Onboard Message Log Messages¶
This is a list of log messages which may be present in logs produced and stored onboard ArduPilot vehicles.
IMU accelerometer data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
accelerometer sensor instance number |
SampleUS |
μs |
time since system startup this sample was taken |
AccX |
m/s/s |
acceleration along X axis |
AccY |
m/s/s |
acceleration along Y axis |
AccZ |
m/s/s |
acceleration along Z axis |
Automatic Dependent Serveillance - Broadcast detected vehicle information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
ICAO_address |
Transponder address |
Lat |
1e-7 deglatitude |
Vehicle latitude |
Lng |
1e-7 deglongitude |
Vehicle longitude |
Alt |
mm |
Vehicle altitude |
Heading |
cdegheading |
Vehicle heading |
Hor_vel |
mm/s |
Vehicle horizontal velocity |
Ver_vel |
mm/s |
Vehicle vertical velocity |
Squark |
Transponder squawk code |
Backup AHRS data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Roll |
deg |
Estimated roll |
Pitch |
deg |
Estimated pitch |
Yaw |
degheading |
Estimated yaw |
Alt |
m |
Estimated altitude |
Lat |
deglatitude |
Estimated latitude |
Lng |
deglongitude |
Estimated longitude |
Q1 |
Estimated attitude quaternion component 1 |
Q2 |
Estimated attitude quaternion component 2 |
Q3 |
Estimated attitude quaternion component 3 |
Q4 |
Estimated attitude quaternion component 4 |
Contents of ‘position report’ AIS message, see: https://gpsd.gitlab.io/gpsd/AIVDM.html#_types_1_2_and_3_position_report_class_a
US |
μs |
Time since system startup |
typ |
Message Type |
rep |
Repeat Indicator |
mmsi |
nav |
Navigation Status |
rot |
Rate of Turn (ROT) |
sog |
Speed Over Ground (SOG) |
pos |
Position Accuracy |
lon |
Longitude |
lat |
Latitude |
cog |
Course Over Ground (COG) |
hed |
True Heading (HDG) |
sec |
Time Stamp |
man |
Maneuver Indicator |
raim |
RAIM flag |
rad |
Radio status |
Contents of ‘Base Station Report’ AIS message, see: https://gpsd.gitlab.io/gpsd/AIVDM.html#_type_4_base_station_report
US |
μs |
Time since system startup |
rep |
Repeat Indicator |
mmsi |
year |
Year (UTC) |
mth |
Month (UTC) |
day |
Day (UTC) |
h |
Hour (UTC) |
m |
Minute (UTC) |
s |
Second (UTC) |
fix |
Fix quality |
lon |
Longitude |
lat |
Latitude |
epfd |
Type of EPFD |
raim |
RAIM flag |
rad |
Radio status |
Contents of ‘static and voyage related data’ AIS message, see: https://gpsd.gitlab.io/gpsd/AIVDM.html#_type_5_static_and_voyage_related_data
US |
μs |
Time since system startup |
rep |
Repeat Indicator |
mmsi |
ver |
AIS Version |
imo |
IMO Number |
cal |
char[16] |
Call Sign |
nam |
char[64] |
Vessel Name |
typ |
Ship Type |
bow |
m |
Dimension to Bow |
stn |
m |
Dimension to Stern |
prt |
m |
Dimension to Port |
str |
m |
Dimension to Starboard |
fix |
Position Fix Type |
dght |
dm |
Draught |
dst |
char[64] |
Destination |
dte |
Raw AIS AVDIM messages contents, see: https://gpsd.gitlab.io/gpsd/AIVDM.html#_aivdmaivdo_sentence_layer
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
num |
count of fragments in the currently accumulating message |
total |
fragment number of this sentence |
ID |
sequential message ID for multi-sentence messages |
payload |
char[64] |
data payload |
Attitude control attitude
TimeUS |
μs |
Timestamp of the current Attitude loop |
DesRoll |
deg |
vehicle desired roll |
Roll |
deg |
achieved vehicle roll |
DesPitch |
deg |
vehicle desired pitch |
Pitch |
deg |
achieved vehicle pitch |
DesYaw |
degheading |
vehicle desired yaw |
Yaw |
degheading |
achieved vehicle yaw |
Dt |
s |
attitude delta time |
Angle of attack and Side Slip Angle values
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
deg |
Angle of Attack calculated from airspeed, wind vector,velocity vector |
deg |
Side Slip Angle calculated from airspeed, wind vector,velocity vector |
Arming status changes
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
ArmState |
true if vehicle is now armed |
ArmChecks |
bitmask |
arming bitmask at time of arming Bitmask values:
Forced |
true if arm/disarm was forced |
Method |
enum |
method used for arming Values:
Airspeed sensor data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
Airspeed sensor instance number |
Airspeed |
m/s |
Current airspeed |
DiffPress |
Pa |
Pressure difference between static and dynamic port |
Temp |
degC |
Temperature used for calculation |
RawPress |
Pa |
Raw pressure less offset |
Offset |
Pa |
Offset from parameter |
U |
True if sensor is being used |
H |
True if sensor is healthy |
Hp |
Probability sensor is healthy |
TR |
innovation test ratio |
Pri |
True if sensor is the primary sensor |
AirSim simulation data
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
Simulation’s timestamp |
R |
Simulation’s roll |
P |
Simulation’s pitch |
Y |
Simulation’s yaw |
GX |
Simulated gyroscope, X-axis |
GY |
Simulated gyroscope, Y-axis |
GZ |
Simulated gyroscope, Z-axis |
More AirSim simulation data
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
AX |
simulation’s acceleration, X-axis |
AY |
simulation’s acceleration, Y-axis |
AZ |
simulation’s acceleration, Z-axis |
VX |
simulation’s velocity, X-axis |
VY |
simulation’s velocity, Y-axis |
VZ |
simulation’s velocity, Z-axis |
PX |
simulation’s position, X-axis |
PY |
simulation’s position, Y-axis |
PZ |
simulation’s position, Z-axis |
Alt |
simulation’s gps altitude |
SD |
simulation’s earth-frame speed-down |
AutoTune data packet
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Angle |
deg |
current angle |
Rate |
deg/s |
current angular rate |
Scale factors for attitude controller
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
AngPScX |
Angle P scale X |
AngPScY |
Angle P scale Y |
AngPScZ |
Angle P scale Z |
PD scale X |
PD scale Y |
PD scale Z |
Canonical vehicle attitude
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
DesRoll |
deg |
vehicle desired roll |
Roll |
deg |
achieved vehicle roll |
DesPitch |
deg |
vehicle desired pitch |
Pitch |
deg |
achieved vehicle pitch |
DesYaw |
degheading |
vehicle desired yaw |
Yaw |
degheading |
achieved vehicle yaw |
active EKF type |
Auxiliary function invocation information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
function |
instance |
ID of triggered function Values:
pos |
enum |
switch position when function triggered Values:
source |
enum |
source of auxiliary function invocation Values:
index |
index within source. 0 indexed. Invalid for scripting. |
result |
true if function was successful |
Barometer dynamic data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
barometer sensor instance number |
DynPrX |
Pa |
calculated dynamic pressure in the bodyframe X-axis |
DynPrY |
Pa |
calculated dynamic pressure in the bodyframe Y-axis |
DynPrZ |
Pa |
calculated dynamic pressure in the bodyframe Z-axis |
Gathered Barometer data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
barometer sensor instance number |
Alt |
m |
calculated altitude |
m |
altitude AMSL |
Press |
Pa |
measured atmospheric pressure |
Temp |
degC |
measured atmospheric temperature |
CRt |
m/s |
derived climb rate from primary barometer |
ms |
time last sample was taken |
Offset |
m |
raw adjustment of barometer altitude, zeroed on calibration, possibly set by GCS |
GndTemp |
degC |
temperature on ground, specified by parameter or measured while on ground |
H |
true if barometer is considered healthy |
CPress |
Pa |
compensated atmospheric pressure |
Gathered battery data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Inst |
instance |
battery instance number |
Volt |
V |
measured voltage |
VoltR |
V |
estimated resting voltage |
Curr |
A |
measured current |
CurrTot |
mAh |
consumed Ah, current * time |
EnrgTot |
W.h |
consumed Wh, energy this battery has expended |
Temp |
degC |
measured temperature |
Res |
Ohm |
estimated battery resistance |
RemPct |
% |
remaining percentage |
H |
health |
SH |
% |
state of health percentage. 0 if unknown |
Battery cell voltage information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Instance |
instance |
battery instance number |
Volt |
V |
battery voltage |
V1 |
mV |
first cell voltage |
V2 |
mV |
second cell voltage |
V3 |
mV |
third cell voltage |
V4 |
mV |
fourth cell voltage |
V5 |
mV |
fifth cell voltage |
V6 |
mV |
sixth cell voltage |
V7 |
mV |
seventh cell voltage |
V8 |
mV |
eighth cell voltage |
V9 |
mV |
ninth cell voltage |
V10 |
mV |
tenth cell voltage |
V11 |
mV |
eleventh cell voltage |
V12 |
mV |
twelfth cell voltage |
Battery cell voltage information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Instance |
instance |
battery instance number |
V13 |
mV |
thirteenth cell voltage |
V14 |
mV |
fourteenth cell voltage |
Beacon information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Health |
True if beacon sensor is healthy |
Cnt |
Number of beacons being used |
D0 |
m |
Distance to first beacon |
D1 |
m |
Distance to second beacon |
D2 |
m |
Distance to third beacon |
D3 |
m |
Distance to fourth beacon |
PosX |
m |
Calculated beacon position, x-axis |
PosY |
m |
Calculated beacon position, y-axis |
PosZ |
m |
Calculated beacon position, z-axis |
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Bus |
instance |
bus number |
Id |
frame identifier |
data length code |
D0 |
data 0 |
D1 |
data 1 |
D2 |
data 2 |
D3 |
data 3 |
D4 |
data 4 |
D5 |
data 5 |
D6 |
data 6 |
D7 |
data 7 |
Camera shutter information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
Instance number |
Img |
Image number |
GPSTime |
milliseconds since start of GPS week |
GPSWeek |
weeks since 5 Jan 1980 |
Lat |
deglatitude |
current latitude |
Lng |
deglongitude |
current longitude |
Alt |
m |
current altitude |
RelAlt |
m |
current altitude relative to home |
GPSAlt |
m |
altitude as reported by GPS |
R |
deg |
current vehicle roll |
P |
deg |
current vehicle pitch |
Y |
deg |
current vehicle yaw |
Info from GetNodeInfo request
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Driver |
Driver index |
NodeId |
instance |
Node ID |
UID1 |
Hardware ID, part 1 |
UID2 |
Hardware ID, part 2 |
Name |
char[64] |
Name string |
Major |
major revision id |
Minor |
minor revision id |
Version |
AP_Periph git hash |
CAN Frame
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Bus |
instance |
bus number |
Id |
frame identifier |
data length code |
B0 |
byte 0 |
B1 |
byte 1 |
B2 |
byte 2 |
B3 |
byte 3 |
B4 |
byte 4 |
B5 |
byte 5 |
B6 |
byte 6 |
B7 |
byte 7 |
CAN Bus Statistics
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
driver index |
T |
transmit success count |
Trq |
transmit request count |
Trej |
transmit reject count |
Tov |
transmit overflow count |
Tto |
transmit timeout count |
Tab |
transmit abort count |
R |
receive count |
Rov |
receive overflow count |
Rer |
receive error count |
Bo |
bus offset error count |
Etx |
ESC successful send count |
Stx |
Servo successful send count |
Ftx |
ESC/Servo failed-to-send count |
Uploaded mission command information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
CTot |
Total number of mission commands |
CNum |
This command’s offset in mission |
CId |
Command type |
Prm1 |
Parameter 1 |
Prm2 |
Parameter 2 |
Prm3 |
Parameter 3 |
Prm4 |
Parameter 4 |
Lat |
deglatitude |
Command latitude |
Lng |
deglongitude |
Command longitude |
Alt |
m |
Command altitude |
Frame |
Frame used for position |
Servo feedback data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Id |
instance |
Servo number this data relates to |
Pos |
deg |
Current servo position |
Force |
N.m |
Force being applied |
Speed |
deg/s |
Current servo movement speed |
Pow |
% |
Amount of rated power being applied |
PosCmd |
deg |
commanded servo position |
V |
V |
Voltage |
A |
A |
Current |
MotT |
degC |
motor temperature |
degC |
PCB temperature |
Err |
error flags |
Attitude Control oscillation monitor diagnostics
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
RMSRollP |
LPF Root-Mean-Squared Roll Rate controller P gain |
RMSRollD |
LPF Root-Mean-Squared Roll rate controller D gain |
RMSPitchP |
LPF Root-Mean-Squared Pitch Rate controller P gain |
RMSPitchD |
LPF Root-Mean-Squared Pitch Rate controller D gain |
RMSYaw |
LPF Root-Mean-Squared Yaw Rate controller P+D gain |
Control Tuning information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
ThI |
throttle input |
ABst |
angle boost |
ThO |
