (see MAV_FRAME) are not supported for mission commands.

How accurate is the information?

If a command or parameter is marked as supported then it is likely (but not guaranteed) that it will behave as indicated. If a command or parameter is not listed (or marked as not supported) then it is extremely likely that it is not supported on ArduPilot.

The reason for this is that the information was predominantly inferred by inspecting the command handlers for messages:

  • The switch statement in AP_Mission::mavlink_to_mission_cmd was inspected to determine which commands are handled by all vehicle platforms, and which parameters from the message are stored.

  • The command handler switch for each vehicle type (Plane, Copter, Rover) tells us which commands are likely to be supported in each vehicle and which parameters are passed to the handler.

The above checks give a very accurate picture of what commands and parameters are not supported. They give a fairly accurate picture of what commands/parameters are likely to be supported. However, this indication is not guaranteed to be accurate because a command handler could just throw away all the information (and we have not fully checked all of these).

In addition to the above checks, we have also merged information from the Copter Mission Command List.

How to interpret the command parameters

The parameters for each command are listed in a table. The parameters that are “greyed out” are not supported. The command field column (param name) uses “bold” text to indicate those parameters that are defined in the protocol (normal text is used for “empty” parameters).

This allows users/developers to see both what is supported, and what protocol fields are not supported in ArduPilot.

Using this information with a GCS

Mission Planner (MP) exposes the full subset of commands and parameters supported by ArduPilot, filtered to display just those relevant to the currently connected vehicle. Mapping the MP commands to this documentation is easy, because it simply names commands using a cut-down version of the full command name (e.g. DO_SET_SERVO rather than the full command name: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO). In addition, this document conveniently lists the column label used by Mission Planner alongside each of the parameters.

Other GCSs (APM Planner 2, Tower etc.) may support some other subset of commands/parameters and use alternative names/labels for them. In most cases, the mapping should be obvious.

Commands supported by Plane

This list of commands was inferred from the command handler in /ArduPlane/commands_logic.cpp.

Conditional commands

Conditional commands control the execution of _DO_ commands. For example, a conditional command can prevent DO commands from executing based on a time delay, until the vehicle is at a certain altitude, or at a specified distance from the next target position.

A conditional command may not be complete before reaching the next waypoint. In this case, any unexecuted _DO_ commands associated with the last waypoint will be skipped.


Supported by: All vehicles.

After reaching a waypoint, delay the execution of the next conditional “_DO_” command for the specified number of seconds (e.g. MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI).


This command does not stop the vehicle. If the vehicle reaches the next waypoint before the delay timer completes, the delayed “_DO_” commands will never trigger.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Time (sec) Delay in seconds (decimal).
param2 Empty
param3 Empty
param4 Empty
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty

Mission planner screenshots


Mission Planner Settings for CONDITION_DELAY command

In the example above, Command #4 (DO_SET_ROI) is delayed so that it starts 5 seconds after the vehicle has passed Waypoint #2.


Supported by: All vehicles.

Delays the start of the next “_DO_” command until the vehicle is within the specified number of meters of the next waypoint.


This command does not stop the vehicle: it only affects DO commands.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Dist (m) Distance from the next waypoint before DO commands are executed (meters).
param2 Empty
param3 Empty
param4 Empty
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty

Mission planner screenshots


Mission PlannerSettings for CONDITION_DISTANCE command

In the example above, Command #4 (DO_SET_ROI) is delayed so that it only starts once the vehicle is within 50m of waypoint #5.

DO commands

The “DO” or “Now” commands are executed once to perform some action. All the DO commands associated with a waypoint are executed immediately.


Supported by: Copter, Plane, Rover.

Change the target horizontal speed (airspeed or groundspeed) and/or the vehicle’s throttle. If the airspeed option is selected, this changes the AIRSPEED_CRUISE parameter during the flight until reboot or mode is changed to CRUISE or FBWB. If the groundspeed option is used, then MIN_GROUNDSPEED parameter is changed to this value until rebooted or changed by this command again. If the throttle field is non-zero and equal to or below 100, then the TRIM_THROTTLE parameter is changed until reboot or changed by this command again.


