Installing APM Planner for Mac¶
System Requirements¶
OS X 10.8 or later
300 MB free space
Internet connection to use maps
Download the installer .dmg file for your macOS (OSX) machine from GitHub.
Legacy versions from
And also check the discussion forum for lastest info
Install Packages¶
The FTDI Driver install is not needed for OSX 10.11+
The FTDI Driver install is optional for OSX Yosemite 10.10, but some users have required this install.
Open the .dmg file to see the one additional package files that needs to be installed: the FTDI USB Serial Driver. To install the packages, they will need to be opened by control-click* the icon and select ‘Open’. Full instructions for opening a downloaded file can be found on the Apple site.
*Control-Click is the same as ‘right mouse button click’

Open the FTDI USB .dmg file to view the two packages inside. Open the package labeled “10_4_10_5_10_6_10_7” by control-clicking on the icon and selecting Open from the drop-down menu. This will bypass the security permissions and open the package.
The driver says 10_7 and it’s the correct one for OSX 10.8, 10.9 & 10.10

Once open, follow the installation instructions to install the package.

Install Application¶
Drag the AP icon into the applications folder.

Open the applications folder, and open APM Planner.

Select Open to run APM Planner. Your installation is now complete.