throttle output |
ThH |
calculated hover throttle |
DAlt |
m |
desired altitude |
Alt |
m |
achieved altitude |
BAlt |
cm |
barometric altitude |
DSAlt |
m |
desired rangefinder altitude |
SAlt |
m |
achieved rangefinder altitude |
TAlt |
cm |
terrain altitude |
DCRt |
cm/s |
desired climb rate |
CRt |
cm/s |
climb rate |
Generic 16-bit-signed-integer storage
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Id |
Data type identifier |
Value |
Value |
Generic 32-bit-signed-integer storage
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Id |
Data type identifier |
Value |
Value |
DCM Estimator Data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Roll |
deg |
estimated roll |
Pitch |
deg |
estimated pitch |
Yaw |
deg |
estimated yaw |
ErrRP |
deg |
lowest estimated gyro drift error |
ErrYaw |
degheading |
difference between measured yaw and DCM yaw estimate |
m/s |
wind velocity, to-the-North component |
m/s |
wind velocity, to-the-East component |
m/s |
wind velocity, Up-to-Down component |
Generic float storage
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Id |
Data type identifier |
Value |
Value |
DataFlash-Over-MAVLink statistics
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
N |
Current block number |
Dp |
Number of times we rejected a write to the backend |
RT |
Number of blocks sent from the retry queue |
RS |
Number of resends of unacknowledged data made |
Fa |
Average number of blocks on the free list |
Fmn |
Minimum number of blocks on the free list |
Fmx |
Maximum number of blocks on the free list |
Pa |
Average number of blocks on the pending list |
Pmn |
Minimum number of blocks on the pending list |
Pmx |
Maximum number of blocks on the pending list |
Sa |
Average number of blocks on the sent list |
Smn |
Minimum number of blocks on the sent list |
Smx |
Maximum number of blocks on the sent list |
Onboard logging statistics
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Dp |
Number of times we rejected a write to the backend |
Blk |
Current block number |
Bytes |
B |
Current write offset |
FMn |
Minimum free space in write buffer in last time period |
FMx |
Maximum free space in write buffer in last time period |
FAv |
Average free space in write buffer in last time period |
Deepstall Landing data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Stg |
Deepstall landing stage |
THdg |
degheading |
Target heading |
Lat |
deglatitude |
Landing point latitude |
Lng |
deglongitude |
Landing point longitude |
Alt |
m |
Landing point altitude |
XT |
Crosstrack error |
Travel |
Expected travel distance vehicle will travel from this point |
L1I |
L1 controller crosstrack integrator value |
Loiter |
wind estimate loiter angle flown |
Des |
Deepstall steering PID desired value |
P |
Deepstall steering PID Proportional response component |
I |
Deepstall steering PID Integral response component |
D |
Deepstall steering PID Derivative response component |
Generic 16-bit-unsigned-integer storage
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Id |
Data type identifier |
Value |
Value |
Generic 32-bit-unsigned-integer storage
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Id |
Data type identifier |
Value |
Value |
External AHRS data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Roll |
deg |
euler roll |
Pitch |
deg |
euler pitch |
Yaw |
deg |
euler yaw |
VN |
m/s |
velocity north |
VE |
m/s |
velocity east |
VD |
m/s |
velocity down |
Lat |
deglatitude |
latitude |
Lon |
deglongitude |
longitude |
Alt |
m |
altitude AMSL |
Flg |
nav status flags |
External AHRS variances
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
Vel |
velocity variance |
Pos |
position variance |
Hgt |
height variance |
MagX |
magnetic variance, X |
MagY |
magnetic variance, Y |
MagZ |
magnetic variance, Z |
true airspeed variance |
EFI per-cylinder information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Inst |
instance |
Cylinder this data belongs to |
IgnT |
deg |
Ignition timing |
InjT |
ms |
Injection time |
degC |
Cylinder head temperature |
degC |
Exhaust gas temperature |
Lambda |
Estimated lambda coefficient (dimensionless ratio) |
CHT2 |
degC |
Cylinder2 head temperature |
EGT2 |
degC |
Cylinder2 Exhaust gas temperature |
Index of the publishing ECU |
Status received from ESCs via Extended DShot telemetry v2
TimeUS |
μs |
microseconds since system startup |
Instance |
instance |
ESC instance number |
Stress |
current stress level (commutation effort), scaled to [0..255] |
MaxStress |
maximum stress level (commutation effort) since arming, scaled to [0..15] |
Status |
bitmask |
status bits Bitmask values:
Electronic Fuel Injection system data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
LP |
% |
Reported engine load |
Rpm |
rpm |
Reported engine RPM |
ms |
Spark Dwell Time |
Pa |
Atmospheric pressure |
Pa |
Intake manifold pressure |
degC |
Intake manifold temperature |
degC |
Engine Coolant Temperature |
OilP |
Pa |
Oil Pressure |
OilT |
degC |
Oil temperature |
FP |
Pa |
Fuel Pressure |
Fuel Consumption Rate |
Consumed fueld volume |
% |
Throttle Position |
Index of the publishing ECU |
Electronic Fuel Injection system data - redux
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Healthy |
True if EFI is healthy |
ES |
Engine state |
GE |
General error |
Crankshaft sensor status |
TS |
Temperature status |
Fuel pressure status |
Oil pressure status |
DS |
Detonation status |
MS |
Misfire status |
DebS |
Debris status |
Spark plug usage |
Index of the publishing ECU |
Electronic Fuel Injection data - Hirth specific Status information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
bitmask |
Error Excess Temperature Bitfield Bitmask values:
bitmask |
Sensor Status Bitfield Bitmask values:
CRC failure count |
ACK failure count |
Up |
Uptime between 2 messages |
ThO |
Throttle output as received by the engine |
ThM |
Modified throttle_to_hirth output sent to the engine |
Specifically coded error messages
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Subsys |
enum |
Subsystem in which the error occurred Values:
ECode |
Subsystem-specific error code |
Feedback received from ESCs
TimeUS |
μs |
microseconds since system startup |
Instance |
instance |
ESC instance number |
rpm |
reported motor rotation rate |
RawRPM |
rpm |
reported motor rotation rate without slew adjustment |
Volt |
V |
Perceived input voltage for the ESC |
Curr |
A |
Perceived current through the ESC |
Temp |
degC |
ESC temperature in centi-degrees C |
CTot |
mAh |
current consumed total mAh |
MotTemp |
degC |
measured motor temperature in centi-degrees C |
Err |
% |
error rate |
ESC extended telemetry data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Instance |
instance |
starts from 0 |
inpct |
% |
input duty cycle in percent |
outpct |
% |
output duty cycle in percent |
flags |
manufacturer-specific status flags |
Pwr |
% |
Power percentage |
Specifically coded event messages
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Id |
enum |
Event identifier Values:
Filter Center Message - per motor
TimeUS |
μs |
microseconds since system startup |
I |
instance |
instance |
NF |
total number of active harmonic notches |
CF1 |
Hz |
First harmonic centre frequency for motor 1 |
CF2 |
Hz |
First harmonic centre frequency for motor 2 |
CF3 |
Hz |
First harmonic centre frequency for motor 3 |
CF4 |
Hz |
First harmonic centre frequency for motor 4 |
CF5 |
Hz |
First harmonic centre frequency for motor 5 |
CF6 |
Hz |
First harmonic centre frequency for motor 6 |
HF1 |
Hz |
Second harmonic centre frequency for motor 1 |
HF2 |
Hz |
Second harmonic centre frequency for motor 2 |
HF3 |
Hz |
Second harmonic centre frequency for motor 3 |
HF4 |
Hz |
Second harmonic centre frequency for motor 4 |
HF5 |
Hz |
Second harmonic centre frequency for motor 5 |
HF6 |
Hz |
Second harmonic centre frequency for motor 6 |
Filter Center Message
TimeUS |
μs |
microseconds since system startup |
I |
instance |
instance |
CF |
Hz |
notch centre frequency |
HF |
Hz |
2nd harmonic frequency |
File data
FileName |
char[16] |
File name |
Offset |
Offset into the file of this block |
Length |
Length of this data block |
Data |
char[64] |
File data of this block |
Message defining the format of messages in this file
Type |
unique-to-this-log identifier for message being defined |
Length |
B |
the number of bytes taken up by this message (including all headers) |
Name |
char[4] |
name of the message being defined |
Format |
char[16] |
character string defining the C-storage-type of the fields in this message |
Columns |
char[64] |
the labels of the message being defined |
Message defining units and multipliers used for fields of other messages
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
FmtType |
numeric reference to associated FMT message |
UnitIds |
char[16] |
each character refers to a UNIT message. The unit at an offset corresponds to the field at the same offset in FMT.Format |
MultIds |
char[16] |
each character refers to a MULT message. The multiplier at an offset corresponds to the field at the same offset in FMT.Format |
currently loaded Geo Fence points
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Tot |
total number of stored items |
Seq |
index in current sequence |
Type |
point type |
Lat |
deglatitude |
point latitude |
Lng |
deglongitude |
point longitude |
Count |
vertex cound in polygon if applicable |
Radius |
m |
radius of circle if applicable |
Follow library diagnostic data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Lat |
deglatitude |
Target latitude |
Lon |
deglongitude |
Target longitude |
Alt |
cm |
Target absolute altitude |
VelN |
m/s |
Target earth-frame velocity, North |
VelE |
m/s |
Target earth-frame velocity, East |
VelD |
m/s |
Target earth-frame velocity, Down |
LatE |
deglatitude |
Vehicle latitude |
LonE |
deglongitude |
Vehicle longitude |
AltE |
cm |
Vehicle absolute altitude |
Filter Tuning Message - per motor
TimeUS |
μs |
microseconds since system startup |
I |
instance |
instance |
NDn |
number of active harmonic notches |
NF1 |
Hz |
desired harmonic notch centre frequency for motor 1 |
NF2 |
Hz |
desired harmonic notch centre frequency for motor 2 |
NF3 |
Hz |
desired harmonic notch centre frequency for motor 3 |
NF4 |
Hz |
desired harmonic notch centre frequency for motor 4 |
NF5 |
Hz |
desired harmonic notch centre frequency for motor 5 |
NF6 |
Hz |
desired harmonic notch centre frequency for motor 6 |
NF7 |
Hz |
desired harmonic notch centre frequency for motor 7 |
NF8 |
Hz |
desired harmonic notch centre frequency for motor 8 |
NF9 |
Hz |
desired harmonic notch centre frequency for motor 9 |
NF10 |
Hz |
desired harmonic notch centre frequency for motor 10 |
NF11 |
Hz |
desired harmonic notch centre frequency for motor 11 |
NF12 |
Hz |
desired harmonic notch centre frequency for motor 12 |
FFT Filter Tuning
TimeUS |
μs |
microseconds since system startup |
PkAvg |
Hz |
peak noise frequency as an energy-weighted average of roll and pitch peak frequencies |
BwAvg |
Hz |
bandwidth of weighted peak frequency where edges are determined by FFT_ATT_REF |
SnX |
signal-to-noise ratio on the roll axis |
SnY |
signal-to-noise ratio on the pitch axis |
SnZ |
signal-to-noise ratio on the yaw axis |
FtX |
% |
harmonic fit on roll of the highest noise peak to the second highest noise peak |
FtY |
% |
harmonic fit on pitch of the highest noise peak to the second highest noise peak |
FtZ |
% |
harmonic fit on yaw of the highest noise peak to the second highest noise peak |
FFT health, X-axis |
FFT health, Y-axis |
FFT health, Z-axis |
Tc |
μs |
FFT cycle time |
FFT Noise Frequency Peak
TimeUS |
μs |
microseconds since system startup |
Id |
instance |
peak id where 0 is the centre peak, 1 is the lower shoulder and 2 is the upper shoulder |
PkX |
Hz |
noise frequency of the peak on roll |
PkY |
Hz |
noise frequency of the peak on pitch |
PkZ |
Hz |
noise frequency of the peak on yaw |
BwX |
Hz |
bandwidth of the peak frequency on roll where edges are determined by FFT_ATT_REF |
BwY |
Hz |
bandwidth of the peak frequency on pitch where edges are determined by FFT_ATT_REF |
BwZ |
Hz |
bandwidth of the peak frequency on yaw where edges are determined by FFT_ATT_REF |
SnX |
signal-to-noise ratio on the roll axis |
SnY |
signal-to-noise ratio on the pitch axis |
SnZ |