Speed changes only have an effect if an airspeed sensor is present, healthy, and in use. TRIM_THROTTLE changes impacts only flight with airspeed sensor not in use.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Type Speed type (0=Airspeed, 1=Ground Speed).
param2 Speed (m/s) Target speed (m/s). If airspeed, a value below or above min/max airspeed limits results in no change. a value of -2 uses :ref:`AIRSPEED_CRUISE`
param3 Throttle(%) Throttle as a percentage (0-100%). A value of 0 or negative indicates no change.
param4 Empty
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty


Supported by: All vehicles.

Sets the home location either as the current location or at the location specified in the command. For SITL work, altitude input here needs to be with reference to absolute altitude, taking into account SRTM elevation.


  • For Plane and Rover, if a good GPS fix cannot be obtained the location specified in the command is used.

  • For Copter, the command will also try to use the current position if all the location parameters are set to 0. The location information in the command is only used if it is close to the EKF origin.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Current Set home location: 1=Set home as current location. 0=Use location specified in message parameters.
param2 Empty
param3 Empty
param4 Empty
param5 Lat Target home latitude (if param1=0)
param6 Lon Target home longitude (if param1=0)
param7 Alt Target home altitude (if param1=0)

Mission planner screenshots


Mission Planner Settings for DO_SET_HOME command


Supported by: All vehicles.

Set a Relay pin’s voltage high (on) or low (off).

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Relay No Relay number.
param2 off(0)/on(1) Set relay state: 1: Set relay high/on (3.3V on Pixhawk, 5V on APM). 0: Set relay low/off (0v) any other value toggles the relay
param3 Empty
param4 Empty
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty

Mission planner screenshots


MissionPlanner Settings for DO_SET_RELAY command


Supported by: All vehicles.

Toggle the Relay pin’s voltage/state a specified number of times with a given period. Toggling the Relay will turn an off relay on and vice versa

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Relay No Relay number.
param2 Repeat # Cycle count - the number of times the relay should be toggled
param3 Delay(s) Cycle time (seconds, decimal) - time between each toggle.
param4 Empty
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty

Mission planner screenshots


Mission Planner Settings for DO_RELAY_REPEAT command

In the example above, assuming the relay was off to begin with, it would be set high and then after 3 seconds, it would be toggled low again.


Supported by: All vehicles.

Set a given servo pin output to a specific PWM value.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Ser No Servo number - target servo output pin/channel number.
param2 PWM PWM value to output, in microseconds (typically 1000 to 2000).
param3 Empty
param4 Empty
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty

Mission planner screenshots


Mission Planner Settingsfor DO_SET_SERVO command

In the example above, the servo attached to output channel 8 would be moved to PWM 1700 (servos generally accept PWM values between 1000 and 2000).


as of firmware versions 4.0 and later, this command can be used on any output configured by its SERVOx_FUNCTION command as 0,1, or 51-66 (disabled or RC pass-throughs)


Supported by: All vehicles.

Cycle a servo PWM output pin between its mid-position value and a specified PWM value, for a given number of cycles and with a set period.

The mid-position value is specified in the RCn_TRIM parameter for the channel (RC8_TRIM in the screenshot below). The default value is 1500..

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Ser No Servo number - target servo output pin/channel.
param2 PWM PWM value to output, in microseconds (typically 1000 to 2000).
param3 Repeat # Cycle count - number of times to move the servo to the specified PWM value
param4 Delay (s) Cycle time (seconds) - the delay in seconds between each servo movement.
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty

Mission planner screenshots


Mission Planner Settingsfor DO_REPEAT_SERVO command

In the example above, the servo attached to output channel 8 would be moved to PWM 1700, then after 4 second, back to mid, after another 4 seconds it would be moved to 1700 again, then finally after 4 more seconds it would be moved back to mid.