signal-to-noise ratio on the yaw axis |
EnX |
power spectral density bin energy of the peak on roll |
EnY |
power spectral density bin energy of the peak on roll |
EnZ |
power spectral density bin energy of the peak on roll |
Filter Tuning Message
TimeUS |
μs |
microseconds since system startup |
I |
instance |
instance |
NF |
Hz |
desired harmonic notch centre frequency |
GPS accuracy information
I |
μs |
GPS instance number |
TimeUS |
instance |
Time since system startup |
VDop |
vertical dilution of precision |
HAcc |
m |
horizontal position accuracy |
VAcc |
m |
vertical position accuracy |
SAcc |
m/s |
speed accuracy |
YAcc |
deg |
yaw accuracy |
VV |
true if vertical velocity is available |
ms |
time since system startup this sample was taken |
Delta |
ms |
system time delta between the last two reported positions |
Und |
m |
Undulation |
RTCM fragments used |
RTCM fragments discarded |
Information received from GNSS systems attached to the autopilot
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
GPS instance number |
Status |
enum |
GPS Fix type; 2D fix, 3D fix etc. Values:
ms |
milliseconds since start of GPS Week |
GWk |
weeks since 5 Jan 1980 |
NSats |
satellites |
number of satellites visible |
HDop |
horizontal dilution of precision |
Lat |
deglatitude |
latitude |
Lng |
deglongitude |
longitude |
Alt |
m |
altitude |
Spd |
m/s |
ground speed |
GCrs |
degheading |
ground course |
VZ |
m/s |
vertical speed |
Yaw |
degheading |
vehicle yaw |
U |
boolean value indicating whether this GPS is in use |
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Id |
instance |
instance |
deg |
reported heading,deg |
RDist |
m |
antenna separation,m |
RDown |
m |
vertical antenna separation,m |
MinCDown |
m |
minimum tolerable vertical antenna separation,m |
MaxCDown |
m |
maximum tolerable vertical antenna separation,m |
OK |
1 if have yaw |
Raw uBlox data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
WkMS |
ms |
receiver TimeOfWeek measurement |
Week |
GPS week |
numSV |
satellites |
number of space vehicles seen |
sv |
space vehicle number of first vehicle |
cpMes |
carrier phase measurement |
prMes |
pseudorange measurement |
doMes |
Doppler measurement |
mesQI |
measurement quality index |
cno |
carrier-to-noise density ratio |
lli |
loss of lock indicator |
Raw uBlox data - header
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
rcvTime |
receiver TimeOfWeek measurement |
week |
GPS week |
leapS |
GPS leap seconds |
numMeas |
number of space-vehicle measurements to follow |
recStat |
receiver tracking status bitfield |
Raw uBlox data - space-vehicle data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
prMes |
Pseudorange measurement |
cpMes |
Carrier phase measurement |
doMes |
Doppler measurement |
gnss |
GNSS identifier |
sv |
Satellite identifier |
freq |
GLONASS frequency slot |
lock |
carrier phase locktime counter |
cno |
carrier-to-noise density ratio |
prD |
estimated pseudorange measurement standard deviation |
cpD |
estimated carrier phase measurement standard deviation |
doD |
estimated Doppler measurement standard deviation |
trk |
tracking status bitfield |
Guided mode target information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Type |
Type of guided mode |
pX |
m |
Target position, X-Axis |
pY |
m |
Target position, Y-Axis |
pZ |
m |
Target position, Z-Axis |
vX |
m/s |
Target velocity, X-Axis |
vY |
m/s |
Target velocity, Y-Axis |
vZ |
m/s |
Target velocity, Z-Axis |
IMU gyroscope data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
gyroscope sensor instance number |
SampleUS |
μs |
time since system startup this sample was taken |
GyrX |
rad/s |
measured rotation rate about X axis |
GyrY |
rad/s |
measured rotation rate about Y axis |
GyrZ |
rad/s |
measured rotation rate about Z axis |
IMU Heater data
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
Temp |
Current IMU temperature |
Targ |
Target IMU temperature |
P |
Proportional portion of response |
I |
Integral portion of response |
Out |
Controller output to heating element |
Helicopter related messages
I |
μs |
Instance, 0=Main, 1=Tail |
TimeUS |
instance |
Time since system startup |
Desired rotor speed |
Estimated rotor speed |
Gov |
Governor Output |
Throt |
Throttle output |
Ramp |
throttle ramp up |
Stat |
RSC state |
Hygrometer data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Id |
instance |
sensor ID |
Humidity |
% |
percentage humidity |
Temp |
degC |
temperature in degrees C |
ICM20789 diagnostics
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
Traw |
raw temperature from sensor |
Praw |
raw pressure from sensor |
P |
pressure |
T |
temperature |
InertialLabs AHRS data1
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
GPS INS time (round) |
GyrX |
deg/s |
Gyro X |
GyrY |
deg/s |
Gyro Y |
GyrZ |
deg/s |
Gyro z |
AccX |
m/s/s |
Accelerometer X |
AccY |
m/s/s |
Accelerometer Y |
AccZ |
m/s/s |
Accelerometer Z |
InertialLabs AHRS data2
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
GPS INS time (round) |
MagX |
Magnetometer X |
MagY |
Magnetometer Y |
MagZ |
Magnetometer Z |
InertialLabs AHRS data3
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
GPS INS time (round) |
Press |
Pa |
Static pressure |
Diff |
Pa |
Differential pressure |
Temp |
degC |
Temperature |
Alt |
m |
Baro altitude |
m/s |
true airspeed |
m/s |
Wind velocity north |
m/s |
Wind velocity east |
m/s |
Wind velocity down |
Air Data Unit status |
InertialLabs AHRS data4
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
GNSS Position timestamp |
GWk |
GPS Week |
NSat |
Number of satellites |
NewGPS |
Indicator of new update of GPS data |
Lat |
deglatitude |
GNSS Latitude |
Lng |
deglongitude |
GNSS Longitude |
Alt |
m |
GNSS Altitude |
GCrs |
degheading |
GNSS Track over ground |
Spd |
m/s |
GNSS Horizontal speed |
VZ |
m/s |
GNSS Vertical speed |
InertialLabs AHRS data5
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
GNSS Position timestamp |
FType |
fix type |
GNSS spoofing status |
GNSS jamming status |
GI1 |
GNSS Info1 |
GI2 |
GNSS Info2 |
GNSS Angles position type |
InertialLabs AHRS data6
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
GNSS Position timestamp |
GpsHTS |
GNSS Heading timestamp |
GpsYaw |
degheading |
GNSS Heading |
GpsPitch |
deg |
GNSS Pitch |
InertialLabs AHRS data7
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
GPS INS time (round) |
Roll |
deg |
euler roll |
Pitch |
deg |
euler pitch |
Yaw |
deg |
euler yaw |
VN |
m/s |
velocity north |
VE |
m/s |
velocity east |
VD |
m/s |
velocity down |
Lat |
deglatitude |
latitude |
Lng |
deglongitude |
longitude |
Alt |
m |
altitude MSL |
USW1 |
USW2 |
USW2 |
Vdc |
V |
Supply voltage |
InertialLabs AHRS data8
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
GPS INS time (round) |
m |
position variance north |
m |
position variance east |
m |
position variance down |
m/s |
velocity variance north |
m/s |
velocity variance east |
m/s |
velocity variance down |
Inertial Measurement Unit data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
IMU sensor instance number |
GyrX |
rad/s |
measured rotation rate about X axis |
GyrY |
rad/s |
measured rotation rate about Y axis |
GyrZ |
rad/s |
measured rotation rate about Z axis |
AccX |
m/s/s |
acceleration along X axis |
AccY |
m/s/s |
acceleration along Y axis |
AccZ |
m/s/s |
acceleration along Z axis |
EG |
gyroscope error count |
EA |
accelerometer error count |
T |
degC |
IMU temperature |
GH |
gyroscope health |
AH |
accelerometer health |
GHz |
Hz |
gyroscope measurement rate |
AHz |
Hz |
accelerometer measurement rate |
IOMCU diagnostic information
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
RSErr |
Status Read error count (zeroed on successful read) |
Mem |
Free memory |
TS |
IOMCU uptime |
NPkt |
Number of packets received by IOMCU |
Nerr |
Protocol failures on MCU side |
Nerr2 |
Reported number of failures on IOMCU side |
NDel |
Number of delayed packets received by MCU |
Log data received from JSON simulator
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup (us) |
TStamp |
s |
Simulation’s timestamp (s) |
R |
rad |
Simulation’s roll (rad) |
P |
rad |
Simulation’s pitch (rad) |
Y |
rad |
Simulation’s yaw (rad) |
GX |
rad/s |
Simulated gyroscope, X-axis (rad/sec) |
GY |
rad/s |
Simulated gyroscope, Y-axis (rad/sec) |
GZ |
rad/s |
Simulated gyroscope, Z-axis (rad/sec) |
Log data received from JSON simulator
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup (us) |
VN |
m/s |
simulation’s velocity, North-axis (m/s) |
VE |
m/s |
simulation’s velocity, East-axis (m/s) |
VD |
m/s |
simulation’s velocity, Down-axis (m/s) |
AX |
m/s/s |
simulation’s acceleration, X-axis (m/s^2) |
AY |
m/s/s |
simulation’s acceleration, Y-axis (m/s^2) |
AZ |
m/s/s |
simulation’s acceleration, Z-axis (m/s^2) |
AN |
m/s/s |
simulation’s acceleration, North (m/s^2) |
AE |
m/s/s |
simulation’s acceleration, East (m/s^2) |
AD |
m/s/s |
simulation’s acceleration, Down (m/s^2) |
Slope Landing data
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
stage |
progress through landing sequence |
f1 |
Landing flags |
f2 |
Slope-specific landing flags |
slope |
Slope to landing point |
slopeInit |
Initial slope to landing point |
altO |
Rangefinder correction |
fh |
Height for flare timing. |
Landing gear information
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
LandingGear |
enum |
Current landing gear state Values:
WeightOnWheels |
enum |
Weight on wheels state Values:
Information received from compasses
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
magnetometer sensor instance number |
MagX |
mGauss |
magnetic field strength in body frame |
MagY |
mGauss |
magnetic field strength in body frame |
MagZ |
mGauss |
magnetic field strength in body frame |
OfsX |
mGauss |
magnetic field offset in body frame |
OfsY |
mGauss |
magnetic field offset in body frame |
OfsZ |
mGauss |
magnetic field offset in body frame |
mGauss |
motor interference magnetic field offset in body frame |
mGauss |
motor interference magnetic field offset in body frame |
mGauss |
motor interference magnetic field offset in body frame |
Health |
true if the compass is considered healthy |
S |
μs |
time measurement was taken |
Magnetometer high resolution data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Node |
instance |
CAN node |
Sensor |
sensor ID on node |
Bus |
CAN bus |
Mx |
X axis field |
My |
y axis field |
Mz |
z axis field |
GCS MAVLink link statistics
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
chan |
instance |
mavlink channel number |
txp |
transmitted packet count |
rxp |
received packet count |
rxdp |
perceived number of packets we never received |
flags |
bitmask |
compact representation of some state of the channel Bitmask values:
ss |
ms |
stream slowdown is the number of ms being added to each message to fit within bandwidth |
tf |
times buffer was full when a message was going to be sent |
MAVLink command we have just executed
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
TS |
target system for command |
TC |
target component for command |
SS |
source system for command |
SC |
source component for command |
Fr |
command frame |
Cmd |
mavlink command enum value |
P1 |
first parameter from mavlink packet |
P2 |
second parameter from mavlink packet |
P3 |
third parameter from mavlink packet |
P4 |
fourth parameter from mavlink packet |
X |
X coordinate from mavlink packet |
Y |
Y coordinate from mavlink packet |
Z |
Z coordinate from mavlink packet |
Res |
command result being returned from autopilot |
WL |
true if this command arrived via a COMMAND_LONG rather than COMMAND_INT |
MCU voltage and temprature monitering
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
MTemp |
degC |
Temperature |
MVolt |
V |
Voltage |
MVmin |
V |
Voltage min |
MVmax |
V |
Voltage max |
Executed mission command information; emitted when we start to run an item
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
CTot |
Total number of mission commands |
CNum |
This command’s offset in mission |
CId |
Command type |
Prm1 |
Parameter 1 |
Prm2 |
Parameter 2 |
Prm3 |
Parameter 3 |
Prm4 |
Parameter 4 |
Lat |
deglatitude |
Command latitude |
Lng |
deglongitude |
Command longitude |
Alt |
m |
Command altitude |
Frame |
Frame used for position |
MMC3416 compass data
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
Nx |
new measurement X axis |
Ny |
new measurement Y axis |
Nz |
new measurement Z axis |
Ox |
new offset X axis |
Oy |
new offset Y axis |
Oz |
new offset Z axis |
Mount’s desired and actual roll, pitch and yaw angles
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
Instance number |
DRoll |
deg |
Desired roll |
Roll |
deg |
Actual roll |
DPitch |
deg |
Desired pitch |
Pitch |
deg |
Actual pitch |
DYawB |
deg |
Desired yaw in body frame |
YawB |
deg |
Actual yaw in body frame |
DYawE |
deg |
Desired yaw in earth frame |
YawE |
deg |
Actual yaw in earth frame |
Dist |
m |
Rangefinder distance |
vehicle control mode information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Mode |
vehicle-specific mode number |
ModeNum |
alias for Mode |
Rsn |
enum |
reason for entering this mode; enumeration value Values:
Main loop performance monitoring message.
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Dly |
Loop delay so far |
Tsk |
Current task |
IErr |
Internal error mask |
IErrCnt |
Count of internal error occurances |
IErrLn |
Internal Error line |
MM |
MAVLink message currently being processed |
MC |
MAVLink command currently being processed |
SmLn |
If semaphore taken, line of semaphore take call |
SPICnt |
count of SPI transactions |
I2CCnt |
count of i2c transactions |
Motor mixer information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
LiftMax |
Maximum motor compensation gain |
BatVolt |
Ratio between detected battery voltage and maximum battery voltage |
ThLimit |
Throttle limit set due to battery current limitations |
ThrAvMx |
Maximum average throttle that can be used to maintain attitude control, derived from throttle mix params |
ThrOut |
Throttle output |
FailFlags |
bit 0 motor failed, bit 1 motors balanced, should be 2 in normal flight |
Textual messages
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Message |
char[64] |
message text |
Message mapping from single character to numeric multiplier
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Id |
character referenced by FMTU |
Mult |
numeric multiplier |
EKF2 beacon sensor diagnostics
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF2 core this data is for |
ID |
Beacon sensor ID |
rng |
m |
Beacon range |
innov |
Beacon range innovation |
sqrt of beacon range innovation variance |
TR |
Beacon range innovation consistency test ratio |
m |
Beacon north position |
m |
Beacon east position |
m |
Beacon down position |
m |
High estimate of vertical position offset of beacons rel to EKF origin |
m |
Low estimate of vertical position offset of beacons rel to EKF origin |
m |
always zero |
m |
always zero |
m |
always zero |
EKF2 estimator outputs
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF2 core this data is for |
Roll |
deg |
Estimated roll |
Pitch |
deg |
Estimated pitch |
Yaw |
degheading |
Estimated yaw |
VN |
m/s |
Estimated velocity (North component) |
VE |
m/s |
Estimated velocity (East component) |
VD |
m/s |
Estimated velocity (Down component) |
dPD |
m/s |
Filtered derivative of vertical position (down) |
PN |
m |
Estimated distance from origin (North component) |
PE |
m |
Estimated distance from origin (East component) |
PD |
m |
Estimated distance from origin (Down component) |
GX |
deg/s |
Estimated gyro bias, X axis |
GY |
deg/s |
Estimated gyro bias, Y axis |
GZ |
deg/s |
Estimated gyro bias, Z axis |
OH |
m |
Height of origin above WGS-84 |
EKF2 estimator secondary outputs
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF2 core this data is for |
AZbias |
Estimated accelerometer Z bias |
Gyro Scale Factor (X-axis) |
Gyro Scale Factor (Y-axis) |
Gyro Scale Factor (Z-axis) |
m/s |
Estimated wind velocity (moving-to-North component) |
m/s |
Estimated wind velocity (moving-to-East component) |
MN |
mGauss |
Magnetic field strength (North component) |
ME |
mGauss |
Magnetic field strength (East component) |
MD |
mGauss |
Magnetic field strength (Down component) |
MX |
mGauss |
Magnetic field strength (body X-axis) |
MY |
mGauss |
Magnetic field strength (body Y-axis) |
MZ |
mGauss |
Magnetic field strength (body Z-axis) |
MI |
Magnetometer used for data |
EKF2 innovations
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF2 core this data is for |
m/s |
Innovation in velocity (North component) |
m/s |
Innovation in velocity (East component) |
m/s |
Innovation in velocity (Down component) |
m |
Innovation in position (North component) |
m |
Innovation in position (East component) |
m |
Innovation in position (Down component) |
mGauss |
Innovation in magnetic field strength (X-axis component) |
mGauss |
Innovation in magnetic field strength (Y-axis component) |
mGauss |
Innovation in magnetic field strength (Z-axis component) |
deg |
Innovation in vehicle yaw |
Innovation in true-airspeed |
RErr |
Accumulated relative error of this core with respect to active primary core |
ErSc |
A consolidated error score where higher numbers are less healthy |
EKF2 variances SV, SP, SH and SM are probably best described as ‘Squared Innovation Test Ratios’ where values <1 tells us the measurement was accepted and >1 tells us it was rejected. They represent the square of the (innovation / maximum allowed innovation) where the innovation is the difference between predicted and measured value and the maximum allowed innovation is determined from the uncertainty of the measurement, uncertainty of the prediction and scaled using the number of standard deviations set by the innovation gate parameter for that measurement, eg EK2_MAG_I_GATE, EK2_HGT_I_GATE, etc
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF2 core this data is for |
SV |
Square root of the velocity variance |
SP |
Square root of the position variance |
SH |
Square root of the height variance |
SM |
Magnetic field variance |
tilt error convergence metric |
errRP |
Filtered error in roll/pitch estimate |
m |
Most recent position reset (North component) |
m |
Most recent position reset (East component) |
FS |
Filter fault status |
TS |
Filter timeout status bitmask (0:position measurement, 1:velocity measurement, 2:height measurement, 3:magnetometer measurement, 4:airspeed measurement) |
SS |
Filter solution status |
Filter GPS status |
PI |
Primary core index |
EKF2 Sensor innovations (primary core) and general dumping ground
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF2 core this data is for |
NI |
Normalised flow variance |
Optical flow LOS rate vector innovations from the main nav filter (X-axis) |
Optical flow LOS rate vector innovations from the main nav filter (Y-axis) |
Optical flow LOS rate innovation from terrain offset estimator |
m |
Height above ground level |
offset |
Estimated vertical position of the terrain relative to the nav filter zero datum |
RI |
Range finder innovations |
rng |
Measured range |
Herr |
m |
Filter ground offset state error |
eAng |
rad |
Magnitude of angular error |
eVel |
m/s |
Magnitude of velocity error |
ePos |
m |
Magnitude of position error |
EKF2 quaternion defining the rotation from NED to XYZ (autopilot) axes
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF2 core this data is for |
Q1 |
Quaternion a term |
Q2 |
Quaternion b term |
Q3 |
Quaternion c term |
Q4 |
Quaternion d term |
EKF2 timing information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF core this message instance applies to |
Cnt |
s |
count of samples used to create this message |
IMUMin |
s |
smallest IMU sample interval |
IMUMax |
s |
largest IMU sample interval |
EKFMin |
s |
low-passed achieved average time step rate for the EKF (minimum) |
EKFMax |
s |
low-passed achieved average time step rate for the EKF (maximum) |
AngMin |
s |
accumulated measurement time interval for the delta angle (minimum) |
AngMax |
s |
accumulated measurement time interval for the delta angle (maximum) |
VMin |
s |
accumulated measurement time interval for the delta velocity (minimum) |
VMax |
s |
accumulated measurement time interval for the delta velocity (maximum) |
EKF Yaw Estimator States
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF core this data is for |
YC |
degheading |
GSF yaw estimate (deg) |
deg |
GSF yaw estimate 1-Sigma uncertainty (deg) |
Y0 |
degheading |
Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 0 (deg) |
Y1 |
degheading |
Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 1 (deg) |
Y2 |
degheading |
Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 2 (deg) |
Y3 |
degheading |
Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 3 (deg) |
Y4 |
degheading |
Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 4 (deg) |
W0 |
Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 0 |
W1 |
Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 1 |
W2 |
Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 2 |
W3 |
Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 3 |
W4 |
Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 4 |
EKF Yaw Estimator Innovations
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF core this data is for |
IVN0 |
m/s |
North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 0 (m/s) |
IVN1 |
m/s |
North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 1 (m/s) |
IVN2 |
m/s |
North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 2 (m/s) |
IVN3 |
m/s |
North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 3 (m/s) |
IVN4 |
m/s |
North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 4 (m/s) |
IVE0 |
m/s |
East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 0 (m/s) |
IVE1 |
m/s |
East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 1 (m/s) |
IVE2 |
m/s |
East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 2 (m/s) |
IVE3 |
m/s |
East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 3 (m/s) |
IVE4 |
m/s |
East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 4 (m/s) |
Named Value Float messages; messages sent to GCS via NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Name |
instance |
Name of float |
Value |
Value of float |
Object avoidance (Bendy Ruler) diagnostics
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Type |
Type of BendyRuler currently active |
Act |
True if Bendy Ruler avoidance is being used |
DYaw |
deg |
Best yaw chosen to avoid obstacle |
Yaw |
deg |
Current vehicle yaw |
DP |
deg |
Desired pitch chosen to avoid obstacle |
RChg |
True if BendyRuler resisted changing bearing and continued in last calculated bearing |
Mar |
m |
Margin from path to obstacle on best yaw chosen |
DLt |
deglatitude |
Destination latitude |
DLg |
deglongitude |
Destination longitude |
DAlt |
cm |
Desired alt above EKF Origin |
OLt |
deglatitude |
Intermediate location chosen for avoidance |
OLg |
deglongitude |
Intermediate location chosen for avoidance |
OAlt |
cm |
Intermediate alt chosen for avoidance above EKF origin |
Object avoidance (Dijkstra) diagnostics
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
State |
Dijkstra avoidance library state |
Err |
Dijkstra library error condition |
CurrPoint |
Destination point in calculated path to destination |
TotPoints |
Number of points in path to destination |
DLat |
deglatitude |
Destination latitude |
DLng |
deglongitude |
Destination longitude |
OALat |
deglatitude |
Object Avoidance chosen destination point latitude |
OALng |
deglongitude |
Object Avoidance chosen destination point longitude |
Object avoidance path planning visgraph points
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
version |
Visgraph version, increments each time the visgraph is re-generated |
point_num |
point number in visgraph |
Lat |
deglatitude |
Latitude |
Lon |
deglongitude |
longitude |
Optical flow sensor data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Qual |
Estimated sensor data quality |
flowX |
rad/s |
Sensor flow rate, X-axis |
flowY |
rad/s |
Sensor flow rate,Y-axis |
bodyX |
rad/s |
derived rotational velocity, X-axis |
bodyY |
rad/s |
derived rotational velocity, Y-axis |
Optical Flow Calibration sample
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Axis |
instance |
Axis (X=0 Y=1) |
Num |
Sample number |
FRate |
rad/s |
Flow rate |
BRate |
rad/s |
Body rate |
LPred |
rad/s |
Los pred |
Vehicle navigation origin or other notable position
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Type |