Supported by: Plane (not Copter, Rover).

Mission command to prepare for a landing.

This is used as a marker in a mission to tell the autopilot where a sequence of mission items that represents a landing starts. It may also be sent via a COMMAND_LONG to trigger a landing, in which case the nearest (geographically) landing sequence in the mission will be used.

If RTL_AUTOLAND is set to 2, the plane will jump to the nearest DO_LAND_START in the mission table when RTL is initialized.


General information on landing a plane is provided in the topic Automatic Landing.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Empty
param2 Empty
param3 Empty
param4 Empty
param5 Lat Latitude used to help find the closest landing sequence, or zero if not needed.
param6 Long Longitude used to help find the closest landing sequence, or zero if not needed.
param7 Empty


Supported by: Plane (not Copter or Rover).Specifically QuadPlanes.

Mission command to change to/from VTOL and fixed wing mode of flight. The mode is changed based on the first parameter: 3 = change to VTOL flight, 4 = change to fixed wing flight.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Mode 3=VTOL,4=Fixed-Wing
param2 Empty
param3 Empty
param4 Empty
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty


Supported by: Copter, Plane, Rover.

Points the camera gimbal at the “region of interest”.

After setting the ROI, the camera will continue to follow it until the end of the mission, unless it is changed or cleared by setting another ROI. Clearing the ROI is achieved by setting a later DO_SET_ROI command with all zeros for param5-param7 (Lat, Lon and Alt).

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Region of interest mode. (see MAV_ROI enum) // 0 = no roi, 1 = next waypoint, 2 = waypoint number, 3 = fixed location, 4 = given target (not supported)
param2 MISSION index/ target ID. (see MAV_ROI enum)
param3 ROI index (allows a vehicle to manage multiple ROI's)
param4 Empty
param5 Lat Latitude (x) of the fixed ROI
param6 Long Longitude (y) of the fixed ROI
param7 Alt Altitude of the fixed ROI


Supported by: All vehicles.

Configure an on-board camera controller system.

The parameters are forwarded to an on-board camera controller system (like the 3DR Camera Control Board), if one is present.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Mode Set camera mode: 1: ProgramAuto 2: Aperture Priority 3: Shutter Priority 4: Manual 5: IntelligentAuto 6: SuperiorAuto
param2 Shutter Speed Shutter speed (seconds divisor). So if the speed is 1/60 seconds, the value entered would be 60. Slowest shutter trigger supported is 1 second.
param3 Aperture Aperture: F stop number
param4 ISO ISO number e.g. 80, 100, 200, etc.
param5 ExposureMode Exposure type enumerator
param6 CommandID Command Identity
param7 Engine Cut-Off Main engine cut-off time before camera trigger in seconds/10 (0 means no cut-off).


Supported by: All vehicles.

Trigger the camera shutter once. This command takes no additional arguments.

Command parameters

In general, if a command field is set to 0 it is ignored.

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 On/Off Session control (on/off or show/hide lens): 0: Turn off the camera / hide the lens 1: Turn on the camera /Show the lens
param2 Zoom Position Zoom's absolute position. 2x, 3x, 10x, etc.
param3 Zoom Step Zooming step value to offset zoom from the current position
param4 Focus Lock Focus Locking, Unlocking or Re-locking: 0: Ignore 1: Unlock 2: Lock
param5 Shutter Cmd Shooting Command. Any non-zero value triggers the camera.
param6 CommandID Command Identity
param7 Empty

Mission planner screenshots


Mission PlannerSettings for DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL command.


Supported by: All vehicles.

Mission command to control a camera or antenna mount.

This command allows you to specify a roll, pitch and yaw angle which will be sent to the camera gimbal. This can be used to point the camera in specific directions at various times in the mission.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Pitch, in degrees.
param2 Roll, in degrees.
param3 Yaw, in degrees.
param4 reserved
param5 reserved
param6 reserved
param7 `MAV_MOUNT_MODE `__ enum value.