instance |
Position type Values:
Lat |
deglatitude |
Position latitude |
Lng |
deglongitude |
Position longitude |
Alt |
m |
Position altitude |
parameter value
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Name |
char[16] |
parameter name |
Value |
parameter value |
Default |
default parameter value for this board and config |
Proportional/Integral/Derivative gain values for vertical acceleration
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Tar |
desired value |
Act |
achieved value |
Err |
error between target and achieved |
P |
proportional part of PID |
I |
integral part of PID |
D |
derivative part of PID |
FF |
controller feed-forward portion of response |
controller derivative feed-forward portion of response |
Dmod |
scaler applied to D gain to reduce limit cycling |
SRate |
slew rate used in slew limiter |
Flags |
bitmask |
bitmask of PID state flags Bitmask values:
Proportional/Integral/Derivative gain values for East/West velocity
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Tar |
desired value |
Act |
achieved value |
Err |
error between target and achieved |
P |
proportional part of PID |
I |
integral part of PID |
D |
derivative part of PID |
FF |
controller feed-forward portion of response |
controller derivative feed-forward portion of response |
Dmod |
scaler applied to D gain to reduce limit cycling |
SRate |
slew rate used in slew limiter |
Flags |
bitmask |
bitmask of PID state flags Bitmask values:
Proportional/Integral/Derivative gain values for North/South velocity
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Tar |
desired value |
Act |
achieved value |
Err |
error between target and achieved |
P |
proportional part of PID |
I |
integral part of PID |
D |
derivative part of PID |
FF |
controller feed-forward portion of response |
controller derivative feed-forward portion of response |
Dmod |
scaler applied to D gain to reduce limit cycling |
SRate |
slew rate used in slew limiter |
Flags |
bitmask |
bitmask of PID state flags Bitmask values:
Proportional/Integral/Derivative gain values for Pitch rate
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Tar |
desired value |
Act |
achieved value |
Err |
error between target and achieved |
P |
proportional part of PID |
I |
integral part of PID |
D |
derivative part of PID |
FF |
controller feed-forward portion of response |
controller derivative feed-forward portion of response |
Dmod |
scaler applied to D gain to reduce limit cycling |
SRate |
slew rate used in slew limiter |
Flags |
bitmask |
bitmask of PID state flags Bitmask values:
Proportional/Integral/Derivative gain values for Roll rate
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Tar |
desired value |
Act |
achieved value |
Err |
error between target and achieved |
P |
proportional part of PID |
I |
integral part of PID |
D |
derivative part of PID |
FF |
controller feed-forward portion of response |
controller derivative feed-forward portion of response |
Dmod |
scaler applied to D gain to reduce limit cycling |
SRate |
slew rate used in slew limiter |
Flags |
bitmask |
bitmask of PID state flags Bitmask values:
Proportional/Integral/Derivative gain values for ground steering yaw rate
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Tar |
desired value |
Act |
achieved value |
Err |
error between target and achieved |
P |
proportional part of PID |
I |
integral part of PID |
D |
derivative part of PID |
FF |
controller feed-forward portion of response |
controller derivative feed-forward portion of response |
Dmod |
scaler applied to D gain to reduce limit cycling |
SRate |
slew rate used in slew limiter |
Flags |
bitmask |
bitmask of PID state flags Bitmask values:
Proportional/Integral/Derivative gain values for Yaw rate
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Tar |
desired value |
Act |
achieved value |
Err |
error between target and achieved |
P |
proportional part of PID |
I |
integral part of PID |
D |
derivative part of PID |
FF |
controller feed-forward portion of response |
controller derivative feed-forward portion of response |
Dmod |
scaler applied to D gain to reduce limit cycling |
SRate |
slew rate used in slew limiter |
Flags |
bitmask |
bitmask of PID state flags Bitmask values:
Precision Landing messages
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Heal |
True if Precision Landing is healthy |
TAcq |
True if landing target is detected |
pX |
cm |
Target position relative to vehicle, X-Axis (0 if target not found) |
pY |
cm |
Target position relative to vehicle, Y-Axis (0 if target not found) |
vX |
cm/s |
Target velocity relative to vehicle, X-Axis (0 if target not found) |
vY |
cm/s |
Target velocity relative to vehicle, Y-Axis (0 if target not found) |
mX |
cm |
Target’s relative to origin position as 3-D Vector, X-Axis |
mY |
cm |
Target’s relative to origin position as 3-D Vector, Y-Axis |
mZ |
cm |
Target’s relative to origin position as 3-D Vector, Z-Axis |
LastMeasMS |
ms |
Time when target was last detected |
EKFOutl |
EKF’s outlier count |
Est |
Type of estimator used |
autopilot system performance and general data dumping ground
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
LR |
Hz |
Main loop rate |
NLon |
Number of long loops detected |
NL |
Number of measurement loops for this message |
MaxT |
Maximum loop time |
Mem |
B |
Free memory available |
Load |
d% |
System processor load |
InE |
bitmask |
Internal error mask; which internal errors have been detected Bitmask values:
ErrL |
Internal error line number; last line number on which a internal error was detected |
ErC |
Internal error count; how many internal errors have been detected |
Number of SPI transactions processed |
I2CC |
Number of i2c transactions processed |
I2CI |
Number of i2c interrupts serviced |
Ex |
μs |
number of microseconds being added to each loop to address scheduler overruns |
R |
μs |
RTC time, time since Unix epoch |
Canonical vehicle position
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Lat |
deglatitude |
Canonical vehicle latitude |
Lng |
deglongitude |
Canonical vehicle longitude |
Alt |
m |
Canonical vehicle altitude |
RelHomeAlt |
m |
Canonical vehicle altitude relative to home |
RelOriginAlt |
m |
Canonical vehicle altitude relative to navigation origin |
System power information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Vcc |
V |
Flight board voltage |
VServo |
V |
Servo rail voltage |
Flags |
bitmask |
System power flags Bitmask values:
AccFlags |
bitmask |
Accumulated System power flags; all flags which have ever been set Bitmask values:
Safety |
Hardware Safety Switch status |
Plane Parameter Tuning data
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
Set |
Parameter set being tuned |
Parm |
Parameter being tuned |
Value |
Current parameter value |
CenterValue |
Center value (startpoint of current modifications) of parameter being tuned |
Proximity Filtered sensor data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Layer |
instance |
Pitch(instance) at which the obstacle is at. 0th layer {-75,-45} degrees. 1st layer {-45,-15} degrees. 2nd layer {-15, 15} degrees. 3rd layer {15, 45} degrees. 4th layer {45,75} degrees. Minimum distance in each layer will be logged. |
He |
True if proximity sensor is healthy |
D0 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 0-degrees |
D45 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 45-degrees |
D90 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 90-degrees |
D135 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 135-degrees |
D180 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 180-degrees |
D225 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 225-degrees |
D270 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 270-degrees |
D315 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 315-degrees |
DUp |
m |
Nearest object in upwards direction |
CAn |
degheading |
Angle to closest object |
CDis |
m |
Distance to closest object |
Proximity Raw sensor data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Layer |
instance |
Pitch(instance) at which the obstacle is at. 0th layer {-75,-45} degrees. 1st layer {-45,-15} degrees. 2nd layer {-15, 15} degrees. 3rd layer {15, 45} degrees. 4th layer {45,75} degrees. Minimum distance in each layer will be logged. |
D0 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 0-degrees |
D45 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 45-degrees |
D90 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 90-degrees |
D135 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 135-degrees |
D180 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 180-degrees |
D225 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 225-degrees |
D270 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 270-degrees |
D315 |
m |
Nearest object in sector surrounding 315-degrees |
Position Control Down
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
m |
Desired position relative to EKF origin + Offsets |
m |
Target position relative to EKF origin |
PD |
m |
Position relative to EKF origin |
m/s |
Desired velocity Down |
m/s |
Target velocity Down |
VD |
m/s |
Velocity Down |
m/s/s |
Desired acceleration Down |
m/s/s |
Target acceleration Down |
AD |
m/s/s |
Acceleration Down |
Position Control East
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
m |
Desired position relative to EKF origin + Offsets |
m |
Target position relative to EKF origin |
PE |
m |
Position relative to EKF origin |
m/s |
Desired velocity East |
m/s |
Target velocity East |
VE |
m/s |
Velocity East |
m/s/s |
Desired acceleration East |
m/s/s |
Target acceleration East |
AE |
m/s/s |
Acceleration East |
Position Control North
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
m |
Desired position relative to EKF origin |
m |
Target position relative to EKF origin |
PN |
m |
Position relative to EKF origin |
m/s |
Desired velocity North |
m/s |
Target velocity North |
VN |
m/s |
Velocity North |
m/s/s |
Desired acceleration North |
m/s/s |
Target acceleration North |
AN |
m/s/s |
Acceleration North |
Position Control Offsets Down
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
m |
Target position offset Down |
m |
Position offset Down |
m/s |
Target velocity offset Down |
m/s |
Velocity offset Down |
m/s/s |
Target acceleration offset Down |
m/s/s |
Acceleration offset Down |
Position Control Offsets East
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
m |
Target position offset East |
m |
Position offset East |
m/s |
Target velocity offset East |
m/s |
Velocity offset East |
m/s/s |
Target acceleration offset East |
m/s/s |
Acceleration offset East |
Position Control Offsets North
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
m |
Target position offset North |
m |
Position offset North |
m/s |
Target velocity offset North |
m/s |
Velocity offset North |
m/s/s |
Target acceleration offset North |
m/s/s |
Acceleration offset North |
Position Control Offsets Terrain (Down)
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
m |
Target position offset Terrain |
m |
Position offset Terrain |
m/s |
Target velocity offset Terrain |
m/s |
Velocity offset Terrain |
m/s/s |
Target acceleration offset Terrain |
m/s/s |
Acceleration offset Terrain |
TimeUS |
s |
Time since system startup |
ParamNo |
instance |
number of parameter being tuned |
SRate |
slew rate |
Gain |
test gain for current axis and PID element |
Param |
char[16] |
name of parameter being being tuned |
Telemetry radio statistics
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
RSSI reported from remote radio |
TxBuf |
number of bytes in radio ready to be sent |
Noise |
local noise floor |
RemNoise |
local noise floor reported from remote radio |
RxErrors |
damaged packet count |
Fixed |
fixed damaged packet count |
Rally point information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Tot |
total number of rally points onboard |
Seq |
this rally point’s sequence number |
Lat |
deglatitude |
latitude of rally point |
Lng |
deglongitude |
longitude of rally point |
Alt |
cm |
altitude of rally point |
Flags |
altitude frame flags |
Replay Airspeed Sensor Header
Replay Airspeed Sensor Instance data
Desired and achieved vehicle attitude rates. Not logged in Fixed Wing Plane modes.
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
RDes |
deg/s |
vehicle desired roll rate |
R |
deg/s |
achieved vehicle roll rate |
ROut |
normalized output for Roll |
PDes |
deg/s |
vehicle desired pitch rate |
P |
deg/s |
vehicle pitch rate |
POut |
normalized output for Pitch |
Y |
deg/s |
achieved vehicle yaw rate |
YOut |
deg/s |
normalized output for Yaw |
YDes |
vehicle desired yaw rate |
ADes |
cm/s/s |
desired vehicle vertical acceleration |
A |
cm/s/s |
achieved vehicle vertical acceleration |
AOut |
percentage of vertical thrust output current being used |
AOutSlew |
vertical thrust output slew rate |
Replay Data Beacon Header
Replay Data Beacon Instance
Replay body odometry data
Replay Data Barometer Header
Replay Data Barometer Instance
Raw RC data
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
TS |
data arrival timestamp |
Prot |
Protocol currently being decoded |
Len |
Number of valid bytes in message |
U0 |
first quartet of bytes |
U1 |
second quartet of bytes |
U2 |
third quartet of bytes |
U3 |
fourth quartet of bytes |
U4 |
fifth quartet of bytes |
U5 |
sixth quartet of bytes |
U6 |
seventh quartet of bytes |
U7 |
eight quartet of bytes |
U8 |
ninth quartet of bytes |
U9 |
tenth quartet of bytes |
(More) RC input channels to vehicle
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C15 |
us |
channel 15 input |
C16 |
us |
channel 16 input |
OMask |
bitmask of RC channels being overridden by mavlink input |
Flags |
bitmask |
bitmask of RC state flags Bitmask values:
RC input channels to vehicle
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C1 |
us |
channel 1 input |
C2 |
us |
channel 2 input |
C3 |
us |
channel 3 input |
C4 |
us |
channel 4 input |
C5 |
us |
channel 5 input |
C6 |
us |
channel 6 input |
C7 |
us |
channel 7 input |
C8 |
us |
channel 8 input |
C9 |
us |
channel 9 input |
C10 |
us |
channel 10 input |
C11 |
us |
channel 11 input |
C12 |
us |
channel 12 input |
C13 |
us |
channel 13 input |
C14 |
us |
channel 14 input |
Servo channel output values 15 to 18
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C15 |
us |
channel 15 output |
C16 |
us |
channel 16 output |
C17 |
us |
channel 17 output |
C18 |
us |
channel 18 output |
Servo channel output values 19 to 32
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C19 |
us |
channel 19 output |
C20 |
us |
channel 20 output |
C21 |
us |
channel 21 output |
C22 |
us |
channel 22 output |
C23 |
us |
channel 23 output |
C24 |
us |
channel 24 output |
C25 |
us |
channel 25 output |
C26 |
us |
channel 26 output |
C27 |
us |
channel 27 output |
C28 |
us |
channel 28 output |
C29 |
us |
channel 29 output |
C30 |
us |
channel 30 output |
C31 |
us |
channel 31 output |
C32 |
us |
channel 32 output |
Servo channel output values 1 to 14
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C1 |
us |
channel 1 output |
C2 |
us |
channel 2 output |
C3 |
us |
channel 3 output |
C4 |
us |
channel 4 output |
C5 |
us |
channel 5 output |
C6 |
us |
channel 6 output |
C7 |
us |
channel 7 output |
C8 |
us |
channel 8 output |
C9 |
us |
channel 9 output |
C10 |
us |
channel 10 output |
C11 |
us |
channel 11 output |
C12 |
us |
channel 12 output |
C13 |
us |
channel 13 output |
C14 |
us |
channel 14 output |
Replay external position data
Replay Event (EKF2)
Replay Event (EKF3)
Replay external position data
Replay Euler Yaw event
Rangefinder sensor information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Instance |
instance |
rangefinder instance number this data is from |
Dist |
m |
Reported distance from sensor |
Stat |
enum |
Sensor state Values:
Orient |
enum |
Sensor orientation Values:
Quality |
% |
Signal quality. -1 means invalid, 0 is no signal, 100 is perfect signal |
Replay FRame data - Finished frame
Replay FRame Header
Replay FRame - aNother frame header
Replay Data GPS Header
Replay Data GPS Instance, infrequently changing data
Replay Data GPS Instance - rapidly changing data
Replay Inertial Sensor header
Replay Inertial Sensor instance data
Replay Data Magnetometer Header
Replay Data Magnetometer Instance
Replay optical flow data
Data from RPM sensors
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
Instance |
rpm |
Sensor’s rpm measurement |
Qual |
Signal quality |
H |
Sensor Health (Bool) |
Replay Data Rangefinder Header
Replay Data Rangefinder Instance
Replay Set Lat Lng event
Replay Set Origin event (EKF2)
Replay Set Origin event (EKF3)
Received Signal Strength Indicator for RC receiver
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
% |
RX Link Quality |
Information about RTC clock resets
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
old_utc |
μs |
old time |
new_utc |
μs |
new time |
Replay Data Visual Odometry data
Replay set-default-airspeed event (EKF2)
Replay set-default-airspeed event (EKF3)
Replay wheel odometry data
Simple Avoidance messages
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
State |
True if Simple Avoidance is active |
DVelX |
m/s |
Desired velocity, X-Axis (Velocity before Avoidance) |
DVelY |
m/s |
Desired velocity, Y-Axis (Velocity before Avoidance) |
DVelZ |
m/s |
Desired velocity, Z-Axis (Velocity before Avoidance) |
MVelX |
m/s |
Modified velocity, X-Axis (Velocity after Avoidance) |
MVelY |
m/s |
Modified velocity, Y-Axis (Velocity after Avoidance) |
MVelZ |
m/s |
Modified velocity, Z-Axis (Velocity after Avoidance) |
Back |
True if vehicle is backing away |
Swift Health Data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
CrcError |
Number of packet CRC errors on serial connection |
LastInject |
Timestamp of last raw data injection to GPS |
IARhyp |
Current number of integer ambiguity hypotheses |
Scripting runtime stats
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Name |
instance |
script name |
Runtime |
μs |
run time |
Total_mem |
B |
total memory usage of all scripts |
Run_mem |
B |
run memory usage |
Debug message for SCurve internal error
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Sm |
duration of the raised cosine jerk profile |
Jm |
maximum value of the raised cosine jerk profile |
V0 |
initial velocity magnitude |
Am |
maximum constant acceleration |
Vm |
maximum constant velocity |
L |
Length of the path |
Jm_out |
maximum value of the raised cosine jerk profile |
tj_out |
segment duration |
t2_out |
segment duration |
t4_out |
segment duration |
t6_out |
segment duration |
SITL simulator state
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Roll |
deg |
Simulated roll |
Pitch |
deg |
Simulated pitch |
Yaw |
degheading |
Simulated yaw |
Alt |
m |
Simulated altitude |
Lat |
deglatitude |
Simulated latitude |
Lng |
deglongitude |
Simulated longitude |
Q1 |
Attitude quaternion component 1 |
Q2 |
Attitude quaternion component 2 |
Q3 |
Attitude quaternion component 3 |
Q4 |
Attitude quaternion component 4 |
Additional simulator state
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
PN |
North position from home |
PE |
East position from home |
PD |
Down position from home |
VN |
Velocity north |
VE |
Velocity east |
VD |
Velocity down |
As |
Airspeed |
ASpdU |
Achieved simulation speedup value |
Number of times simulation paused for serial0 output |
Simulation data
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
VN |
Velocity - North component |
VE |
Velocity - East component |
VD |
Velocity - Down component |
AN |
Acceleration - North component |
AE |
Acceleration - East component |
AD |
Acceleration - Down component |
PN |
Position - North component |
PE |
Position - East component |
PD |
Position - Down component |
Slung payload
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Land |
1 if payload is landed, 0 otherwise |
Tens |
1e2 % |
Tension ratio, 1 if line is taut, 0 if slack |
Len |
m |
Line length |
PN |
m |
Payload position as offset from vehicle in North direction |
PE |
m |
Payload position as offset from vehicle in East direction |
PD |
m |
Payload position as offset from vehicle in Down direction |
VN |
m/s |
Payload velocity in North direction |
VE |
m/s |
Payload velocity in East direction |
VD |
m/s |
Payload velocity in Down direction |
AN |
m/s/s |
Payload acceleration in North direction |
AE |
m/s/s |
Payload acceleration in East direction |
AD |
m/s/s |
Payload acceleration in Down direction |
Force on vehicle in North direction |
Force on vehicle in East direction |
Force on vehicle in Down direction |
Log data received from JSON simulator 1
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup (us) |
Instance |
instance |
Slave instance |
magic |
magic JSON protocol key |
frame_rate |
Slave instance’s desired frame rate |
frame_count |
Slave instance’s current frame count |
active |
1 if the servo outputs are being used from this instance |
Log data received from JSON simulator 2
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Instance |
instance |
Slave instance |
C1 |
us |
channel 1 output |
C2 |
us |
channel 2 output |
C3 |
us |
channel 3 output |
C4 |
us |
channel 4 output |
C5 |
us |
channel 5 output |
C6 |
us |
channel 6 output |
C7 |
us |
channel 7 output |
C8 |
us |
channel 8 output |
C9 |
us |
channel 9 output |
C10 |
us |
channel 10 output |
C11 |
us |
channel 11 output |
C12 |
us |
channel 12 output |
C13 |
us |
channel 13 output |
C14 |
us |
channel 14 output |
Smoothed sensor data fed to EKF to avoid inconsistencies
TimeUS |
Time since system startup |
AEx |
Angular Velocity (around x-axis) |
AEy |
Angular Velocity (around y-axis) |
AEz |
Angular Velocity (around z-axis) |
DPx |
Velocity (along x-axis) |
DPy |
Velocity (along y-axis) |
DPz |
Velocity (along z-axis) |
R |
Roll |
P |
Pitch |
Y |
Yaw |
R2 |
DCM Roll |
P2 |
DCM Pitch |
Y2 |
DCM Yaw |
SmartRTL statistics
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Active |
true if SmartRTL could be used right now |
NumPts |
number of points currently in use |
MaxPts |
maximum number of points that could be used |
Action |
enum |
most recent internal action taken by SRTL library Values:
N |
m |
point associated with most recent action (North component) |
E |
m |
point associated with most recent action (East component) |
D |
m |
point associated with most recent action (Down component) |
Stack information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Id |
instance |
thread ID |
Pri |
thread priority |
Total |
total stack |
Free |
free stack |
Name |
char[16] |
thread name |
Helicopter swashplate logging
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