Mission planner screenshots


Mission Planner Settings for DO_MOUNT_CONTROL command


Supported by: All vehicles.

Mission command to move the gimbal to the desired pitch and yaw angles (in degrees).

This command allows you to specify a pitch and yaw angle which will be sent to the camera gimbal. This can be used to point the camera in specific directions at various times in the mission. Positive pitch angles are up, Negative are down. Positive yaw angles are clockwise, negative are counter clockwise.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Pitch, in degrees.
param2 Yaw, in degrees.
param3 PitchRate, in deg/s.
param4 YawRate, in deg/s
param5 Flags: 0=boddyframe, 16=earthframe
param6 reserved
param7 Gimbal instance ID

Mission planner screenshots


Mission PlannerSettings for DO_GIMBAL_MANAGE_PITCHYAW command


Supported by: All vehicles.

Trigger the camera shutter at regular distance intervals. This command is useful in camera survey missions. To trigger the camera once, immediately after passing the DO command, set param3 to 1. Trigger immediately Parameter is available from ArduPilot 4.1 onwards.


Providing a distance of zero will stop the camera shutter from being triggered.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Dist (m) Camera trigger distance interval (meters). Zero to turn off distance triggering.
param2 Empty
param3 ? Trigger once instantly. One is on, zero is off.
param4 Empty
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty

Mission planner screenshots


Mission PlannerSettings for DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST command

The above configuration will cause the camera shutter to trigger after every 5m that the vehicle travels.


Supported by: All vehicles.

Mission commands to enable the Plane GeoFence, Copter/Rover Cylindrical Fence and/or Inclusion and Exclusion Fences.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Set GeoFence enable state (0=disable, 1=enable, 2= disable only floor (Plane only)).
param2 Empty
param3 Empty
param4 Empty
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty


Supported by: All vehicles.

Mission command to control an Auxiliary Function in the same manner as an RC channel switch.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 Aux Function Auxiliary Function code,same as RCx_OPTIONS
param2 Switch Position 0:Low, 1:Mid, 2:High
param3 Empty
param4 Empty
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty


Supported by: Plane (not Copter or Rover).

Change between normal and inverted flight.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 0=normal, 1=inverted Set flight type: 0: normal 1: inverted
param2 Empty
param3 Empty
param4 Empty
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty


Supported by: Plane (not Copter or Rover).

Enable/disable AUTOTUNE mode.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 na Enable/disable autotune (1: enable, 0:disable)
param2 Empty
param3 Empty
param4 Empty
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty


Supported by: Plane (not Copter or Rover).

Stop or start the internal combustion engine (ICE)

This command can be used to start or stop the ICE before a NAV_VTOL_LAND or after a NAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF command for a QuadPlane to avoid potential prop strikes in the wind. It should be placed before either of those commands.Also can be used to allow a single engine start while disarmed if otherwise prohibited by ICE_OPTIONS bit 3 being set,

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 ? Start/Stop ICE (1: start, 0:stop)
param2 Cold Start (1: enables choke, currently not implemented)
param3 Altitude in meters. Altitude at which action is taken.
param4 Flags: 1 = allow a single start while disarmed even if :ref:`ICE_OPTIONS` bit 3 is set
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty


Supported by: All vehicles.

Set the distance that the mission will be rewound when resuming after an interrupt (switching modes). A full explanation of this feature can be found on the Mission Rewind on Resume Page. After setting a rewind distance in a mission, setting the distance to zero will switch off the rewind feature from that point on the mission.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 ? Rewind distance in meters
param2 Empty
param3 Empty
param4 Empty
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty


Supported by: All vehicles.

Format SD Card. Useful for vehicles where SD card is inaccessible. Param1 and Param2 must be set to 1.

Command parameters

Command Field Mission Planner Field Description
param1 ? Must be 1
param2 ? Must be 1
param3 Empty
param4 Empty
param5 Empty
param6 Empty
param7 Empty