Swashplate instance |
Col |
deg |
Blade pitch angle contribution from collective |
TCyc |
deg |
Total blade pitch angle contribution from cyclic |
PCyc |
deg |
Blade pitch angle contribution from pitch cyclic |
RCyc |
deg |
Blade pitch angle contribution from roll cyclic |
Terrain database information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Status |
enum |
Terrain database status Values:
Lat |
deglatitude |
Current vehicle latitude |
Lng |
deglongitude |
Current vehicle longitude |
Spacing |
terrain Tile spacing |
TerrH |
m |
current Terrain height |
CHeight |
m |
Vehicle height above terrain |
Pending |
Number of tile requests outstanding |
Loaded |
Number of tiles in memory |
ROfs |
m |
terrain reference offset for arming altitude |
Tether state
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Len |
Tether length |
Force on vehicle in North direction |
Force on vehicle in East direction |
Force on vehicle in Down direction |
Camera shutter information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
Instance number |
Img |
Image number |
GPSTime |
milliseconds since start of GPS week |
GPSWeek |
weeks since 5 Jan 1980 |
Lat |
deglatitude |
current latitude |
Lng |
deglongitude |
current longitude |
Alt |
m |
current altitude |
RelAlt |
m |
current altitude relative to home |
GPSAlt |
m |
altitude as reported by GPS |
R |
deg |
current vehicle roll |
P |
deg |
current vehicle pitch |
Y |
deg |
current vehicle yaw |
Torqeedo Motor Param
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
instance |
rpm |
Motor RPM |
Pow |
Watt |
Motor power |
Volt |
V |
Motor voltage |
Cur |
A |
Motor current |
ETemp |
degC |
ESC Temp |
MTemp |
degC |
Motor Temp |
Torqeedo Motor Status
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
instance |
State |
Motor status flags |
Err |
Motor error flags |
Torqeedo Status
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
instance |
Health |
Health |
DesMotSpeed |
Desired Motor Speed (-1000 to 1000) |
MotSpeed |
Motor Speed (-1000 to 1000) |
SuccCnt |
Success Count |
ErrCnt |
Error Count |
Torqeedo System Setup
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
instance |
Flag |
Flags |
MotType |
Motor type |
MotVer |
Motor software version |
BattCap |
Ah |
Battery capacity |
BattPct |
% |
Battery charge percentage |
BattType |
Battery type |
SwVer |
Master software version |
Torqeedo System State
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
instance |
F |
Flags bitmask |
Err |
Master error code |
MVolt |
V |
Motor voltage |
MCur |
A |
Motor current |
Pow |
Watt |
Motor power |
rpm |
Motor RPM |
MTemp |
degC |
Motor Temp (higher of pcb or stator) |
BPct |
% |
Battery charge percentage |
BVolt |
V |
Battery voltage |
BCur |
A |
Battery current |
Time synchronisation response information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
SysID |
system ID this data is for |
μs |
round trip time for this system |
UART stats
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
instance |
Tx |
B/s |
transmitted data rate bytes per second |
Rx |
B/s |
received data rate bytes per second, this is all incoming data, it may not all be processed by the driver using this port. |
RxDp |
B/s |
Data rate of dropped received bytes, ideally should be 0. This is the difference between the received data rate and the processed data rate. |
uBlox-specific GPS information (part 1)
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Instance |
instance |
GPS instance number |
noisePerMS |
noise level as measured by GPS |
jamInd |
jamming indicator; higher is more likely jammed |
aPower |
antenna power indicator; 2 is don’t know |
agcCnt |
automatic gain control monitor |
config |
bitmask for messages which haven’t been seen |
uBlox-specific GPS information (part 2)
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Instance |
instance |
GPS instance number |
ofsI |
imbalance of I part of complex signal |
magI |
magnitude of I part of complex signal |
ofsQ |
imbalance of Q part of complex signal |
magQ |
magnitude of Q part of complex signal |
uBlox specific UBX-TIM-TM2 logging, see uBlox interface description
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
I |
instance |
GPS instance number |
ch |
Channel (i.e. EXTINT) upon which the pulse was measured |
flags |
Bitmask |
count |
Rising edge counter |
wnR |
Week number of last rising edge |
MsR |
ms |
Tow of rising edge |
SubMsR |
ns |
Millisecond fraction of tow of rising edge in nanoseconds |
wnF |
Week number of last falling edge |
MsF |
ms |
Tow of falling edge |
SubMsF |
ns |
Millisecond fraction of tow of falling edge in nanoseconds |
accEst |
ns |
Accuracy estimate |
Message mapping from single character to SI unit
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Id |
character referenced by FMTU |
Label |
char[64] |
Unit - SI where available |
Ardupilot version
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
BT |
enum |
Board type Values:
enum |
Board subtype Values:
Maj |
Major version number |
Min |
Minor version number |
Pat |
Patch number |
Firmware type |
GH |
Github commit |
char[64] |
Firmware version string |
Board ID |
BU |
enum |
Build vehicle type Values:
FV |
Filter version |
Processed (acceleration) vibration information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
instance |
Vibration instance number |
VibeX |
m/s/s |
Primary accelerometer filtered vibration, x-axis |
VibeY |
m/s/s |
Primary accelerometer filtered vibration, y-axis |
VibeZ |
m/s/s |
Primary accelerometer filtered vibration, z-axis |
Clip |
Number of clipping events on 1st accelerometer |
Visual Odometry
TimeUS |
μs |
System time |
dt |
μs |
Time period this data covers |
AngDX |
rad |
Angular change for body-frame roll axis |
AngDY |
rad |
Angular change for body-frame pitch axis |
AngDZ |
rad |
Angular change for body-frame z axis |
PosDX |
m |
Position change for body-frame X axis (Forward-Back) |
PosDY |
m |
Position change for body-frame Y axis (Right-Left) |
PosDZ |
m |
Position change for body-frame Z axis (Down-Up) |
conf |
Confidence |
Vision Position
TimeUS |
μs |
System time |
RTimeUS |
μs |
Remote system time |
CTimeMS |
ms |
Corrected system time |
PX |
m |
Position X-axis (North-South) |
PY |
m |
Position Y-axis (East-West) |
PZ |
m |
Position Z-axis (Down-Up) |
R |
deg |
Roll lean angle |
P |
deg |
Pitch lean angle |
Y |
degheading |
Yaw angle |
PErr |
m |
Position estimate error |
AErr |
deg |
Attitude estimate error |
Rst |
Position reset counter |
Ign |
Ignored |
Q |
% |
Quality |
Vision Velocity
TimeUS |
μs |
System time |
RTimeUS |
μs |
Remote system time |
CTimeMS |
ms |
Corrected system time |
VX |
m/s |
Velocity X-axis (North-South) |
VY |
m/s |
Velocity Y-axis (East-West) |
VZ |
m/s |
Velocity Z-axis (Down-Up) |
VErr |
m/s |
Velocity estimate error |
Rst |
Velocity reset counter |
Ign |
Ignored |
Q |
% |
Quality |
VectorNav Attitude data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Q1 |
Attitude quaternion 1 |
Q2 |
Attitude quaternion 2 |
Q3 |
Attitude quaternion 3 |
Q4 |
Attitude quaternion 4 |
Yaw |
deg |
Yaw |
Pitch |
deg |
Pitch |
Roll |
deg |
Roll |
YU |
deg |
Yaw unceratainty |
PU |
deg |
Pitch uncertainty |
RU |
deg |
Roll uncertainty |
VectorNav IMU data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Temp |
deg |
Temprature |
Pres |
Pa |
Pressure |
MX |
Gauss |
Magnetic feild X-axis |
MY |
Gauss |
Magnetic feild Y-axis |
MZ |
Gauss |
Magnetic feild Z-axis |
AX |
m/s/s |
Acceleration X-axis |
AY |
m/s/s |
Acceleration Y-axis |
AZ |
m/s/s |
Acceleration Z-axis |
GX |
rad/s |
Rotation rate X-axis |
GY |
rad/s |
Rotation rate Y-axis |
GZ |
rad/s |
Rotation rate Z-axis |
VectorNav INS Kalman Filter data
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
InsStatus |
VectorNav INS health status |
Lat |
deg |
Latitude |
Lon |
deg |
Longitude |
Alt |
m |
Altitude |
VelN |
m/s |
Velocity Northing |
VelE |
m/s |
Velocity Easting |
VelD |
m/s |
Velocity Downing |
PosU |
deg |
Filter estimated position uncertainty |
VelU |
m/s |
Filter estimated Velocity uncertainty |
Log message for video stabilisation software such as Gyroflow
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
GyrX |
rad/s |
measured rotation rate about X axis |
GyrY |
rad/s |
measured rotation rate about Y axis |
GyrZ |
rad/s |
measured rotation rate about Z axis |
AccX |
m/s/s |
acceleration along X axis |
AccY |
m/s/s |
acceleration along Y axis |
AccZ |
m/s/s |
acceleration along Z axis |
Q1 |
Estimated attitude quaternion component 1 |
Q2 |
Estimated attitude quaternion component 2 |
Q3 |
Estimated attitude quaternion component 3 |
Q4 |
Estimated attitude quaternion component 4 |
Watchdog diagnostics
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Tsk |
current task number |
IE |
internal error mast |
internal error count |
line internal error was raised on |
MvMsg |
mavlink message being acted on |
MvCmd |
mavlink command being acted on |
SmLn |
line semaphore was taken on |
FL |
fault_line |
FT |
fault_type |
FA |
fault address |
FP |
fault thread priority |
ICS regiuster |
LR |
long return address |
TN |
char[4] |
Thread name |
Wheel encoder measurements
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Dist0 |
m |
First wheel distance travelled |
Qual0 |
Quality measurement of Dist0 |
Dist1 |
m |
Second wheel distance travelled |
Qual1 |
Quality measurement of Dist1 |
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
Heal |
Healthy |
ThEnd |
Reached end of thread |
Mov |
Motor is moving |
Clut |
Clutch is engaged (motor can move freely) |
Mode |
0 is Relaxed, 1 is Position Control, 2 is Rate Control |
DLen |
m |
Desired Length |
Len |
m |
Estimated Length |
DRate |
m/s |
Desired Rate |
Tens |
Tension on line |
Vcc |
V |
Voltage to Motor |
Temp |
degC |
Motor temperature |
Windvane readings
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
DrRaw |
deg |
raw apparent wind direction direct from sensor, in body-frame |
DrApp |
deg |
Apparent wind direction, in body-frame |
DrTru |
degheading |
True wind direction |
SpdRaw |
m/s |
raw wind speed direct from sensor |
SpdApp |
m/s |
Apparent wind Speed |
SpdTru |
m/s |
True wind speed |
EKF3 beacon sensor diagnostics
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF3 core this data is for |
ID |
Beacon sensor ID |
rng |
m |
Beacon range |
innov |
Beacon range innovation |
sqrt of beacon range innovation variance |
TR |
Beacon range innovation consistency test ratio |
m |
Beacon north position |
m |
Beacon east position |
m |
Beacon down position |
m |
High estimate of vertical position offset of beacons rel to EKF origin |
m |
Low estimate of vertical position offset of beacons rel to EKF origin |
m |
North position of receiver rel to EKF origin |
m |
East position of receiver rel to EKF origin |
m |
Down position of receiver rel to EKF origin |
EKF3 estimator outputs
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF3 core this data is for |
Roll |
deg |
Estimated roll |
Pitch |
deg |
Estimated pitch |
Yaw |
degheading |
Estimated yaw |
VN |
m/s |
Estimated velocity (North component) |
VE |
m/s |
Estimated velocity (East component) |
VD |
m/s |
Estimated velocity (Down component) |
dPD |
m/s |
Filtered derivative of vertical position (down) |
PN |
m |
Estimated distance from origin (North component) |
PE |
m |
Estimated distance from origin (East component) |
PD |
m |
Estimated distance from origin (Down component) |
GX |
deg/s |
Estimated gyro bias, X axis |
GY |
deg/s |
Estimated gyro bias, Y axis |
GZ |
deg/s |
Estimated gyro bias, Z axis |
OH |
m |
Height of origin above WGS-84 |
EKF3 estimator secondary outputs
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF3 core this data is for |
AX |
Estimated accelerometer X bias |
AY |
Estimated accelerometer Y bias |
AZ |
Estimated accelerometer Z bias |
m/s |
Estimated wind velocity (moving-to-North component) |
m/s |
Estimated wind velocity (moving-to-East component) |
MN |
mGauss |
Magnetic field strength (North component) |
ME |
mGauss |
Magnetic field strength (East component) |
MD |
mGauss |
Magnetic field strength (Down component) |
MX |
mGauss |
Magnetic field strength (body X-axis) |
MY |
mGauss |
Magnetic field strength (body Y-axis) |
MZ |
mGauss |
Magnetic field strength (body Z-axis) |
m/s/s |
Innovation in vehicle drag acceleration (X-axis component) |
m/s/s |
Innovation in vehicle drag acceleration (Y-axis component) |
IS |
rad |
Innovation in vehicle sideslip |
EKF3 innovations
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF3 core this data is for |
m/s |
Innovation in velocity (North component) |
m/s |
Innovation in velocity (East component) |
m/s |
Innovation in velocity (Down component) |
m |
Innovation in position (North component) |
m |
Innovation in position (East component) |
m |
Innovation in position (Down component) |
mGauss |
Innovation in magnetic field strength (X-axis component) |
mGauss |
Innovation in magnetic field strength (Y-axis component) |
mGauss |
Innovation in magnetic field strength (Z-axis component) |
deg |
Innovation in vehicle yaw |
Innovation in true-airspeed |
RErr |
Accumulated relative error of this core with respect to active primary core |
ErSc |
A consolidated error score where higher numbers are less healthy |
EKF3 variances. SV, SP, SH and SM are probably best described as ‘Squared Innovation Test Ratios’ where values <1 tells us the measurement was accepted and >1 tells us it was rejected. They represent the square of the (innovation / maximum allowed innovation) where the innovation is the difference between predicted and measured value and the maximum allowed innovation is determined from the uncertainty of the measurement, uncertainty of the prediction and scaled using the number of standard deviations set by the innovation gate parameter for that measurement, eg EK3_MAG_I_GATE, EK3_HGT_I_GATE, etc
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF3 core this data is for |
SV |
Square root of the velocity variance |
SP |
Square root of the position variance |
SH |
Square root of the height variance |
SM |
Magnetic field variance |
Square root of the total airspeed variance |
errRP |
Filtered error in roll/pitch estimate |
m |
Most recent position reset (North component) |
m |
Most recent position reset (East component) |
FS |
Filter fault status |
TS |
Filter timeout status bitmask (0:position measurement, 1:velocity measurement, 2:height measurement, 3:magnetometer measurement, 4:airspeed measurement, 5:drag measurement) |
SS |
bitmask |
Filter solution status Bitmask values:
Filter GPS status |
PI |
Primary core index |
EKF3 Sensor innovations (primary core) and general dumping ground
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF3 core this data is for |
NI |
Normalised flow variance |
Optical flow LOS rate vector innovations from the main nav filter (X-axis) |
Optical flow LOS rate vector innovations from the main nav filter (Y-axis) |
Optical flow LOS rate innovation from terrain offset estimator |
m |
Height above ground level |
offset |
Estimated vertical position of the terrain relative to the nav filter zero datum |
RI |
Range finder innovations |
rng |
Measured range |
Herr |
m |
Filter ground offset state error |
eAng |
rad |
Magnitude of angular error |
eVel |
m/s |
Magnitude of velocity error |
ePos |
m |
Magnitude of position error |
EKF3 Body Frame Odometry errors
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF3 core this data is for |
IX |
Innovation in velocity (X-axis) |
IY |
Innovation in velocity (Y-axis) |
IZ |
Innovation in velocity (Z-axis) |
Variance in velocity (X-axis) |
Variance in velocity (Y-axis) |
Variance in velocity (Z-axis) |
EKF3 diagnostic data for on-ground-and-not-moving check
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF core this message instance applies to |
True of on ground and not moving |
Gyroscope length ratio |
Accelerometer length ratio |
Gyroscope rate of change ratio |
Accelerometer rate of change ratio |
EKF3 sensor selection
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF3 core this data is for |
MI |
compass selection index |
BI |
barometer selection index |
GI |
GPS selection index |
AI |
airspeed selection index |
SS |
Source Set (primary=0/secondary=1/tertiary=2) |
GPS good to align |
Waiting for GPS checks to pass |
Magnetometer fusion (0=not fusing/1=fuse yaw/2=fuse mag) |
EKF3 quaternion defining the rotation from NED to XYZ (autopilot) axes
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF3 core this data is for |
Q1 |
Quaternion a term |
Q2 |
Quaternion b term |
Q3 |
Quaternion c term |
Q4 |
Quaternion d term |
EKF3 timing information
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF core this message instance applies to |
Cnt |
s |
count of samples used to create this message |
IMUMin |
s |
smallest IMU sample interval |
IMUMax |
s |
largest IMU sample interval |
EKFMin |
s |
low-passed achieved average time step rate for the EKF (minimum) |
EKFMax |
s |
low-passed achieved average time step rate for the EKF (maximum) |
AngMin |
s |
accumulated measurement time interval for the delta angle (minimum) |
AngMax |
s |
accumulated measurement time interval for the delta angle (maximum) |
VMin |
s |
accumulated measurement time interval for the delta velocity (minimum) |
VMax |
s |
accumulated measurement time interval for the delta velocity (maximum) |
EKF3 Yaw Estimator States
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF3 core this data is for |
rad |
Tilt Error Variance from symbolic equations (rad^2) |
rad |
Tilt Error Variance from difference method (rad^2) |
EKF3 State variances (primary core)
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF3 core this data is for |
V00 |
Variance for state 0 (attitude quaternion) |
V01 |
Variance for state 1 (attitude quaternion) |
V02 |
Variance for state 2 (attitude quaternion) |
V03 |
Variance for state 3 (attitude quaternion) |
V04 |
Variance for state 4 (velocity-north) |
V05 |
Variance for state 5 (velocity-east) |
V06 |
Variance for state 6 (velocity-down) |
V07 |
Variance for state 7 (position-north) |
V08 |
Variance for state 8 (position-east) |
V09 |
Variance for state 9 (position-down) |
V10 |
Variance for state 10 (delta-angle-bias-x) |
V11 |
Variance for state 11 (delta-angle-bias-y) |
more EKF3 State Variances (primary core)
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF3 core this data is for |
V12 |
Variance for state 12 (delta-angle-bias-z) |
V13 |
Variance for state 13 (delta-velocity-bias-x) |
V14 |
Variance for state 14 (delta-velocity-bias-y) |
V15 |
Variance for state 15 (delta-velocity-bias-z) |
V16 |
Variance for state 16 (Earth-frame mag-field-bias-x) |
V17 |
Variance for state 17 (Earth-frame mag-field-bias-y) |
V18 |
Variance for state 18 (Earth-frame mag-field-bias-z) |
V19 |
Variance for state 19 (body-frame mag-field-bias-x) |
V20 |
Variance for state 20 (body-frame mag-field-bias-y) |
V21 |
Variance for state 21 (body-frame mag-field-bias-z) |
V22 |
Variance for state 22 (wind-north) |
V23 |
Variance for state 23 (wind-east) |
EKF Yaw Estimator States
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF core this data is for |
YC |
degheading |
GSF yaw estimate (deg) |
deg |
GSF yaw estimate 1-Sigma uncertainty (deg) |
Y0 |
degheading |
Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 0 (deg) |
Y1 |
degheading |
Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 1 (deg) |
Y2 |
degheading |
Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 2 (deg) |
Y3 |
degheading |
Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 3 (deg) |
Y4 |
degheading |
Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 4 (deg) |
W0 |
Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 0 |
W1 |
Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 1 |
W2 |
Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 2 |
W3 |
Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 3 |
W4 |
Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 4 |
EKF Yaw Estimator Innovations
TimeUS |
μs |
Time since system startup |
C |
instance |
EKF core this data is for |
IVN0 |
m/s |
North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 0 (m/s) |
IVN1 |
m/s |
North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 1 (m/s) |
IVN2 |
m/s |
North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 2 (m/s) |
IVN3 |
m/s |
North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 3 (m/s) |
IVN4 |
m/s |
North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 4 (m/s) |
IVE0 |
m/s |
East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 0 (m/s) |
IVE1 |
m/s |
East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 1 (m/s) |
IVE2 |
m/s |
East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 2 (m/s) |
IVE3 |
m/s |
East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 3 (m/s) |
IVE4 |
m/s |
East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 4 (m/s) |